Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all,

7.1 this morning, a bit higher after a midnight correction from 10, but I am trying my best not to overcorrect so I'll take that. The previous morning was 6.9, surprised at that has had a terrible night -not just with diabetes, but did have a high and low alarm within the space of an hour, hence trying not to overcorrect last night - but I also had indigestion and a horrible racing heart rate, didn't get much sleep. I was staying at my friend's, and I think my diabetes/my body in general knows when I am not in the comfort of my own home as I get older, this is the second time in a month I've been away overnight and had a bad night's sleep. However, back home yesterday and a better night last night.

Did have a lovely day yesterday visiting Arley Hall & Gardens in Cheshire, plus the weather was much nicer there than here in the Midlands! Had a bit of a scary moment on the drive home, tootling down the motorway and low alarm (set at 4.5) started going off repeatedly. I felt fine, but managed to have some sips of pepsi, then became intent on looking for the services, so much so that I took a wrong turn and had to pay £5.80 for my trouble on the M6 toll! Found some services and the pepsi had saved me as the low didn't go into full hypo on the graph, just in the 4s as the alarm suggested. The toll did take 30 mins off my journey though so I guess it could have been worse!

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning - 5.4
Morning all. 6.2 ( and a unicorn) when I woke at 5.20.

Had a rubbish night after a rubbish day. Blooming stomach again. One minute I couldn’t go to the loo and had terrible gripes, lower back pain and my stomach was unbelievably bloated all day. I actually couldn’t see my feet! I hardly ate anything all day, I felt so nauseous and fatigued. I’m assuming I had a slight blockage. Then my bowels decided they’d work at 11.30pm, 1.30 am, 3.30am and 5.30am! That’s when I got up, then back on the loo at 6am and 6.30am! Fingers crossed that’s it. I do feel hungry this morning which is good I suppose, I’ve had one slice of toast and two loperamide for breakfast! I’ve got a hair appointment at 10 and am supposed to meet youngest two daughters for lunch. I may have to cancel. You know what, the diabetes is a doddle compared with the gastric issues. :( But at least I can see my feet today. Every cloud and all that.

Sorry for whinging but it’s so frustrating that no one can help, “ you’re too complex” is what my GP said. So I’m left to deal with it myself. It’s not easy dealing with the fact I don’t have a pancreas and don’t produce the enzymes needed to digest my food, I i also have the delightfully named gastric dumping syndrome and I have adhesions from my surgeries which are wrapped around my small intestine making part of it permanently narrow, I also have diverticulitis, this means I should eat lots of fibre but I can’t eat lots of fibre, nuts, seeds, fruit and veg because I have a narrowed small intestine! And not forgetting of course I’ve also got diabetes! If I didn’t laugh I’d cry, which I felt like at 3.30 this morning. Ah well, today’s another day, let’s see how things go.

Have a good ‘un. 🙂
Did you slap your GP when they said that? So sorry you're going through all this xxx
Good morning everyone! 5 here.

I'm spending the day out in another city with my man, we are going to walk around, have lunch and maybe go to a shop or two. Very excited about it.

Does anyone has suggestions about what to eat in Wagamama for someone who is not into spicy food? Carbs don't bother me today :D

Also, I have to ask. What are the white rabbits about? Is some forum lore I've missed or British culture?
10.7 (must stop biscuits and chocolate). I went for an 18+ mile bike ride yesterday to go to the shop at Shap. It's my new e-mountain bike but still blimmin hard work on these hills. I then cycles from Shap along the A6 and then through the Lowther Estate which is lovely in a car and even lovelier on a bike. Annoyingly forgot to take my BG when I got back but I know it was quite low as I was famished and a bit wobbly so stuffed my face with hula hoops, pepparamis & mini babybels - and then biscuits. Day trip to Keswick today with my Mum to take our coffee machine to be repaired. The chap came to our house to fix it yesterday and all was good for the first cup but then it wasn't working again by the evening so he wants it in his workshop to test for a while. Have a good day everyone x
Also, I have to ask. What are the white rabbits about? Is some forum lore I've missed or British culture?
It’s a British (and US) thing. We always said White rabbits, but a lot of people say 'Rabbit rabbit', apparently. It’s only supposed to date from the early 1900s when it was used in a book, but I suspect it was used in the book because it was already a sort of folklore thing.
Morning all. I slept through and have just been woken by next door's dog barking. Libre says 7.7 and a wiggly line in the middle of target all night. Very unusual.

