Group 7-day waking average?

It was in Morrisons in their bakery dept. It’s whipping cream so not as fatty as double. £1 is the normal price, I heard about it on a group on FB but have never managed to get any. Mr Eggy popped in to get his Hovis granary bread flour, no other supermarket sells it and wandered over and there it was. It was 10am so maybe getting there early is the trick. He has a small butter churner, it’s basically a Kilner jar with a hand mixer affixed to the lid. It’s fine for a small amount of double cream but it wouldn’t work with the amount of whipping cream we had. So he put it in the food processor, I suppose a stand mixer or hand mixer would work but it takes a while. Mix it until the butter milk separates from it, about 4/5 mins I think it took. It goes yellow. Separate it and wash the butter in icy cold water. Then pat into shape.we added salt crystals at this stage, you could add other flavours if you wish. We’ve frozen the butter milk for soda bread or scones or even butter chicken. I think the butter can be frozen as it may not last as long as commercial butter. I’ve not tried it as I’m trying not to eat diary until my stomach sorts itself out, but apparently it was good. It’s not cheap to make if you use full price double cream but if you’ve leftovers or get a yellow stickered tub it’s worth the effort.
I’m reminded of when I was a little ‘un and one of the fun kitchen jobs to do sometimes was to make butter. We had a small butter churn thing. It was a small barrel with a paddle inside but the whole thing would rotate vertically whilst the paddle spun to beat the cream.
Morning 6.1 today,
which is half respectable considering wife and I went to TacoBell yesterday afternoon

I phoned up AO.COM to report the scratches on the side of fridge
they offered a partial refund which we accepted.

Today (as well as relaxing) jobs on my to do list are:
putting doors on bathroom cupboards
returning a few unused items to DIY shops
go into pay for the flooring we had fitted at the start of the week

it’s a bit of a struggle getting round on crutche,
but as it’s my left leg that’s in plaster and my car is automatic I’m ok driving,
plus the knee scooter I found online is great to get around when I get out and about.

just noticed it’s afternoon already
I’m going to hobble into the kitchen and cook up some brunch.

Have a great day / weekend everybody 😎
Was in the 10s on waking. Defo much more insulin resistant at the mo with being unwell. Time of the month decided to show up which is a double whammy with things to screw up my diabetes day (thank you body for that lil gem of timing).
Oh well.
Trying to tidy up and finish unpacking since I only just about have some spare energy. I literally chucked the washing in the machine and my insulin back into the fridge the night I got home and left the rest 😛

Hope you all have a brill weekend. This time next week will be in the pub with some of you lot <3
@eggyg Thanks for that. Morrisons is the nearest supermarket to us, so will check when I'm next in there. We like the sea salt West Country Butter from Lidl but it's gone from £1.75 to £2.50 now!

@marie11 welcome to the thread.
I used to buy the Aldi specially selected salted butter, that too has risen to £2.50 so I’ve been buying their cheaper brand which was £1.99 but actually gone down to £1.89. Miracle. I use a lot of butter for baking so it soon mounts up.
14:16 A MUCH better BS 5.2 AND a HS to boot! 😱:rofl:

Had another snooze after breakfast earlier & responded a bit late to tresiba alarm set for 13:30 so, a wee bit later, again, in getting that in! Have decided not to put that in a bit early if I’m a bit late & only move things in one direction to avoid overlaps! Both meds & tresiba in before posting as well so, as not to delay things further & had to restrain my excitement a bit to post straight away at an unexpected HS on waking a 2nd time today. I have been tending to sleep twice these days quite often having another snooze after breakfast!

Had another bowl of cornflakes for breakfast earlier & handled the milk much better this time & put in 54NR & a bit less milk as well & worked it out as +6, +4 last night wasn’t enough, & +4 for the higher reading & I got it bang on the nose! NOW, that’ll it be it for the cornflakes for a quite a while until the next time I fancy some & I’ll write a “note” on the iPad to remind me of how to handle the milk! 🙄😉:rofl:
Good evening from somewhere on the Trent & Mersey canal just north of the Plume of Feathers (Neil Morrisey’s pub) in Barlaston on our way north to the Harecastle Tunnel tomorrow. Boat is looking great after its winter repaint and new curtains and seat cushions (this is our first time on it since then).

4.8 this morning and despite lots of lugging stuff from house to car, car to boat and sorting the boat out, I managed to stay out of hypo land - yay!

