Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.0

Have a great day everyone
Congratulations to @ColinUK and @Bloden on your HS today

Here’s a nice waterfall house for you both to share!

Good morning everyone, 6.7 this morning for me. Amazingly I didn’t get any hypos yesterday, although the gardening didn’t turn out to be all that strenuous. Luckily it’s all fairly low maintenance and there were very few weeds (I do tend to pluck out any that I see most days anyway when having a wander around the garden during lunchtimes and in the evenings).

Had a surprise message from one of my cousins yesterday saying that her Dad has just been diagnosed with T1 and would I call him as he can’t get his head around it all. So I ended up having a really good chat with my aunt about it all (he struggles to hear on the phone now). Turns out he told his GP he didn’t want to go on insulin, despite a high ketone reading and another reading of over 100 (presumably his HbA1c, but they didn’t know for sure as this was all new to them). So, he’s on Metformin and was given a BG meter without any instructions, consequently feeling really lost and not knowing what he can and can’t eat, what his readings should be, etc. A neighbour who “has half a pancreas” told him he had to cut down on bread but could eat as many potatoes as he wanted! Amazing how information gets distorted!

Hopefully I gave them some help, and also encouraged him to discuss insulin when he sees his GP next week - they were told he is T1, so it seems the best course of action, especially with high fasting BG and high readings 2 hours after eating.

Another lazy day today for us, apart from a trip over to visit my parents after lunch. I need to chill out a bit, can’t shake a continual anxious feeling for some reason. Really looking forward to a couple of weeks at the start of June on the narrowboat, that should help me unwind and relax for sure!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all, another sunny morning here and it’s a 5.5 for me today.
Going to have a lazy day today I’m off to my daughters house for a barbecue and to watch the Grand Prix in a little while.
I just might have time for a short bike ride before I go if I get my skates on.
Morning all. 4.8 for me this morning Nice straight line all-night.. cloudy up here today Get the house work done downstairs take dog out have lunch Do upstairs. Then out for a good walk. Hip permitting. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all, another sunny morning here and it’s a 5.5 for me today.
Going to have a lazy day today I’m off to my daughters house for a barbecue and to watch the Grand Prix in a little while.
I just might have time for a short bike ride before I go if I get my skates on.

An Alonso won would be like a Unicorn Day! 🙂
It was a 2.9 for me this morning 😱 according to Libre 🙄 despite 2 JBs for a 4.1 at 4.30am. I didn't double check as I was clearly hypo. Obviously I got my basal dose wrong last night. Hope it is just a one off and my usual good form will be back soon. I have dropped my morning basal dose by a couple of units and will see how that goes.

Many congrats to @Bloden and @ColinUK. Jammy that you caught it on a House Special considering that it was rising sharply. This retreat must be working some magic on your diabetes considering you have had an ultra low reading and now an HS.
Morning all - glorious again! So well deserved after all that grey back awhile.

8.6 this morning after going to bed on 20.6. I did wonder if it was the new sensor started at nearly midnight, but no, the meter backed it up.

Out for lunch yesterday I had a starter portion of mussels, which was actually very generous, and came with some focaccia bread (that I only ate a very little of) and a side order of chips. It was delicious. Everyone else had moby dick with chips and mushy peas! Afterwards we went back to our friends' place for a glass or two of wine, then walked home, so it was a decent walk. Later I had half a small baguette with cheddar and a bit of fig chutney. I'm pretty sure I dosed correctly for that, but who knows? Bread is my nemesis.

Congratulations to @Bloden and @ColinUK well done on the HSs.

@khskel venue looks amazing.

@TinaD hope you feel better soon.

Lazy day for me today.... was supposed to have a friend over for dinner but she says she has an upset tum from our prawn sandwiches on Thurs????
The reason for my low readings was simply the catering. Tiny portions of vegetarian food which was all cooked by a volunteer who maybe last looked at a veggie cookbook in perhaps 1972 does impact what one can eat.
Breakfasts have been consistently croissants, toast, jam, sugar puffs so I’d make do with a tea. Coffee was only caffeinated and tea only decaf.
Lunch yesterday was a curried egg salad. Supper was a single small beetroot burger with a slice of gherkin and 1/6 of a tomato. Lunch today was a lettuce soup followed by curried potatoes. It wasn’t soup and a jacket potato with a curried dressing but rather one bowl of soup with a serving of pretty much roasted potatoes with a curry spice. I had the soup but not the potato.

After lunch I gave up and came home.

I’d been wrestling with my huge discomfort at being there since I arrived and I realised that the compassionate thing for me to do for me was to come home today.

It was supposed to be a supportive community type of feel but I didn’t feel ‘safe’ there so I was constant in fight or fight mode.

I really tried to relax but just couldn’t. Sure, when I was doing a meditation or something I looked calm but immediately that was over and we had free time I was wrestling with all the trauma and the pressure of being with a group of 28 perfectly decent gay, bi or trans guys but I just couldn’t any more.

My goals for going were to step out of my comfort zone, be authentic and be vulnerable. I did all of those so it can’t be classed as a failure and I’m sure I’ll go again to another one but as soon as I finally decided to come home a weight lifted.

I’m grateful for your support to folks as I know the trauma stuff isn’t diabetic so it’s well off topic.

I’ve eaten atrociously this evening but won’t beat myself up about that as it is what it is, right now I’m going to go to bed and read a trashy novel and I’ll see you all in the morning.

Much love. Even more gratitude.

Colin xx
My goals for going were to step out of my comfort zone, be authentic and be vulnerable. I did all of those so it can’t be classed as a failure and I’m sure I’ll go again to another one but as soon as I finally decided to come home a weight lifted.
The thing about stepping outside your comfort zone, is that if you find you’ve stepped too far, you are allowed to step back in again.
The thing about stepping outside your comfort zone, is that if you find you’ve stepped too far, you are allowed to step back in again.
That pendulum is gonna swing back and forth for a while yet methinks.
@Bloden Have a house!

I think Falling Water is one of the most remarkable residences ever created so thank you!
Amazing place, you can even go on tours of it apparently, so whenever I go to Pennsylvania I’ll have to visit!
I’m grateful for your support to folks as I know the trauma stuff isn’t diabetic so it’s well off topic.
We all have a common link of having diabetes, but also we are all human and struggle with things in our lives both with diabetes and with everything else that goes to make up a life. Our experiences may be different, but we all share the same types of hopes, fears and joy.

It sounds like you did the right thing for yourself and should rightly be proud. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.