Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A shocking 12.3!! I was 5.7 when i went to bed and 8.3 when the light went out. What's happened overnight? Well graph shows i shot up to the dizzy height of 15+ before dropping down. Could it be the antibiotics i have, or my liver playing silly beggars or the panicky dream i had about diabetes? Who knows, i didn't remember hearing the alarm and scanning but i must have done. My TIR for the past 7 days is a shocking 61%, i've never been as low. I've had enough.

The weather says its sunshine all day and 17° but all i can see out of the window is grey cloud. I hope it improves, i'm meeting my friend later for lunch and a walk, a bit of brightness in a dull day. Sorry everyone, in a down, fed up mood this morning.

@ColinUK have a lovely time with your parents. Congratulations to them on their diamond anniversary.

@eggyg i'm glad you're feeling better and hope it stays that way.

Have a lovely day everyone. I hope the sun shines wherever you are.
4.8 for me today. 🙂

@ColinUK ok I can deal with a fixer upper and the views up there are probably excellent. I will add the rennovation on to my list after I have completed the landing work here.

It looks like it just needs a lick of paint too

Thanks (I think)
Good morning 7.6 today, (yesterday was 6.1)
congratulations on the double HS @Gwynn

Have a great day everybody 😎
The weather says its sunshine all day and 17° but all i can see out of the window is grey cloud
Just been outside to hang out the washing and its freezing with a strongish wind!
And it’s a 5.9 for me on another grey windy morning. So anyone know when the heatwave is starting please?
Just been outside to hang out the washing and its freezing with a strongish wind!

Despite the local radio and my phone saying sunshine it's wall to wall grey! Can I summon the energy to ring the program and tell them to look out the window? No, I will turn of as fed up with the endless rubbish spouted. The afternoon and evening presenters are good so why these morning idiots BBC?
Shove up @MikeyBikey as I am joining you on the 9.8 step. At least the company will be good :D even if it isn't the level I would like to be on.
I went to bed on a reasonable 6.7 but they clearly shot up as soon as my eyes were closed and I couldn't keep track of them. My overnight graph looks like a porpoise skimming the surface of my range, so my near personal best TIR is now shot. 😡 I dropped my basal by half a unit last night and it was clearly a bad decision although I can't deny it held me steady all night as it follows the 10 line pretty consistently. Interestingly I too had stressful dreams and in fact the last 3 nights in a row that has happened. Normally I sleep like the dead..... at least I really hope the dead sleep like I usually do, because it is very restful!
Shove up @MikeyBikey as I am joining you on the 9.8 step. At least the company will be good :D even if it isn't the level I would like to be on.
I went to bed on a reasonable 6.7 but they clearly shot up as soon as my eyes were closed and I couldn't keep track of them. My overnight graph looks like a porpoise skimming the surface of my range, so my near personal best TIR is now shot. 😡 I dropped my basal by half a unit last night and it was clearly a bad decision although I can't deny it held me steady all night as it follows the 10 line pretty consistently. Interestingly I too had stressful dreams and in fact the last 3 nights in a row that has happened. Normally I sleep like the dead..... at least I really hope the dead sleep like I usually do, because it is very restful!

Happy to share with you, my DG, @rebrascora! Being over 6' (shrunk to 6' 2" in last decade) might look at a higher level :( or you at a lower level 🙂 Let's compare at lunch as I am now 6.3 (that's my BG not my porridge growing me an inch)! :rofl:

7.1 today, apart from work nothing much planned for today, going for a run/walk with my friends later.

@eggyg - pleased you are feeling better today

@Gwynn - congratulations on the double HS

@ColinUK - hope the sore throat settles down and congratulations to your parents on their diamond wedding anniversary.

Very grey and chilly in South West Essex, but washing is on the line curtesy of hubby.
sorry what? huh? is this about an old post that I have forgotten I posted?(very possible for me)
Yes, I wondered that too and actually had a look back through a few of your previous posts on the thread and still came up blank..... Just wanted to reassure you that you are not going mad.... or we are both losing it! 🙄