Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

This nasty bug is still fighting on and doing a tour of my body ! I am feeling a bit weary

Still, BG this morning 4.9
BP 118/73
Pulse 54
Temperature 36.4

So all is good but I just feel weary. Hmmm

Today, rest, and later a friend coming to tea (another milestone for my wife). It will be a simple pizza

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
First morning reading for a while - 5.1
After a carb filled weekend… burger with bun, and a plate of Lebanese bread!
The reason for my low readings was simply the catering. Tiny portions of vegetarian food which was all cooked by a volunteer who maybe last looked at a veggie cookbook in perhaps 1972 does impact what one can eat.
Breakfasts have been consistently croissants, toast, jam, sugar puffs so I’d make do with a tea. Coffee was only caffeinated and tea only decaf.
Lunch yesterday was a curried egg salad. Supper was a single small beetroot burger with a slice of gherkin and 1/6 of a tomato. Lunch today was a lettuce soup followed by curried potatoes. It wasn’t soup and a jacket potato with a curried dressing but rather one bowl of soup with a serving of pretty much roasted potatoes with a curry spice. I had the soup but not the potato.

After lunch I gave up and came home.

I’d been wrestling with my huge discomfort at being there since I arrived and I realised that the compassionate thing for me to do for me was to come home today.

It was supposed to be a supportive community type of feel but I didn’t feel ‘safe’ there so I was constant in fight or fight mode.

I really tried to relax but just couldn’t. Sure, when I was doing a meditation or something I looked calm but immediately that was over and we had free time I was wrestling with all the trauma and the pressure of being with a group of 28 perfectly decent gay, bi or trans guys but I just couldn’t any more.

My goals for going were to step out of my comfort zone, be authentic and be vulnerable. I did all of those so it can’t be classed as a failure and I’m sure I’ll go again to another one but as soon as I finally decided to come home a weight lifted.

I’m grateful for your support to folks as I know the trauma stuff isn’t diabetic so it’s well off topic.

I’ve eaten atrociously this evening but won’t beat myself up about that as it is what it is, right now I’m going to go to bed and read a trashy novel and I’ll see you all in the morning.

Much love. Even more gratitude.

Colin xx
Well done for having the courage to go on retreat, for testing your limits, and the wisdom for recognising that a longer experience of it currently would be damaging. That is success on which to found future movement towards youir goals. Welcome home.
6.8 for me today, but that was DP starting up I think as I was around 4.5 with a fairly flat line overnight; and somehow still on a unicorn?! Breakfast when I’m not working is always the thing that seems to mess up my sugars a bit if I don’t have low carb, as I can never quite get my bolus right.

However a little diabetes win for me yesterday - I injected my bolus into a new site (upper arm) and it all went well! The DSN told me not to use this site as it’s not advised anymore (I’m guessing the risk of injecting into muscle?) but I know you can and that many people do, so gave it a go - wanted to give my poor tummy a break!

Edit: @ColinUK well done for going in the first place; that must have taken an awful lot of courage on your part, and shows your true strength of character. Look after yourself!
7.9 this morning. Unsurprisingly.

Thank you for the support shown on my previous post. There’s lots of thoughts bouncing around in my head right now.

I need to cry so I think I’ll watch Field of Dreams, Beaches and/or Haichi: A Dogs Tale at some point today.
Good morning. 5.3 - which is a marvel and does not reflect yesterdays poor food choices.

Went to the Aberaeron Plant Fair yesterday. Cheekily arrived half an hour before it was officially open so was able to park by the gate, stroll around and pick out my plants in the cool and absence of crowds. A hot bath on rising and the gentle stroll had eased the back a bit so I decided too install Mrs Frog on her jetty. This went very well so I should have been suspicious.
Heading for my garden chair, intending to admire her cunning disguisal of the return water pipe, I noted the UV filter was leaking...2 hours wrestling with the beastly thing, bent double on my knees. It had rotted a vital O ring but refused the nice one I found in the plumbing spares - like trying to get food into an angry toddler. Eventually effected a temproary solution with 2 office rubber bands.
Needless to say that I had a bad night and am not too comfortable this morning, however, need to get on and hit the Newcastle Emlyn Coop for food for the family. Can't face the trek to Carmarthen or Lampeter so I hope they have ice cream cones as young Rowan has mentioned he is looking forward to them...Laundry on, pills taken, I'm off.

Have a happy day everyone.
Good morning - 5.1

It’s half term - Going to visit Wrest Park today

Have a great day everyone

9.3 today after a bad weekend of eating and not taking pills. Off running this morning.

