Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

I spent yesterday afternoon at a friend’s house - she’d baked a cake! On the way there I’d stopped the car to check out a couple of red kites. Then we sat looking out onto her garden where she’s got loads of feeders...bluetits, chaffinches, goldfinches, a woodpecker, a pheasant, and a moorhen from next door’s pond. Bloomin’ ‘eck. I left before the wilderbeast arrived for their evening drink...😉

You did the right thing @ColinUK - being assertive rocks!
Good morning - 5.7
Good morning
Today 7.7 think I missed a few days posting, Yesterday 6.2 and Monday was 6.something

I know I’m doing to much physically and not resting my ankle quite as much as I should be,
I’m prepared for possibility of a telling off next week when I go back for my 2 week check over following the surgery I had last Monday, so I’m trying to do less for the next few days.

a day in front of the TV for me today although I need to call as when delivered the fridge freezer yesterday as we noticed yesterday evening they scratched it (carrying it into our kitchen - it was tight getting in through the doorway) we didn’t notice the scratch until yesterday evening.

haven’t read through posts, hope your all ok
Have A Great Day Everybody 😎
Good morning all.

Windy and wet here so no gardening for me today, anyway it was a 5.5 for me at 8.10, a late wake up makes a pleasant change.
Morning. 7.2 yesterday, forgot to input, can't be bothered to measure today. Waiting for news of my sister. The Consultant said it's very serious, he seemed to be trying to warn her hubby, said something about the Type 2 and acid in blood? If it turns out bad it will be the end of our world. I've still not got over Mum. :( She 'only' had the flu. :(
11.0 but been munching soothers and been up for 10 mins before testing. Sensor ended at 6am and wasn't awake enough to sort out a new one.
I came home with extra prezzies of my niece's colds, I'm so glad they shared 🙄
Not slept much due to coughing so much I made myself sick several times. Turns out the solution is a folded double duvet and 4 pillows to get a measly few hours sleep.

So this morning is sort out a new sensor, unpack, do washing, nap more and sort out a tesco shop (online) and sort some bills that I have ignored all week :D.

Was such a beautiful calm crossing home yesterday, sat out on deck most of the 3 3/4 hours it took and ended up catching the sun a bit too much (oops). Good to be back but had a lovely week away!
09.40 BS 11.4 half oatcake & 24 NR in. About the same yesterday with BS 11.5 half oatcake at 13.20 & only 20 NR before leaving house at 14:15 with no breakfast as I just couldn’t settle my stomach: usual nervous butterflies! Doctor was an hour late & hunger started to strike so, had another half oatcake while waiting then, sandwich from hospital shop after around 16.45.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m starting very high this morning but, I’m starting somewhere: testing when I wake; doing something about DP as it’ll be a couple of hours yet before I eat. I’ve been waking in the 9’s, when I’ve tested & with DP, as I didn’t do anything about that, been in the 11’s by the time breakfast goes in!

My meds & tresiba were almost moving constantly as my sleeping pattern was all over the place with me sleeping through alarms or not responding fast enough to them so, back to sleep again. I’ve been drifting!
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Morning everyone. @eggyg I spent the whole day yesterday gardening (obviously actually just weeding). I'm loving my new garden and it's been so exciting seeing what's here. The previous owners had done this house to be their home (they're in construction) but sadly needed to sell so she in particular had put her heart and soul into stocking the garden and we are really reaping the benefit. I'm really loving it but am being a bit of a bore about certain plants and how amazing they look (wisteria, honeysuckle, roses, lupins (I've never had lupins) etc, etc, etc - my husband is definitely switching off! Spent all day yesterday getting rid of Garlic Mustard which had sprouted up everywhere and creeping buttercup - oh and Ragwort! Anyway, enough of that. @ColinUK you definitely did the right thing - these things need to be nipped in the bud - well done. Have a great day everyone xxx
I padded it out a bit but now I feel like a bit of a heel for being so direct but I didn’t think I’ve much option.
I get that. I'm guilty myself of not being direct enough and tiptoeing too much for fear of offending/hurting someone's feelings. In cases like this one I feel it's necessary to be direct tho. I think your response was very reasonable.
Unicorn. 6.4.

Informal complaint made to the police about how long they’re taking to question the suspect. It’s been over a year since they told me he’d be questioned within the next two weeks and it’s still not been done.
Also moaned about them letting their SLA of contact every 30 days slide and having to chase them sometimes 70 or 80 days later for an update.

Also it’s apparent that someone on the retreat took a real shine to me. A shine I don’t reflect back unfortunately.
He’s sending me texts and voicemails “checking in on” me after I left early and also using the opportunity to tell me he felt a spark and etc etc.

He’s also reasonably local and he was part of the reason I felt uncomfortable. Consent for even a hug was something we were encouraged to seek before touching anyone else. He tried to kiss me twice out of the blue. That’s not exactly going to play well given my past traumas.

Yesterday he left two voicemails in the morning and another two in the afternoon.

