Group 7-day waking average?

Yes, I wondered that too and actually had a look back through a few of your previous posts on the thread and still came up blank..... Just wanted to reassure you that you are not going mad.... or we are both losing it! 🙄
I can barely remember last week.

Only one that it might be is psoriasis lotions and potions that I might have described as some kind of magical solution.
@DianeS if its that I got QV wash and lotion and they are working wonders.
I couldn't get lotion on script but I got the cream which seems to be as good but a bit thicker than I prefer on my face and the wash is on script too. Defo preferable to the steroid creams which I have only had to use a handful of times to calm raging flair ups.
I picked up a couple of small bottles of each myself first from boots (had to ask at the pharmacy counter) and were around £8 each. Tried, saw results and asked doctor for them x
Grrrr....sensor this morning has been playing silly beggars, up abd down like anything. Now its suddenly ended 4 days in!! Abbott are replacing.

On the plus side, i can finally see sunshine and pale blue sky. Its not overly warm but shorts are on in the hope it will be in sheltered areas. Off to meet my friend now, i hope all your mornings have been good so far
I had been on psoriasis forums who recommended me a wash and cream so bought some to try which is like magic fairy dust for my skin. That's now on repeat prescription :D She was quite interested in how that has been for me as she likes to take a non medication approach where possible, which I do agree with.
This one. A quick forum search of 'fairy dust' came up trumps!
Afternoon lovely people. Grey and COLD today!

5.7 at 8am. Happy with that.

Despite being up at 8am I was in a panic to get to a pedicure appointment at 11am (why? what had I done in that time?) when a friend knocked on the door at 10:50. Really wanted a good chat with her, but had to say hello/goodbye unfortunately. Hubby came to the rescue and gave me a lift. Dunno where the time has gone since I arrived back home (all of a 5 minute walk), but I now have a mountain of ironing to tackle. Where does time go as you get older? It's a blooming mystery to me that almost 3 hours can pass and I actually can't claim to have done anything concrete.

Ah well....

Congratulations to Gwynn at two HS in a row.

@ColinUK give your parents my congrats on their 60th anniversary. I'll be 99 if we manage that!

Have a good day all.
Email from the police landed in my inbox an hour ago.
They expect to interview the suspect on Tuesday next week.
That stress bump has added 2.2 to my BG readings.
Another late posting for me today! 4.4 this morning for me. Amazing considering how stressed I am in trying to get everything ready before we go away! Plumber put in new pipe work yesterday which is weeping a bit, so he said he’d come back this morning at 8. Then it turns out one of his kids is sick and he said early afternoon, which has now turned to between 5 and 6. Grrrr.

Then the fish pond feeder was sabotaged by snails who crawled into the spout and blocked it. Trying to come up with a method of standing it (securely) on an upturned plant pot in the middle of the pond. Hopefully the snails will not suss out how to swim and climb up that whilst we’re away!

My wife is thankfully going to the chemist on her way home to pick up my repeat prescription which I need for whilst we’re away. So that removes one job from this evening!

The jets flying over here from the Ragley Hall Midlands Air Show are not helping reduce my stress levels either.

And breathe!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your second HS in a row!

@ColinUK , hope you feel better (and less stressed) to enjoy your parent’s Diamond Wedding anniversary - what an achievement!

After tomorrow my posts may be a little intermittent (was that I sigh of relief I heard ? :rofl:) as we’ll be unwinding (hopefully) on the narrowboat on our way up to Chester.

Take care everyone and enjoy the weekend!
@freesia sorry to hear your BG is not playing ball - I too would be disheartened if my TIR was lower than usual, but just remember you are not right and it's not far off the recommended 70% anyway. Hope you had a nice day out!
@freesia sorry to hear your BG is not playing ball - I too would be disheartened if my TIR was lower than usual, but just remember you are not right and it's not far off the recommended 70% anyway. Hope you had a nice day out!
Thank you. My TIR is the lowest its ever been, usually its anything between 85-92% over the 7 days. You're right, i've not been well so i'm not going to worry any more. I'm doing my best.

