Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. New sensor 16.8, finger prick 12.6 and been way outside target all night for no reason that i can think of. Both ears are still blocked and i'm really struggling to hear anything at all so its a trip back to the surgery tomorrow. This bloomin spray has done nothing. Googling (i know i shouldn't) it says that sudden hearing loss without a reason should be investigated as soon as possible so i shall be going in asking for an urgent referral.

@ColinUK you made the right decision for you to come home. If your constantly in flight or fight mode then you're not going to benefit from anything and as you said, you felt a weight lift when you made the decision to leave so its obviously the right one. As for a weepy movie, i'm with @eggyg with The Note Book. Or how about The Bridges of Madison County? I love Beaches too. Take care and know we are here.

Have a good bank holiday everyone.
Googling (i know i shouldn't) it says that sudden hearing loss without a reason should be investigated as soon as possible so i shall be going in asking for an urgent referral.
As mine was sudden hearing loss too I got an “urgent” referral for a MRI on my head. 12 weeks! All was well but I did worry as I too had consulted Dr Google. Mr Eggy had the same a few years ago, as he worked in a noisy factory his ears were tested annually and it picked up something, sent to ENT and got an MRI quite quickly but that was before Covid et al. He was fine too, apart from tinnitus and age related hearing loss, just like me. Try not to worry, easier said than done I know.
As mine was sudden hearing loss too I got an “urgent” referral for a MRI on my head. 12 weeks! All was well but I did worry as I too had consulted Dr Google. Mr Eggy had the same a few years ago, as he worked in a noisy factory his ears were tested annually and it picked up something, sent to ENT and got an MRI quite quickly but that was before Covid et al. He was fine too, apart from tinnitus and age related hearing loss, just like me. Try not to worry, easier said than done I know.
Thanks @eggyg. I do worry because its the side i had mastoiditis which caused seizures. On Saturday older daughter and son in law came round, she sat next to me and i couldn't hear anything she said.
Meeting a friend and his puppy for breakfast in a local park.
I’ll write today as well as I want to get my thoughts and feelings down on paper.

Will later be thumbing through the Caldesi Low Carb Italian cookbook which arrived whilst I was away to find something wise to eat.
@ColinUK I am full of admiration for your bravery in going on the retreat in the first place and then having the courage to step away when you realised you weren't ready/it wasn't for you. Frankly the food would have sent me running in the first 24 hours and I have a very small appetite!

Have a lovely brekkie with your friend and puppy... and writing is a very cathartic thing to do. HUGS.
It was 6.6 for me this morning which I am very happy with. Kept my evening Levemir the same as the dose that hypoed me the night before because I had reduced my daytime dose and that usually has a knock on effect into the night, so was pretty sure if I reduced my evening dose as well I would go high. Ate a few roasted peanuts before bed and that worked perfectly. Levels rose to just under 10 at 1.15am and then came steadily down.

Hope everyone has a good day. Lots to do here in the garden (think machete wielding jungle 🙄 ) and fields.
7.3 this morning for me, higher than I would like, but given loads of bad choices yesterday evening I’m not surprised. But, hey, that’s life!

Bit duller today, but still hoping for some time in the garden to continue our relaxing weekend. Aiming to get packed today ready for going away on the boat from next weekend, route already planned, Four Counties ring (if anyone knows it) and a trip up to Chester and Ellesmere Port tacked on. Two weeks for it, so should be a more relaxing time than our previous adventures! We got the passage through the Harecastle Tunnel booked for our first Sunday afternoon, so that will be out of the way at the start of our holiday! Not a fan of the 40 minute + time in the tunnel with a really low section in the middle. As the boat has just had a repaint I don’t want to be one of the first owners to scratch it!

Hope everyone has a relaxing Bank Holiday Monday whatever you are doing.
Morning all - wall to wall blue again.... stiff breeze though.

7.8 first thing, I was having a lovely flat line during the night till 3am when the alarm woke me and I had one Lift tab + about 1/3 of a biccie... and that shot me up into the 7s. Sigh.