I’ve written a response along the lines of:
I appreciate the fact you’ve told me you sense a spark. As I said previously I do not.
I need space for me to process lots that came up for me on the retreat and I ask you respect that request.

I padded it out a bit but now I feel like a bit of a heel for being so direct but I didn’t think I’ve much option.

He’s already been muted so I won’t get notifications. The next stage is to block him. Men eh.

Anyway… Rentokil are back this morning to check the fancy traps they laid last week. I don’t think they’ve caught anything but there was a dead mouse outside so that could be the culprit.
It doesn't just happen to men, my daughter had a bad experience when at Uni with somebody who had asked her out and she rejected the offer and it escalated into hate texts and criminal damage to her house door and car. The police got involved and they were prosecuted but they had the cheek to ask if she would withdraw the complaint as it 'would go on their record' and she said NO. Fortunately no physical attack but it affected her mentally. Although it was a breach of Uni regulations as they had used the Uni e-mail system they would not throw them off the course. I thought that was outrageous.
Your response will hopefully send a clear message.
Good morning folks and a 5'1 this morning!

I just had my hospital diabetes review. I'm very happy with the results and so is the doctor. I feel a big part of that is just good luck, rather than my management, but still enjoy the "teacher's pet" feeling.

He told me that in my blood test from last week the GP had requested to check for coeliac disease and Addison disease, which was a sensible idea in his opinion, and fortunately the test shows no signs of any of them. Regarding my confusion about insulin needs going down instead of up, he says is very unlikely my type 1 diabetes is wrong because the antibodies test result was very strong, but obviously my condition is progressing very slowly and I still produce quite a bit of my own insulin. He said he could do a test to check how much and I thought "oh well, another needle to my arm 🙄" but it was actually a urine C-peptide test so I'm pleased with that.

I did loose a couple kilos and the doctor said it also explains the reduction of basal needs. Also found out I'm even shorter than I believed 😳:rofl:

Hmm, what now? I have the day off and usually after hospital visits I take myself to the nearby Asda. Recently found there is also an M&S not far, we've got options for all budgets! I actually shouldn't buy much food as I'm going away soon, but maybe some snacks or stock on hypo treatments...Both places sell clothes too and I could use a new pair of shorts, although the weather today is not inviting to wear them!

9.2 today, once again anxiety attack when I woke up, slightly tight chest, no idea why, but work was ok yesterday, but I suppose that is the thing with anxiety attacks, can’t always pinpoint what is causing them, maybe I’ll do an anxiety meditation this evening, I usually do either sleep ones or just general calm ones. Anyway off running this evening.

@Lanny - great to see you back, greif can be very hard at times and is very individual and personal, so don’t beat yourself up about how it has affected you.

@ColinUK - in agreement being direct was best for both of you.
Morning all - surprisingly grey and overcast, but forecast to clear this afternoon - I hope!

I'm on the 5.1 step with @Elenka_HM this morning. Nice straight line too!

The retinopathy check yesterday was OK. The technician said that she couldn't see anything obvious, so that is good. Just meant I had to sit indoors for an hour or so whilst the drops wore off, when I would much rather have been in the garden.

@Lanny good to see you again and my sympathies on the loss of your father. Not easy to lose a parent however old you are.

@colin, you've definitely done the right thing being direct. I just hope this individual accepts it. Is he likely to be on that future retreat you spoke about? If he is and he doesn't respect your decision then it may be an idea to let the retreat organisers know. (Shakes head) you really don't need this!

@Ditto, sounds like your sister has diabetic ketoacidosis. If so, then serious as it is, the hospital should be able to sort it out for her. They will have had lots of experience.

So much news this morning, such a pleasure to catch up on it all. Hugs to those who aren't so good.

Have a good day all.
Morning all - surprisingly grey and overcast, but forecast to clear this afternoon - I hope!

I'm on the 5.1 step with @Elenka_HM this morning. Nice straight line too!

The retinopathy check yesterday was OK. The technician said that she couldn't see anything obvious, so that is good. Just meant I had to sit indoors for an hour or so whilst the drops wore off, when I would much rather have been in the garden.

@Lanny good to see you again and my sympathies on the loss of your father. Not easy to lose a parent however old you are.

@colin, you've definitely done the right thing being direct. I just hope this individual accepts it. Is he likely to be on that future retreat you spoke about? If he is and he doesn't respect your decision then it may be an idea to let the retreat organisers know. (Shakes head) you really don't need this!

@Ditto, sounds like your sister has diabetic ketoacidosis. If so, then serious as it is, the hospital should be able to sort it out for her. They will have had lots of experience.

So much news this morning, such a pleasure to catch up on it all. Hugs to those who aren't so good.

Have a good day all.
He won't be on the one coming up at the end of June.

