Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A very nice 5.5 and a unicorn.

Up early as have a busy day ahead, unexpectedly looking after the farmers’ children for a few hours. Nothing to eat in the house ( for them) so in our wisdom we’ve decided to fire up the pizza oven. But of course we’ve no wood, or Mozzarella or salami. Mr Eggy also wants glass for the window as the glass shop ( I’m sure there’s a proper word for it) is closed after lunch today until Tuesday. So, wood, food and glass needed all before they arrive at 10.30. I also need ( no pun intended) to make pizza dough! Oh and I’ve invited Zara, and mummy, for lunch as she loves to see her big cousins, and they her. Seven for lunch. It could take a while to cook seven pizzas in the pizza oven. We’ll have to eat in shifts! 😱I’ve asked Alexa to add a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc to the shopping list!:rofl:

Well done yesterday’s HSers @Eternal422 and @Barrowman.
@freesia hope your ear problem sorts itself very soon. I had similar a couple of years ago, not wax, but all muffled up with dizziness. Turned out I have hearing loss in my left ear and tinnitus. I had an MRI to check out for any nastiness, that was fine. The dizziness eventually cleared as did the muffled ears but it is very disconcerting at the time.

Have a super Saturday all. 😎
In anticipation of anyone getting a HS today have this in advance:

It’s where I am on this retreat.

View attachment 26056
Very nice. Luckily I never got a HS today so you don’t have to worry about me gatecrashing and embarrassing you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Good morning. 6.0

Looks like another hot day. Blue sky with mist in the river valley below. It was 23 degrees here yesterday in mid-afternoon - I am hoping for a few degrees less if I am to get much gardening done.

Had to laugh at @Pattidevans comment yesterday refering to my "energy". I fear she misapprehends the situation. I have very little, despite the steroids, but I do have a desperate determination not to sink into a terminal mess. I would willingly pay somebody to work whilst I sat and supervised but, as you know, I failed miserably in my "staff recruitment". The one hired for gardening has been back in touch - 3 times yesterday on facebook - on each occasion changing the day he wanted to work - one sent at 10.28 saying he could come "today at 10.00..." Obviously he is unable to read a clock let alone keep a diary or make plans. Whoever devised attendance allowance did not allow for the impossibility of hiring workers to attend.

I wish everything didn't take so long as my mobility isn't good. Never mind I got the outflow pipe sorted despite nearly falling in the pond in attempting to rise to my feet. The water is still a bit murky so not an appealing prospect. Today will be less busy unless Amazon delivers the grids for the edges. I shall be back in the workshop building a jetty for a frog statue to sit over the outflow pipe and, possibly, planting a few plants to hide its 9 metre run.

Tomorrow is a "hoover the static" day as the kids are arriving on Monday so I shall have to hit the supermarket first thing. Looking forward to seeing them all and hoping the new paddling pool is delivered today.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Morning all. 🙂 8.1 here. That’ll be two days in a row without my morning walk effecting my fasting BG. Can’t go this morning either (all day Welsh course, got to leave SOON) so a walk on the beach later on is a MUST. Enjoy the sunshine! 🙂
5.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning. 5.8, tired but need to get up, oil/spray in ears, breakfast, cleaning and a wash on, hair cut then the rest of the day relaxing in the garden with my book. Older daughter and son in law are around later for a bbq which will be lovely.

The sun is out and its going to be a nice day today. Have a nice day whatever you are planning.

. I had similar a couple of years ago, not wax, but all muffled up with dizziness. Turned out I have hearing loss in my left ear and tinnitus. I had an MRI to check out for any nastiness, that was fine. The dizziness eventually cleared as did the muffled ears but it is very disconcerting at the time
@eggyg If i knew the reason why it wouldn't be so bad. It's the suddeness of the hearing loss that has worried me. Hopefully it will clear or i get back to the GP and she does something.
Morning all.

Not sure what waking level was. Sensor was hanging by a thread this morning.

Hell of a night last night. Venue was absolutely packed to the rafters. The whole line up was excellent and we did an interview for a Mexican TV station.

Back to reality.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 5.7
Good morning everyone up very late at 7am.

Nowhere near an HS as BG 5.0 so Colin doesn't need to find a house for me today.

Pulse 54
BP slightly elevated

Today an afternoon walk, possibly a bit of painting, or maybe just rest

Oh and a surprise grocery delivery around lunch time. My wife has no idea I ordered lots of stuff we use daily.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
And it’s a 5.8 for me this misty morning.
Happy Saturday everyone! 4.7 for me today.

Planning a lovely relaxing day in the garden today, well, maybe not quite relaxing as I plan to do lots of gardening (been inspired by @TinaD tales of her pond). Need to thin out a clump of reeds at one end of our pond, weeding, pruning, etc., etc. Quite looking forward to a day outdoors with no clock watching or places to be! There may be a bottle of San Miguel involved at some point during the day. Doubtless I’ll be playing snack-that-hypo throughout the day with the gardening effort!

@ColinUK - all the best today, hope everything is good for you.

Have a great day everyone, hope you all get to enjoy some sunshine!
Morning all on another beautiful day!

5.4 this morning. Surprised after eating (a very tiny) dinner of linguine with a salmon cream sauce and no insulin last night.

Walking over to the next village to meet friends for a pub lunch today. Really looking forward to it!

Well, @TinaD if it's not energy then I admire your determination! At least you get things done!

@khskel congratulations on a successful gig!

@freesia I found olive oil just bunged my ears up worse. Otex express helped as much as anything, but in the end the microsuction treatment was the only thing that sorted it long-term. I say long term, 18 months later I really need it done again, but am shying away from the £50 charge.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
It was a 3.8 for me this morning despite a 1.5 unit Levemir reduction last night. Another half a unit off would probably have been perfect but only a tiny amount of time in the red and I wonder if there may have been a slight element of compression low involved as I did wake up on that arm but there is no obvious dip on the graph, just a slow steady decline towards the red so I think I have to accept I got it marginally wrong last night. A combination of a walk in the heat of the afternoon and then mowing the lawns.

Interesting that you were in the 3s this morning @ColinUK Was that a compression low or was some alcohol involved?.... Or perhaps the retreat is working miracles and you got a really good night's sleep and that lowered your levels. Hope you are finding it less daunting now you are there and settling in well.

@khskel Congrats on your successful gig. I imagine that was quite a buzz! Shame about the sensor. Hope you have a spare.
Otex express helped as much as anything, but in the end the microsuction treatment was the only thing that sorted it long-term.
I'm using the Otex olive oil but if the surgery doesn't irrigate it this week (as i was expecting last week) i shall be doing what @Eternal422 says and buying the thing from Amazon.

I'm more concerned about the other ear with the hearing loss as they've said there is no wax and no infection so can't say why i can't hear. I shall be pushing for something to be done if it doesn't clear by Tuesday.

I hope everyone is enjoying this gorgeous sunshine.
Good morning! 4'2 this morning in Libre, might be actually a bit higher.

I did an experiment of skipping my insulin for 2 days and I don't see a big difference. Sure it's been a bit warmer and I've been walking, but no more than I normally walk in a day with insulin. I did have bigger "mountains" in my graph after meals yesterday but still stayed in range. I'm a bit confused. Looks like I'm taking medication for nothing, but I'm worried if I stop for longer my levels can go up suddenly and get in trouble. I did take my basal this morning, with a unit reduction, and will ask some questions in my hospital review next week.