Feeling very tired now though, so a bit of watching Criminal Minds on the iPad and then probably a little read of our books before crashing out for the night!

Lovely weather today and the forecast looks great for the rest of our time away!

Hope everyone had a good day!
Good morning! Woke with twinges as forgot my Gabapentin last night. So had my painkiller and did a scan. Blow me a HS! 🙂 Dawn is breaking but I hope DP will take a holiday or annoy someone else! :rofl: Reminds me of a holiday about seven years ago when the dog wanted to go out at dawn so at 4:30 we were walking along the beach to the sound of the waves and the gulls! 🙂 The following year I developed angina. It was a good thing I couldn't see the future back then!!!

Good morning! Woke with twinges as forgot my Gabapentin last night. So had my painkiller and did a scan. Blow me a HS! 🙂 Dawn is breaking but I hope DP will take a holiday or annoy someone else! :rofl: Reminds me of a holiday about seven years ago when the dog wanted to go out at dawn so at 4:30 we were walking along the beach to the sound of the waves and the gulls! 🙂 The following year I developed angina. It was a good thing I couldn't see the future back then!!!

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Congratulations! 🙂


Has a French look about it. Will probably have to spend a bit making it wheelchair friendly. The flat I rent is wheelchair accessible but, sadly, not wheelchair friendly particularly the bathroom and kitchen. Someone near here lost their leg in an industrial accident and got £millions in compensation. They have a highly adapted home and personal physio. I know who I would have as a physio and they would come if I win the lottery but all I ever get is a Lucky Dip! Dream on Mickey! :rofl: And my physio is allegedly a good cook! 🙂
Good morning. 6.8.

Yesterday afternoon was an IT disaster. FRED, my well loved pc, decided to pack up. Error 1962 i.e. he couldn't find his operating system. Hauled DIETRICH, the German monster, out of the living room where it had been provided for the Ukrainians and into the study. Shoved appropriate wires into holes, turned it on, and found myself confronted by a screenful of Cyrillic script. 2 hours later managed to work out, despite language, how to change user....Now I daren't turn him off as I am terrified that I will be back in virtual Kiev. God knows what they have done as I left it set up quite sensibly with me as administrator and them as users. Oh well, something to do when the day gets hotter. Thankfully they haven't changed the PIN. Where is an IT literate teenager when you need one?

Slow progress on the pond - it is just too hot. Water quality is passing chemical tests but still pretty murky. Had to clean out the filter twice yesterday - the bulrushes seem to have trapped a lot of silt and left it behind on being evicted. Have ordered a silt bag via Amazon in the hope that and an extra pump will solve the problem. Nipping out now to lay another couple of metres of pond edge before the sun burns me to a total crisp.

Congrats @Lanny and @MikeyBikey on the HSs.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable Sunday.
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Cor, I thought I must be first today but you beat me by three minutes as I typed slowly as I thought back to happier times!

What sensor are you using as a very different display to mine!
I use a Libre2 but I have Shuggah running on the phone and that’s their interface in the picture.
@ColinUK Thanks for that lovely country bungalow & I do believe it’s the first HS house that I’ve been given! 😛😎

No waking reading, yet, as I’m only going to bed soon ish! It was a hot, sweaty & sticky night last night, the first one this year so far & I couldn’t sleep a wink. Tiredness has been making yawn the last half hour so, can drop off pretty soon, I hope? Just as well you lot CANNOT see this: A Dripping With Sweat emoji! 🙄:rofl:😉

Alarm set for 14:00 & waking reading then: going to bed on BS 8.3 about half an hour ago which I decided not to correct as I’m dropping off soon! A Stream of Z’s emoji!
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.1 so close sigh
BP 123/74
Pulse 54

Setting up the sound system and running the soubd desk during the church practice went really well last night. I will be manning the sound desk again this morning for the service.

It is sad for me that my wife will no longer have anything to do with that church. Sigh. And they are good, decent people too, but she still harbours bad thoughts about them (all nonsense and completely untrue).

Tea yesterday was really good and well received. Cauliflower, mushrooms, chicken in a chicken and beef stock, all cooked in our Ninja pressure cooker for 30 seconds and then grated cheese added when on the plate. I should have taken a picture, mind you the result wasn't exactly restaurant pretty...but it sure tasted great.

Today church, probably exercise, rest.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing