Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.1

Have a great day everyone!
Update from the police. He didn’t show for his interview. Officers went to his address afterwards and it appears he’s done a runner. Likelihood is that when he’s found he’ll be arrested.

On an unrelated legal matter I’m in mediation all day today.

Email from Diabetic Supplies regarding the patches etc and they have been dispatched so I’m going to wait until I have them before putting on the next sensor.

I know most of yesterday was spent in bed thanks to this damn cold/Manflu/Mild Death so didn’t really eat much at all. When I did test it was low 6’s. I’m not bothering to test this morning as it will be a stress high.

I’m about to have a standard breakfast (full fat live Greek yogurt, blueberries, heavy sprinkling of Chia seeds and take myself nice and early through the streets down to St Paul’s.

Meditation is just around the corner from that magnificent cathedral. I may pop in and sit in a contemplative fashion for a while beforehand. I may find a coffee shop and sup some fine decaffeinated arabica juice instead but BG will be what it is today and as long as I’m mindful of what’s in my mouth I’ve got other things to concentrate on today.
Good morning , a slightly more respectable level than yesterday with 6.1 today
my wife tells me we’re painting dining room this afternoon, some more clearing & tidying of garden at the weekend, I will be mostly supervising

Have a great day everybody 😎
5.1 for me today (so close!) and a unicorn. New sensor which doesn’t seem to be a random number generator either, so fingers crossed it stays that way!

Off round a friends for dinner and drinks this evening, so may be kissing goodbye to the unicorn :rofl: , will just enjoy myself and try my best.

Happy Friday all!
Morning all on this glorious day.

6.3 this morning, not bad after the meze dinner (cheese pies, village sausage, aubergine dip and pita, stuffed vine leaves, garlic mushrooms etc etc and a coffee and Metaxa nightcap.)

The internet is very flaky here, can only get it indoors so may not be posting much.
Morning all. 5.7 on my meter. Libre had me hypo almost all night. Started about 9pm last night it had me in the low fours, used the meter 6.7! Continued to play silly beggars until bedtime when the alarm told me I was 3.8 going down. I wasn’t. The alarm has gone off through the night a couple of times and I’ve ignored it. Told me I was 4.9 this morning so catching up. I hate it when it does that. @pawprint91 love your description of it as “ a random number generator”. I’m annoyed as I was on my way to a unicorn before bed at 99%, now it’s 91% because of the fake hypos! 😡 It had better sort itself out.

No Zara today she’s at her other grandparents, they asked us to do a swap with them in a couple of weeks as one of them has a hospital appointment and they suggested today so we could have a full week off. Treat! So instead of childcare I’m now doing the triple big shop, AldI,Tesco, butchers cum fishmongers cum greengrocers. Come back Zara all is forgiven! 😉

@Pattidevans I’m jealous of all that lovely Greek food. Enjoy.

Have a fab Friday folks. The sun is still shining up here. 😎
Morning all. 🙂 3.9 here...weird!

I’ve got a nerve-racking auditiony-type thing later today too @Gwynn - good luck with yours!

What on earth is a “village sausage” @Pattidevans?! My imagination’s running wild. 😉 Anything to do with the Village People?
Maybe @Pattidevans is staying at the YMCA! 😛
Been a while but thought I'd sign in and say I'm fine and doing OK. Had bloods done for DN review last month and HbaA1c was 40, up a little from previous one but I had been less strict with my diet in recent months. Lesson learnt and back on it now. Bloods didn't show any other issues. Likewise recent eye screening.

5.4 this morning.
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Morning all, 5.9 here. Someone's switched the sun off. We have been in Bideford , Devon for a few days, and have had wall to wall sunshine. Never mind, last day today, home with a mountain of washing later.
We did a lovely walk along the cliff tops north of Bude the other day, thanks to @eggyg 's recommendation last time we were here, (we didn’t have time on that occasion) with a conveniently placed tearoom (when did I get so old that I require a long walk to have a pit stop in the middle) but yesterday we got all Gung Ho and did the more brutal cliffs along towards Hartland Point. I ache in most places this morning.
Good to see you again, @Martin.A .
@Martin.A it's good to hear from you Martin and to know that you're doing well. 🙂
A 5.8 for me this am.

Good moaning! Was woken at 4:00am by paramedics tending someone in the building. I am a light sleeper although I never hear but own phone but I do those elsewhere. Anyway my BG was 8.9
As I could not settle I got up for a cuppa and a Wordle. An hour later it was 11.2 and two hours later 13.9 (no biccys or anything else) so I shot up 7u. Now an hour 30 after my normal insulin and 30 minutes after breakfast it is 9 and descending. I can only put it down to a liver dump after being startled awake!
A glorious morning here and a happy 5.8 on the tester.

Off to the Norfolk coast for the weekend, if this weather continues we won't be disappointed.

Have a great weekend all and take care.
It was a 4.5 for me but 3 dips into the red during the night despite a basal reduction.....Just as well I restocked my bedside JB stash before I crawled into bed. I was torn between reducing it by 1 or 1.5units and clearly I made the wrong decision. 🙄 TIR is showing a whopping 8% below for the last 7 days and unlike @eggyg, most of that is genuine in my case, so I really need to pull my socks up!

Lovely to hear from you @Martin.A and great news that you are continuing to maintain remission. Well done! Don't be too strict with yourself. 40 is a great result even if it is up a bit from last time.
Morning all, 5.9 here. Someone's switched the sun off. We have been in Bideford , Devon for a few days, and have had wall to wall sunshine. Never mind, last day today, home with a mountain of washing later.
We did a lovely walk along the cliff tops north of Bude the other day, thanks to @eggyg 's recommendation last time we were here, (we didn’t have time on that occasion) with a conveniently placed tearoom (when did I get so old that I require a long walk to have a pit stop in the middle) but yesterday we got all Gung Ho and did the more brutal cliffs along towards Hartland Point. I ache in most places this morning.
Good to see you again, @Martin.A .
Oh Robin. Hartland Point is a tough one, we did it in the autumn and we were sweating! Glad you enjoyed the walk to Bude, did you have a dip in the lido?
Been a while but thought I'd sign in and and say I'm fine and doing OK. Had bloods done for DN review last month and HbaA1c was 40, up a little from previous one but I had been less strict with my diet in recent months. Lesson learnt and back on it now. Bloods didn't show any other issues. Likewise recent eye screening.

5.4 this morning.
Nice you see you back.
Oh Robin. Hartland Point is a tough one, we did it in the autumn and we were sweating! Glad you enjoyed the walk to Bude, did you have a dip in the lido?
No, we didn’t quite make it all the way to Bude, we turned round at Northcott Mouth, because we’d parked at Duckpool, and went for a second walk Northwards after we'd got back to the car and eaten our picnic. There was a lovely beach cafe at Sandymouth, just at the right time for a morning coffee, though.