Since my friend wasn't coming round we decided on a lazy day yesterday except for doing a couple of wash loads.... so hung it all out on the line and subsequently had to re-wash most of it as seagulls apparently thought it was good target practice and their poo was certainly on target!

Also put off dinner prep until 6:30 pm then discovered that the "simple" Salmagundi recipe that had looked so delicious in the Waitrose magazine, wasn't that simple at all, but required hours of messing around chopping/pounding numerous herbs etc. Plus essentially, although it tasted very nice, it was really just salad with rack of lamb! So we didn't eat until gone 8 pm.

Off to the garden centre today for herb plants.

Googling (i know i shouldn't) it says that sudden hearing loss without a reason should be investigated as soon as possible so i shall be going in asking for an urgent referral.
@freesia that's what my friend found as I have been trying to say. Fortunately our surgery was more on the ball and sent her straight to the hospital. Don't let them fob you off this time.

@42istheanswer very pleased to hear things went well with the bf's parents. Was definitely wondering when you didn't post! LOL! Have a good time with your family.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday everyone.
that's what my friend found as I have been trying to say. Fortunately our surgery was more on the ball and sent her straight to the hospital. Don't let them fob you off this time
I won't. I've just rang 111 for advice as well. They asked their questions then eventually said its a GP thing and made me an appointment for tomorrow. I shall be pushing for something to be done. The other ear should be irrigated on Wednesday so hopefully i'll be able to hear out of one ear at least.
7.3 this morning for me, higher than I would like, but given loads of bad choices yesterday evening I’m not surprised. But, hey, that’s life!

Bit duller today, but still hoping for some time in the garden to continue our relaxing weekend. Aiming to get packed today ready for going away on the boat from next weekend, route already planned, Four Counties ring (if anyone knows it) and a trip up to Chester and Ellesmere Port tacked on. Two weeks for it, so should be a more relaxing time than our previous adventures! We got the passage through the Harecastle Tunnel booked for our first Sunday afternoon, so that will be out of the way at the start of our holiday! Not a fan of the 40 minute + time in the tunnel with a really low section in the middle. As the boat has just had a repaint I don’t want to be one of the first owners to scratch it!

Hope everyone has a relaxing Bank Holiday Monday whatever you are doing.
Will your shoulder stand up to the locks? Mine’s hurting just thinking about it!
I haven't a lot of faith in 111 sadly. They aren't really medically qualified.
He did have to keep going to check witb others each time i gave an answer. However, i don't have to try and get through to the surgery for an appointment now as they've made one for me.
Will your shoulder stand up to the locks?
Ah well, that’s what my wife does - she loves the locks. Just as well as there will be about 119 of them on this trip! Meanwhile I just have the tiller to handle, but that will be my right shoulder rather than the left that has been bad.
Morning all. 6.1

Met up with friend and his 18 week old cocker spaniel puppy for brunch yesterday and it was just what I needed.

Potentially meeting my old boss for breakfast today and he’s a bit of a flaky friend but he’s great company when he’s on form.

Have emailed the organisers for the retreat at the end of June asking how I can make accommodation and dietary requests. Least I want to do is make sure there’s enough low carb stuff for me or that there’s full fat yogurt in there morning rather than zero fat.
5.1 for me this morning…
Another busy day on the development front with a deadline for a release looming.
Morning all. 5.9 on yet another glorious morning. It’s only 8 degrees at the moment but forecast 22.

Mr Eggy fixed the chimney yesterday. I’ve never been so frightened for him since his numerous ops and procedures on his heart. Even with his safety equipment on, my heart was in my mouth. It was a long two hours. Glad it’s over now. He’s been told under no circumstances is he to climb up there again!

We’re swerving the garden centre today. We’ve got up early to get in the garden before it gets too hot to tackle one of our large borders. It’s a bit wild! Then we’ll lounge on the loungers under the dappled shade of the grape vine this afternoon. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Have a super, sunny day. And don’t forget the sunscreen. 😎


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