Yes, thank you, i had a lovely afternoon with my friend. Lunch, a walk and coffee, all very relaxing.
06:09 BS 9.3 A bit too much milk with my cornflakes for dinner before bed last night! Just fancied some cornflakes which I don’t have very often at all: a box can last me a year or more; tightly sealed in an airless Lock n’ Lock Tupperware box, of course! But, because I hardly ever have it I always get it a bit wrong because of the milk: why I tend NOT to have cereals/porridge for breakfast; MUCH easier to handle liquid sugar in the milk as the last meal of the day for dinner when I’m least resistant & most hungry! I gave it an extra +4 to handle the milk but, still had a bit too much of it on the cornflakes!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
Good moaning! Woke before 5:00 to 3.4 on the meter! Was so shaky Iocked the phone, dropped two strips and a bit latera tea bag! :(

Local radio talked about the sun shining like a fireball when it's still wall2wall grey! :( Maybe with technology they are sitting in Spain? :rofl:

Even after 60 odd years I some days I still hate this eff'ing diabetes. Needed to treat hypo twice as Isophane tail still active and now DP kicked me to 9.2! Grrr! (anger emoji)
Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

It’s Bloden the dog’s birthday today - she was born in a field in N Spain 13 years ago. Her present to us is a shed load of fur - she’s molting like nobody’s business, so there’s little Blodens all over the house (thank goodness she doesn’t go upstairs!). Here she is, having a snooze. Awwww. 709386D5-1627-42EC-ACA2-48CD911B95EB.jpeg
Good morning everyone

I would like to say that I have another HS....except that I can't... BG 4.8 this morning....sigh

BP 114/71 now that's more like it
Pulse 59

Slept well after 2 long walks yesterday. The first was a surprise with my wife. That's all week she has gone out walking with me. Amazing and so good.

However, today a bit of rest as I am aching a bit. Tonight I am setting up the sound system in the church. Should be fun.

The sun is out in force here right now. I think it's going to be a scorcher today too.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
4.4 for me this morning 🙂

Morning all. 6.6 and my fourth unicorn in a row, fifth of the week. Still not eating much though, therefore not much bolus either, so really the last three have been flukes.

I wish I could say my stomach was behaving it self but it isn’t. We’re going away on Monday to our favourite hotel in the world, on Windermere, dinner, bed and breakfast. The food is amazing and we go to relax and let someone look after us for a change. I need to be better by then. It’s so frustrating.

Yesterday was a fun filled busy day with four grandchildren. Mr Eggy and the girls, even Zara, made butter. What a blooming mess they were in ( Zara was rubbing it all up her arms, she’ll have lovely soft skin, we didn’t use that of course). We’ve ended up with quite a lot of butter, the farmers took some home, all from a £1 one litre bottle of whipping cream. We use a lot of butter and it’s so expensive now.

It’s a lovely sunny day again today, it’s been like that for two weeks apart from Thursday gone. The wind has been quite cool though. The kids have had a great half term for a change. Our 16 year old grandson is going fell running today with his Young Farmers Club I’m worrying about the heat but he’s promised he’ll drink lots of water. Fingers crossed he does well, he’s never done it before but he’s good at cross country and is very nimble and sure footed. None of us know where he has got his athleticism from, no one else in either family is anywhere near being good at sport!

@freesia hope things return back to normal soon. It’s rubbish when you feel under the weather all the time. It’s certainly getting me down this week.
Happy birthday to @Bloden the dog. A teenager in the house, oh dear! :rofl:

Zara clarting, Sadie washing the butter and Poppy doing the important patting.


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Good morning. 7.3 - had a stupidly high carb dinner - muesli instead of cooking as I was hot and cream crackered .. after working on the pond margins in the heat - now 1/4 of the way round. Very slow job when getting up from knees is so difficult and once up time has to be taken to curse the back. Never mind - its progress. Now definitely more like a red herring than salmon...

Family going hme today. It will be quiet without them but they are coming again in July - which should give me a nice interval in which to tidy up. Young Benjie (2) cannot as yet distinguish between toys and other things so the adults spend most of the time rescuing things and putting them out of reach. This explains, for instance, why there is a leather camel drying out on the window sill after a visit to the paddling pool, and a large model of the Flying Scotsman on the book case in the study, an elephant and a set of new strings for the lounger on the top shelf of the hall bookcase. You get the idea.

Sun already blazing down.

Hope everyone has a good day.