Group 7-day waking average?

A check-in post from me to say I’m just back from my diabetic review at the hospital! I’ve been struggling for a while since last autumn/winter season, anyway, & add my “drifting” as I call it with the passing of my father my Hab1c has been drifting up & up from 77 to 82, 88 & now 92! So, it’s a wake-up call & time to stop drifting! The doctor is getting me a libre ASAP, 2/3 weeks, & in the meantime since my insulin doses are so high already the only change, as yet, is to put up my dinner NR by +4! Gather data & have another review at the hospital in 3 months time. So, my tresiba stays at 88 with NR now at 48, 44 & 44!

I didn’t think I was hit as hard as I was with mum’s passing: haven’t eaten through the night this time; still not so great on the blood sugar control front, though! But, going to stop drifting now & turn things around.
Hello everyone - well it's been an age since I posted on here but I have now moved to the Lake District (moved up 3rd March) and am absolutely loving it. Not sure my blood sugars are as I do seem to have eaten my weight in biscuits but I've also been doing a lot of walking and have got an e-mountain bike (we live on a hill) which is great for doing a quick hilly fell loop if I think they're too high and is just great for exploring our new area. I've signed up with my new GP practice and had a session with their diabetic nurse and am being referred to Carlisle I think for anything else diabetes related. I've found a ScarWork practitioner in the next village along with a flotation tank and a really good reflexologist. Hope you're all well. @eggyg remind me where you are again now that we're practically neighbours?! xxx
How bizarre, I was just thinking about you today. I’m south Carlisle, so definitely near neighbours. Glad you’ve settled in. Would you be interested in a trip to Glasgow 10th June? Just a forum meet up I’ve organised. Detailed on the General message board. I’ll PM you my number. X
Late check in for me, 7.2 this morning which now seems an age ago! Been chasing my tail all day long and only just had chance to catch a breath!
A check-in post from me to say I’m just back from my diabetic review at the hospital! I’ve been struggling for a while since last autumn/winter season, anyway, & add my “drifting” as I call it with the passing of my father my Hab1c has been drifting up & up from 77 to 82, 88 & now 92! So, it’s a wake-up call & time to stop drifting! The doctor is getting me a libre ASAP, 2/3 weeks, & in the meantime since my insulin doses are so high already the only change, as yet, is to put up my dinner NR by +4! Gather data & have another review at the hospital in 3 months time. So, my tresiba stays at 88 with NR now at 48, 44 & 44!

I didn’t think I was hit as hard as I was with mum’s passing: haven’t eaten through the night this time; still not so great on the blood sugar control front, though! But, going to stop drifting now & turn things around.
Glad to see you back. Grief can knock you sideways and we all sympathise. Well done on deciding to fight the drifting - we will be rooting for you.
Good evening all. Been in the garden on/off between naps. 🙂 Sister has ended up in hospital with flu, at least I hope it is only flu. Waiting to hear. The 'flu' has been going around here. We've all got the sniffles. 🙄
Good morning. An undistinguished 6.7 - could be the Eton Mess we had for pud yesterday. Pear Frangipane Tart for today...My excuse for making such things is that the family like them but I am struggling to explain why I have some. Any suggestions of good excuses gratefully received.

The family spent most of the day at the beach (whew!) so I had a welcome quiet time until early evening. Son in law put together a new bench after dinner - I was rather impressed as the instructions were dreadful. This proved fortunate as daughter threw herself into old lounger and burst the lacing...It must have been pretty frail as the boys have run every ounce off her. Much leaping in and out of paddling pool, shrieking, chasing Mr Wolf round the lawns to get dry and annointing of skin against burning...Copious provision of gravy bones to keep dog in good heart.

Had a blood test to check inflamatory markers during a flare. Surgery didn't seem to know quite what was wanted so the gormless consultant cannot have explained very well. We shall see what comes of it - meanwhile it does seem to be on the retreat as pain levels much improved - the swearing on rising to feet is far less offensive🙂

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning everyone

Well I surprised myself yesterday. I went out for three walks in the end. The first by myself. The second (as a surprise to me) with my wife (to Fairhaven lake and bsck...nice) and the third with my friend. 295 minutes total. I was tired but happy by the end of it all. Amazingly I do not ache this morning. So....