Today is the first day if the half term that i don't have to go anywhere so going to chill out and potter around the house. A friend is coming for a coffee later.

@eggyg i hope you have a better day today. You certainly have a lot to contend with but are always so bright and cheerful. Big ((HUGS)) to you.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS.

@Bloden send the sunshine to us please. Its really chilly, cloudy and dull here. Where is the sunshine we were promised?

@Elenka_HM have a lovely day out.

Everyone else enjoy whatever it is you are planning to do today.
Good morning. 6.4.
Running late after a disturbed night. Curtains drawn against the sun - promises to be very hot indeed.

@eggyg Hope the tum settles today - sounds an absolutely beastly set of problems to have to cope with. Filled with admiration for how you and Mr Eggy manage to get out, about and up hills etc (and roofs) with health problems. Gold stars both.

Enjoy the sunshine everyone.

6.8 today, so a definite improvement, no anxiety attacks this morning, which has helpe, pushed myself in my run last night,

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.

@eggyg - sorry to hear of all your gastric troubles during the night and today.
Morning all - well, yesterday it did clear and become a lovely sunny afternoon, but we had the biting cold wind again. Today is glorious - not been out yet though, so whether we have a cold wind again is unknown.

8.6 first thing after a completely unexplained rise around 3am to 9.6, which I slept through. Now, 1hr 45 later it's dropped down to 5.7. Probably need to fiddle with basals, but I think I'll wait to see a pattern first!

On the schedule today is lunch at the local with a friend who moved away to be nearer his sons a few years ago after he was unexpectedly widowed. He's just down for a couple of days. Then later another frien & her son is coming for drinks.

@rebrascora not had a bee sting since I was little, but I recall it being very painflul. Hope you don't get any more. Glad to hear the GGs are performing well.

@eggyg what a horrible thing you have to cope with! You are indeed very brave as you have such an active life and are always so cheerful.

@Elenka_HM have a lovely day out.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS.

Have a lovely day all....
been awake on and off all night so take your pick what my waking is 😉
So my bloods finally noticed I am sick 🙄
About to get some brekkie, shove in a correction too (not holding my breath that it will work) and I suppose I will increase basal a bit tonight.
This week has been one extreme to the other!
8.9 for me but I lost control of my eating again yesterday and had 3 squares of dark chocolate with peanut butter before bed plus I didn't exercise enough. I really must get back to my more strict low carb approach and regular walks. Too many treats and the cravings start and then it is a slippery slope.
Need to go to the shops today and stock up on the low carb foods I enjoy.

So sorry to hear you had a rough night @eggyg. You put on a brave face and cope with those complex health and dietary challenges incredibly well and don't let it get in the way of living life to te full, so you are perfectly entitled to have a rant once in a while, especially when you have such a turbulent night with it. You really are an inspiration to us all. Hope it settles down soon. (((HUGS)))

@Pattidevans Bee stings are just a part of the routine of being a beekeeper. You can't handle tens of thousands of bees without accidentally nipping the odd one or upsetting one or two, sad as that is, so I will definitely get more as the season goes on. Mostly I just get them on my hands as I prefer to work barehanded. If I wear gloves I nip a lot more because thick leather gloves are numb. I also love to feel the warmth of the hive generated by the bees bodies. It was quite a surprise the first time I went barehanded but they keep the inside of their nest about the same as our blood heat so it feels like a connection.
I was pushed for time the other day and couldn't lay hands on my suit ( I am terribly disorganized and later found it in the poly tunnel!), so I was a bit more cavalier with just wearing a vest.
Part of the normal; bad experience with bee or wasp stings is fear and panic. If you can learn to control that to some extent, then it is less painful. It is also believed that beestings can help with inflammation in the body, so it isn't all bad and my hands are certainly less stiff and sore this morning than they have been for weeks.

Anyway, off to shop for chicken, horse and Barbara food.....