Group 7-day waking average?

Had some sleep after breakfast earlier, waking hypo, & a much better 13:50 BS 5.4. Half an oatcake now & I’m thinking 24NR will be too much? That’s my instinct & dithering on the DP dose? Munching as I think…16 at normal range when breakfast dose was 44 is what I remember so, I’ll go with that & see what happens?

Meds & tresiba already in before posting. A bit late but, only by 20 minutes. There have probably been quite a few overlaps due to inconsistencies in when tresiba went so, really trying to even that out!

Munched & dose decided so, I’m signing off now & sticking it in! 🙄🙂
Another late check in for me today with a 5.4 this morning on waking.

Been busy yesterday sorting our. Plumber to fix a leak in a pipe under the kitchen sink. Amazingly found one who came out today and replaced some soldered pipe work with a new one using compression joints. Seems to be ok but now I’m paranoid about any drips (what I can see now seems to be what water splashed out when he was changing the joints, will need to check again later). Just what you need before going away for 2 weeks!

Enjoying some free electricity this afternoon with some glorious sunshine that has burnt off the morning clouds. Already done a load of washing which is now out on the line drying. That’s the advantage of working from home, odd things like that can be fitted in easily!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS today!

@eggyg - I hope your problems settle down soon.

Take care everyone !
I thought it was meant to be sunny everywhere. There’s a chilly breeze, if that’s any consolation. 😱
We've had no sun since Saturday!! Yesterday it was supposed to be up to 19° but only managed 14° and with a cold wind it felt really cool. I'm betting the sun and warmth will be back once i'm back at school on Monday
Certainly no unicorn for me last night. Unless it stomped all over my pancreas.

9.6 this morning.

Very rough night sleep wise and developed a sore throat along with mild temperature. Just what I need for the folks’ Diamond anniversary weekend.

I’m off to therapy this morning then back home to pack a few bits, pick up flowers from the florist and head to the folks where I’ll be until some point Monday.

I’ve done a Covid test just to make sure that I’ve not somehow contracted that and it’s clear.

My thinking is that it’s mainly stress related.

Biggest thing I’m stressing about is forgetting to take their card with me! It’s quite large so I really ought not be able to forget it.
Just by writing my previous post some of the stress has been alleviated and I’m now down to a more respectable 7.8.
Morning all. 6,1 and yet another unicorn! Three on the trot, pardon the pun, and fourth of the week. TBF I’ve not eaten much the last two days.

Thanks for all your concerns yesterday, felt a lot better by about 3pm yesterday, managed to get my hair cut without drama. There and back in an hour. I felt hungry so had a one slice ham and a small amount of grated cheese sandwich. I hadn’t even finished it and I had to dash to the loo! And again, and again! Mr Eggy went to meet daughters and granddaughters, he had to go as it’s middle daughter’s birthday on Sunday, she’s going away this weekend with her husband and not back until Monday, and we’re going away Monday for a couple of days so needed to give her her present. And of course he was paying! Apparently they had a lovely time whilst I sat on the loo! 🙄 I felt well enough to risk having some tea, a small homemade beef and potato pasty. All was well. Until bedtime! Not as a bad as the previous night “ only” up twice! And the last time I stayed up. Something still going on in there but I haven’t had any pain and I don’t feel unwell, so I can cope with that. Which is just as well as we’ve four in the Grandma and Gaga’s Free Childcare Club today. Don’t think I’ll be going to the park or the river today, that’s Gaga’s job! That’ll teach him to leave me and go off galaventing out for lunch.😛

@ColinUK Happy Anniversary to your parents. Wow! 60 years, that’s quite some achievement. Have a fabulous time. It will do you good being amongst family and friends. Just what the doctor ordered.

Have a fab Friday everyone, hopefully the sun will shine again today, didn’t have much yesterday. 😎

This is what I was sent as I lay in my sickbed. Talk about rubbing salt into the wounds! 😉

Two youngest daughters, eldest granddaughter and youngest grandaughter, and the biggest traitor of them all, Mr Eggy. :rofl:


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4.9 after spending last night drinking beer and eating crisps. Lots of crisps. Heaven knows how many carbs were in the beers and crisps! I gave up counting.
7.7 for me today, got my three legged unicorn at 99%. Might have been slightly lower if I'd done it lying down but I stood up and went to the bathroom first!

Sun still not here for us, meeting some friends for lunch today. Hope those who don't feel well or aren't having a great time health wise (@ColinUK and @eggyg plus any others) feel better soon and that everyone enjoys their Friday!
Good morning everyone

Shock this morning. My App went a bit nuts. Not good news as I rely on it. Anyway I keep multiple backups and create new versions for every change I do, so I went back one version and all was well. Phew. No idea what was wrong. Looked at the changed code and it looked ok. Ran some separate simple tests and sure enough Excel was playing mind games. Still, all sorted now. Excel has hissy fits sometimes. Sigh

Well, to cheer me up BG 5.2 again yessss. How about a house atop of a mountain with unbelievable views????

Pulse a daft 55
BP 121/79

Today some paint is being delivered and a few other bits. The impending landing redecoration looms. Sigh

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 5.7 here.

Another day of sunshine and that chilly breeze. Gardening’s going well - I’m getting my long list of essential jobs done, before half-term comes to an end. Getting my hair cut today, after dropping in on my old knitting group. I say ‘old’ cos I just don’t have time these days. Then some essential supply shopping - my OH does the weekly shop, but his mind must be elsewhere at the minute cos he forgets something important most trips. It’s mayonnaise this time - how could he forget mayo?!! 😱

Glad to hear things are settling down @eggyg. 🙂 Lovely family pic!