BG 4.6 excellent
Pulse 56 fine
BP 122/77 Hmmm

Today yes, more exercise, a delivery later on (vitamins), keyboard practice at some point, rest (Hmm never)

I haven't yet shifted this bug which has now settled on my chest ! Grrrr.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@Gwynn How fantastic that your wife surprised you with her company on a walk! That’s wonderful!
Unicorn. 6.4.

Informal complaint made to the police about how long they’re taking to question the suspect. It’s been over a year since they told me he’d be questioned within the next two weeks and it’s still not been done.
Also moaned about them letting their SLA of contact every 30 days slide and having to chase them sometimes 70 or 80 days later for an update.

Also it’s apparent that someone on the retreat took a real shine to me. A shine I don’t reflect back unfortunately.
He’s sending me texts and voicemails “checking in on” me after I left early and also using the opportunity to tell me he felt a spark and etc etc.

He’s also reasonably local and he was part of the reason I felt uncomfortable. Consent for even a hug was something we were encouraged to seek before touching anyone else. He tried to kiss me twice out of the blue. That’s not exactly going to play well given my past traumas.

Yesterday he left two voicemails in the morning and another two in the afternoon.

I’ve written a response along the lines of:
I appreciate the fact you’ve told me you sense a spark. As I said previously I do not.
I need space for me to process lots that came up for me on the retreat and I ask you respect that request.

I padded it out a bit but now I feel like a bit of a heel for being so direct but I didn’t think I’ve much option.

He’s already been muted so I won’t get notifications. The next stage is to block him. Men eh.

Anyway… Rentokil are back this morning to check the fancy traps they laid last week. I don’t think they’ve caught anything but there was a dead mouse outside so that could be the culprit.
Morning all, 6.1 here
Aargh! I nearly dropped my ipad, and in trying to save it I swiped the screen and managed to activate the split keyboard mode. And I can’t work out how to undo it. Need to delve into settings or failing that, Google.
Edit. Well that was easy, I switched off 'split keyboard' in settings, but I still don’t know which expansive gesture I did that caused it to activate in the first place!
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Morning all. 7.8, cloudy, cool and its been raining. Where is the warmth and sunshine??!!!

@ColinUK I think you've done rhe right thing so don't feel a heel. He obviously doesn't seem to respect boundaries. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable when you meet them its a good indicator, go with your gut feeling.

Off to the supermarket today then picking mum up for lunch. Have a good day everyone. I hope the sun shines where you are.
Morming all. 6.9 and a unicorn. I never went above 9 yesterday. Must have been the gardening, three hours hard slog. But the border looks great, until next year when the same blooming weeds grow again. I don’t know what they call them, I call one stinky nettle, it has purple flowers and nettle like leaves and funnily enough it stinks. It grows through the very large hostas and I just have to do my best to get it out by the root, and get them all, without destroying the hostas. Any tips?

A nice day forecast but domestic jobs are calling, ironing and cooking ( for tomorrow) are just two. Mr Eggy has “volunteered” to do a shop on route to his mother’s, only because he wants a BBQ and so I’ve told him he’s to get the stuff for it! I always plan my meals ahead, sometimes up to four weeks and I don’t like going off piste, now I’ve to rearrange them. The one saving grace with a BBQ is he does the cooking! It’s a man thing on the whole isn’t it? 😉

@ColinUK you’ve done the right thing being ‘ harsh’, it’s saves any confusion.
@Lanny nice to hear from you.

Have a great day folks. 😎
Morning all, 6.1 here
Aargh! I nearly dropped my ipad, and in trying to save it I swiped the screen and managed to activate the split keyboard mode. And I can’t work out how to undo it. Need to delve into settings or failing that, Google.
Edit. Well that was easy, I switched off 'split keyboard' in settings, but I still don’t know which expansive gesture I did that caused it to activate in the first place!
How annoying but I can’t help sorry, Luddite here! Google will be able to I’m certain.
Morning all, 6.1 here
Aargh! I nearly dropped my ipad, and in trying to save it I swiped the screen and managed to activate the split keyboard mode. And I can’t work out how to undo it. Need to delve into settings or failing that, Google.
Edit. Well that was easy, I switched off 'split keyboard' in settings, but I still don’t know which expansive gesture I did that caused it to activate in the first place!
When you caught the iPad you probably swiped a zoom-out move on the keyboard. That splits it into two.
I think the reverse brings it back together.
4.7 for me this morning. 🙂