@ColinUK - well done for giving stepping out your comfort zone, and for taking the decision to step back into your comfort zone, when it wasn’t for you.

Congratulations to @ColinUK and @Bloden on yesterday’s HS.

hope everyone enjoys their Bank Holiday
7.9 this morning. Unsurprisingly.

Thank you for the support shown on my previous post. There’s lots of thoughts bouncing around in my head right now.

I need to cry so I think I’ll watch Field of Dreams, Beaches and/or Haichi: A Dogs Tale at some point today.
The Note Book, guaranteed snot fest. Now get some decent food in you, that sounded pitiful what they served, why does “ retreat” mean starvation? Yes, retreat from the world and it’s problems, but we need to eat to face the problems the world throws at us. Take care.
PS if you can’t get The Note Book the old BT advert with JR Hartley gets me every time. 😉
Morning all on this beautiful Bank Holiday Monday. 6.7 and another unicorn.

We’ve laid in bed after waking for an hour discussing what we’re going to do today. Conclusion….nowt! We fancied a garden centre but I hate crowds and pushing and shoving so we are going to go to one in Scotland tomorrow. It’s not BH or half term over the border so I would hope tomorrow will be “ normal”, then we will hopefully go for a wee walk along the Solway Coast, should be cooler than inland. Today we’ll pootle, a bit of gardening, a bit of DIY and a bit of cooking, fishcakes today.

Have a fabulous day, whatever you all decide to do. 😎
The Note Book, guaranteed snot fest. Now get some decent food in you, that sounded pitiful what they served, why does “ retreat” mean starvation? Yes, retreat from the world and it’s problems, but we need to eat to face the problems the world throws at us. Take care.
PS if you can’t get The Note Book the old BT advert with JR Hartley gets me every time. 😉

You’ll like this then!
Good morning - 5.1

It’s half term - Going to visit Wrest Park today

Have a great day everyone
I haven’t been there in years and I only live about eight miles from there, it’s supposed to be an excellent day out by all accounts.
Do let us know what you think of your visit.
It’s a grey and windy day here, and it’s a 5.7 this morning and my porridge is calling.
Meeting a friend and his puppy for breakfast in a local park.
I’ll write today as well as I want to get my thoughts and feelings down on paper.

Will later be thumbing through the Caldesi Low Carb Italian cookbook which arrived whilst I was away to find something wise to eat.
Morning all.

Apologies if anyone was on tenterhooks awaiting the lunch update :rofl: what I didn't add on Friday was that on Saturday I was then driving across the country to meet most of my family (my parents, brothers and brothers' families) at a group of cottages for a week. I didn't bring bf as I think it's a bit too early in the relationship for "meet the family" to be a full week.... But he will meet most of them in separate groups later in the year with our summer holiday plans.

Meeting his parents seemed to go well. His dad didn't talk much, his mum talked a bit more. And at the end pulled out a couple of photos from her wallet - bf, his dad and his brother when they were all a bit younger :rofl:. The one of bf was a school photo. He said "oh no, we're not doing the embarrassing photos are we... Oh dad, ok" then she added the one of him "oh, we are doing the embarrassing photos". It really wasn't bad though, I wouldn't be surprised if my mum shows him much more embarrassing photos of me when she meets him.

I told my brothers and parents about him on Saturday when I saw them (I had been waiting to tell them face to face since it was only a few weeks from starting to date that I was seeing them). They're all happy for me so far, not told all my brothers many details but we are having a siblings plus wives pub tea tonight while grandparents (and my teenagers if they can be persuaded to help) babysit the younger cousins. So will probably talk about him a bit more then.

It's been really nice seeing my niblings a bit more, COVID has meant I haven't seen as much of them as I would otherwise have done the last couple of years, especially the youngest who was born during COVID. But they are now happy to be picked up by me and talk to me with no parent in sight so that's really nice. We had a BBQ yesterday all together, I was very restrained with main course - meat and salads with just a couple of new potatoes in potato & egg salad, and I had drunk some wine that my dad brought so then I did have a small dessert as a treat. Completely forgot to do my BG this morning (or yesterday morning come to that) so no idea what effect it had on fasting reading. Oops. Might try to remember to do pre and post pub meal readings tonight.

Congrats for the HS I have missed. And I completely agree with the others @ColinUK - recognising when you have had enough of a new thing you are trying is very healthy. I hope you have a lovely chilled Bank Holiday Monday to recover!