Group 7-day waking average?

@rebrascora I’ll accept hugs from you whenever I get the chance!
Good to have that clarified thanks even though virtual hugs are more easily ignored or "shrugged off" I would hate to think they made anyone feel uncomfortable.
I guess there is still an inferred connection involved which may not always be appropriate or reciprocated and we are all capable of getting it wrong or overstepping the mark, however unintended and well meaning it may be.
5.9 for me today.

Bit less stressful today and starting to feel a bit more in control again.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning everyone. @eggyg I spent the whole day yesterday gardening (obviously actually just weeding). I'm loving my new garden and it's been so exciting seeing what's here. The previous owners had done this house to be their home (they're in construction) but sadly needed to sell so she in particular had put her heart and soul into stocking the garden and we are really reaping the benefit. I'm really loving it but am being a bit of a bore about certain plants and how amazing they look (wisteria, honeysuckle, roses, lupins (I've never had lupins) etc, etc, etc - my husband is definitely switching off! Spent all day yesterday getting rid of Garlic Mustard which had sprouted up everywhere and creeping buttercup - oh and Ragwort! Anyway, enough of that. @ColinUK you definitely did the right thing - these things need to be nipped in the bud - well done. Have a great day everyone xxx
Your garden sounds gorgeous. Real cottage garden flowers. We moved in our house September 1986 and knew absolutely nothing. Like you it’s wonderful seeing everything come through. Think the previous owner may be turning in her grave as we’ve turned most of the garden over to veggies. But we still have honeysuckle, old English roses, iris, hostas, jasmine, day lilys, phlox, stocks, lupins, daffodils, snowdrops, tulips, hyacinths, a lilac and a damson tree which were all well established all those years ago. We’ve lost a lot too, this year the cotoneaster and the heather just died. We also have lots of weeds!
Not a great start to the day as I woke with a racing heart & extremely clumsy, dropped the first strip, to test what I knew was a hypo. 04:05 BS 4.5 had 1 JB & then, couldn’t stop myself from munching 2 more followed by 3 shortbread petticoat tails before I stopped myself: haven’t felt that hypo hunger in a while; not technically a hypo yet but, must have been dropping fast! Now heart rate is more or less back to normal & tested to see what the over treatment has done: 05:23 BS 8.3. Not as bad as I feared!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I only ate once yesterday & before & after BS was 6.3 & 9.3 when I went to bed quite early. I’ve had a feeling my BS was swinging up & down for a while now & it’s been hard to distinguish a hypo racing heart from my background faster heart rate anyway but, I definitely felt the difference early this morning. Seeing what happens on the libre, when I get it, will help a lot!
Morning all. 6.2 ( and a unicorn) when I woke at 5.20.

Had a rubbish night after a rubbish day. Blooming stomach again. One minute I couldn’t go to the loo and had terrible gripes, lower back pain and my stomach was unbelievably bloated all day. I actually couldn’t see my feet! I hardly ate anything all day, I felt so nauseous and fatigued. I’m assuming I had a slight blockage. Then my bowels decided they’d work at 11.30pm, 1.30 am, 3.30am and 5.30am! That’s when I got up, then back on the loo at 6am and 6.30am! Fingers crossed that’s it. I do feel hungry this morning which is good I suppose, I’ve had one slice of toast and two loperamide for breakfast! I’ve got a hair appointment at 10 and am supposed to meet youngest two daughters for lunch. I may have to cancel. You know what, the diabetes is a doddle compared with the gastric issues. :( But at least I can see my feet today. Every cloud and all that.

Sorry for whinging but it’s so frustrating that no one can help, “ you’re too complex” is what my GP said. So I’m left to deal with it myself. It’s not easy dealing with the fact I don’t have a pancreas and don’t produce the enzymes needed to digest my food, I i also have the delightfully named gastric dumping syndrome and I have adhesions from my surgeries which are wrapped around my small intestine making part of it permanently narrow, I also have diverticulitis, this means I should eat lots of fibre but I can’t eat lots of fibre, nuts, seeds, fruit and veg because I have a narrowed small intestine! And not forgetting of course I’ve also got diabetes! If I didn’t laugh I’d cry, which I felt like at 3.30 this morning. Ah well, today’s another day, let’s see how things go.

Have a good ‘un. 🙂
Morning all. 6.2 ( and a unicorn) when I woke at 5.20.

Had a rubbish night after a rubbish day. Blooming stomach again. One minute I couldn’t go to the loo and had terrible gripes, lower back pain and my stomach was unbelievably bloated all day. I actually couldn’t see my feet! I hardly ate anything all day, I felt so nauseous and fatigued. I’m assuming I had a slight blockage. Then my bowels decided they’d work at 11.30pm, 1.30 am, 3.30am and 5.30am! That’s when I got up, then back on the loo at 6am and 6.30am! Fingers crossed that’s it. I do feel hungry this morning which is good I suppose, I’ve had one slice of toast and two loperamide for breakfast! I’ve got a hair appointment at 10 and am supposed to meet youngest two daughters for lunch. I may have to cancel. You know what, the diabetes is a doddle compared with the gastric issues. :( But at least I can see my feet today. Every cloud and all that.

Sorry for whinging but it’s so frustrating that no one can help, “ you’re too complex” is what my GP said. So I’m left to deal with it myself. It’s not easy dealing with the fact I don’t have a pancreas and don’t produce the enzymes needed to digest my food, I i also have the delightfully named gastric dumping syndrome and I have adhesions from my surgeries which are wrapped around my small intestine making part of it permanently narrow, I also have diverticulitis, this means I should eat lots of fibre but I can’t eat lots of fibre, nuts, seeds, fruit and veg because I have a narrowed small intestine! And not forgetting of course I’ve also got diabetes! If I didn’t laugh I’d cry, which I felt like at 3.30 this morning. Ah well, today’s another day, let’s see how things go.

Have a good ‘un. 🙂
Hope you have a better day today!
Good morning everyone. Up slightly late this morning at 5am. I jumped out of bed thinking it was 6am too !!! Too much to do before 7am when they empty the bins.... so....

This morning was a bit rushed, emptying all the house bins, external bins put out, med ordering (for wife & me), sorting out todays diet, supplements/meds...

However BG 5.2 yesssss
Pulse, its normal self at 54
BP ok 120/76
Temperature 36.4°C

Today exercise (a bit...I feel lazy right now), more keyboard practice

And it's a big lump of cod for tea (courtesy of M&S) and a few chips with plum tomatoes. A great, tasty meal. I am looking forward to it.

Why is it suddenly so cold outside (especially after a few hotter days). It's quite chilly.

@ColinUK My daughters daughter really likes unicorns. I guess I do too.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all

It’s a 5.9 for me on another grey windy morning.

I’m off to the hospital shortly, another endoscopy, this will be my third in the past year, at least I will be able to rest for the rest of the day after the sedation.
4.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

Moan away @eggyg - that’s more than most could handle and still get on with life like you do. (((Hugs))) I hope you don’t have another flare-up today.

Don’t worry @Robin. Your summer duvet hasn’t effected the weather in West Wales. It’s been scorchio all week. 🙂
@ColinUK er, surely there should be white rabbits on the lawn? 🙂

Nice house tho
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