I've also emailed the organisers of that one with some observations of my experiences at the last one and requests of things which may make it better / easier for me to feel safe at the next one. Some were food related (caveat being that I can always bring some of my own stuff if there's somewhere to store it), others were about sharing rooms etc and ideally needing one to myself. I did throw in the curve ball of how they'd feel if I did get overwhelmed and needed a night away in a local hotel but returned in the morning.

I also booked three things for the ENO winter 2023/24 season as booking opened today. My first ever Gilbert and Sullivan is now in the calendar!
5.7 for me this morning (forgot to post yesterday but that was 6.5 - which I considered very reasonable given my liver had probably not long stopped processing the alcohol from the night before - had a lovely tapas meal out with my brothers & their wives - to make decisions about how much glucose for DF to chuck at me).

Plans for today are take the morning slow (have been doing :rofl: ) then kids plan to continue to chill for the afternoon while I go out for a nice long walk by myself (and do a holiday banner for my Ingress profile). Chucking a washload on in the shared laundry for the group of cottages too.

I hope he does stop bothering you @ColinUK but definitely block if he doesn't. Which Gilbert and Sullivan are you seeing? I think Pirates was my introduction to them
7.2 for me earlier this morning. Happy with that as I lost control of my eating last night. Ian bought me a packet of nuts and raisin ages ago thinking that was a good snack for me and he is allergic to nuts so it was a really kind thought. I eventually opened them last night intending to just have a few but one handful lead to another and another. I kept putting them away and then getting them out again. 🙄 I managed to stop before I ate the whole packet but not far short and I just had to keep injecting a bit more and a bit more insulin to cover it. I had a walk up the the horses about 1.30am because my levels hit 9 and were on their way into orbit despite the insulin but 20 mins later I got an alarm, assumed it was high and was quite shocked to see a 4.1 with a vertical downward arrow. I forget how responsive Fiasp is to exercise and being stacked, not that I had done that much exercise, it is only a 10 minute yomp up the hill to the yard.... anyway it was resolved with a couple of JBs.

Also discovered yesterday that my bees don't like my Libre. I was trying to capture a swarm and it didn't go well for a number of reasons one of which being that I couldn't lay hands on my beesuit so I just put a hat and veil on to protect my face but was wearing a vest top and jeans and I took 3 stings in my left arm all within an inch of my Libre senor and none anywhere else. I half expected my BG to go sky high due to the localized tissue reaction to the venom.... these were my first stings of the season, so I usually have a bigger reaction than later on in the year, but it only went as high as 7.6 and then came down. Bees are very susceptible to vibration and electromagnetic fields so I am guessing it may be something to do with the Bluetooth signal. Will wear a shirt next time.... not that they can't sting through clothing but it will offer a bit more protection. It also didn't help that just as I was trying to lop the small branch that they were clustered on with my long telescopic pruner, the pulley rope snapped and left the branch precariously half cut and dangling over the stream.... they always seem to cluster on a branch on the stream side of the tree which makes it extra challenging. 🙄 Anyway, I thought I had successfully collected them in a cardboard box and left them to settle whilst I went out to help Ian drive the lads tandem for the first time this year.... having phoned a local guy who was keen for a swarm to say that I had one for him and would deliver it later and install it in his hive, but when I came back at 8pm to wrap them up and deliver them, the box was empty and I am pretty sure they had returned to the original hive. I am guessing the queen got lost in the antics of trying to capture them. Had to text the guy and eat humble pie that they had dickied off when I had just texed 15 mins before to say I was running late! Note to self not to count chickens before they hatch!
Tandem driving went very well though. Just a short trip around the block. Was very impressed with Zak who stood stock still on the road outside his field whilst I fed his reins through all the rings and turrets in Arthur's harness to Ian's hands and connected him up in front of Arthur and then he went away as good as gold. Considering that they had done a hunt fun ride the day before when they were full of it, I thought it showed a lot of maturity that he understood the change of work and attitude required.

@Ditto. Really sorry to hear about your sister. The acid in the blood sounds like Diabetic KetoAcidosis (DKA) and is very serious but hopefully they have caught it in time and given her insulin to bring levels down before it has done too much damage. It may be that the flu like symptoms were actually DKA or that she actually had flu which pushed her levels up a lot higher than usual and the DKA developed as a result. I know you will be very stressed and worried so sending (((HUGS)))

@Lanny Lovely to see you back and really hope that you can get your diabetes management back under control again. For me the accountability and focus of posting regularly on the forum helps to keep my comfort eating in check along with my low carb diet reducing the cravings for comfort foods. Look forward to seeing your levels start to come down over the coming weeks.

@ColinUK Difficult situation but I think you have handled it well. I am sure we all have experience of unwanted advances but in your situation I can understand it being particularly mentally challenging. I do wonder if this guy has seen the retreat as a potential dating opportunity, since he has made a move in such a short time scale. A bit Ironic that you were worried about fitting in and people liking you and then it goes to the opposite extreme. Sending (((HUGS))) (with permission assumed 🙄) to you too as I know how unsettling it can be.
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