Group 7-day waking average?

Better that than Slip Sliding Away!
It’ll possibly be the only night on the tiles he gets for a while. All this DIY is cutting into our budget! The prices at B&Q have gone through the roof. They’re getting totally slated by their customers. :rofl:
Evening. Late posting today, had 6.6 this morning. Oops. Probably the bit of cake that I ate last night. And then the chocolate on top of that... Oh well at least it was still under 7.

Congrats @Barrowman !
6.9 @ 5.59am this morning, not bad, nice gardening day, goodnight all. 🙂
7.0 - Flatfish. Unicorn.

Mind racing all night. Partly deciding whether or not to complain to the police about them constantly missing their promise of updating me every thirty days and the impact that has on me, partly about this weekend away on the men’s retreat. The whole thing scares the bejesus out of me to be honest.
I keep telling myself that I don’t have to go. If I go I don’t have to stay.
If I stay I don’t have to go again.
It’s as if it’s become this huge thing all twisted with questions about whether they’ll like me and whether I’ll like them. It’s also going to be a challenge to be my authentic self and not fall into the habit of playing the role of entertainer.

I also fear the sharing circle type thing. If I’m being authentic then I’ll be bringing up the sexual violence and I fear that will be triggering or distressing for others.

It’s complicated and all I can realistically do is be compassionate to myself and mindful of others.

On that note, I’m not sure if I’ll be in here from later today until Tuesday next week so if I’m absent just behave nicely and don’t have any uproarious parties!
9.0 this morning with a slow creep overnight after a day of low ish alrms yesterday (set my alarms a little higher for this week)

Having a lovely time so far, spent the day with my dad yesterday and did a bunch of tourists things which was kinda fun.

Today is a chill day with my sis in law and nieces, although chill might not be the right term for their adorable chaos :rofl:

Didn't realise how much I miss this place and living by the sea.

Have an awesome day everyone x


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Good morning - 7.2
Morning all and greetings from Leipzig. 6.6 for me. A couple of dips into the red over night
That' d be the Schwarzbier and burger fighting it out. Nice hotel just opposite the main station. Trams merrily clanking away outside.

Must sample the breakfast in a bit. Coffee and food would be most welcome.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 7.2. Had stomach trouble all day yesterday, touch wood all seems well today. Going to just eat very small portions and be mindful of what I put in my mouth. I just can’t eat the things I used to.

Got Zara today, think it’ll be a running around the garden day today. No DIYing for Mr Eggy, that’s what bank holidays are for.

@ColinUK I hope you go to your retreat, you may regret it if you don’t at least try it, and as you said, you can always leave if it isn’t for you. You may meet some amazing people, you probably won’t like them all and not all of them will like you. That’s life I’m afraid. As for the sharing, I’m certain it won’t be the first thing you do as soon as you arrive, by the time it comes around you may have a handle of your fellow, well, fellows, and will feel more able to be your authentic self. I quite like that phrase. Whatever you decide you know we’ll be here for you. So, put on your big boy pants and have the best weekend.

Have a fabulous Friday all, and to all you fantastic folks who work in schools, and of course the pupils, have a great half term, the weather is looking amazing for it. How many sleeps until the summer holidays now! 😉

Just to make you smile. Mr Eggy fitting his handmade window frame. He’s in the neighbours’ garden and I’m in our living room. Weird old house we have! Goes with the weird occupants! :rofl:


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On that note, I’m not sure if I’ll be in here from later today until Tuesday next week so if I’m absent just behave nicely and don’t have any uproarious parties!
Let’s trash all the houses! :D

7.3 for me today. I think the past two nights are a result of being slightly low before bed (3.8/9) and drinking orange juice to bring me back up, with my basal then keeping me there. I’m just happy I’ve managed to not over treat. New sensor but hoping it’s not the random number generator the last one was for the first few days.

Happy Friday everyone!
Good morning everyone. Up late after a good nights sleep. The first this week. Nasty cold is in retreat. Yesss

BG 4.8
Pulse 54
BP 124/79

Today, rest and recovery. This cold, being the first in years, just sapped all my strength.

@ColinUK Of course you will get nothing but 5.2's whilst you are away, so here's a few 'houses' to tide you over 🙂


Have a great day today whhatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 4.1 here.

Sorry to hear you had a bad night @ColinUK. I hate unknown situations. Like you say, if you go to the retreat, you can always leave if it isn’t working out. (((Hugs)))

It’s the matriarch’s birthday today, so we’re going to the beach for lunch. I just hope there’s some shade - I don’t want to end up bright pink with t-shirt marks. Aaaah, sunshine. 🙂

Nice hat Mr @eggyg!
Morning all, 5.7 here, the good weather continues here as well, had a lovely horse ride in the sunshine yesterday, and noticed how dry and cracked the ground is already getting in the fields, but was surprised to see how much wet mud there still was on the bridleway through the woods.
Good morning! A 7.7 today. The spike after midnight was not a midnight snack but when I woke with phantom pain. I took painkillers and as they didn't appear to be working was thinking of adding to them but then fell asleep. I was awake for two hours.

Being out in the country I never had a midnight feast wth friends. I would have had to brought cheese to the party as it was unlimited on my early diet sheet - no cholesterol then. I did, though, read or listen to Radio Luxembourg under the covers! 🙂
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6.0 today. Happy with that. Meeting bf's parents today (we're going out for lunch with them) so a little anxious about that
6.0 today. Happy with that. Meeting bf's parents today (we're going out for lunch with them) so a little anxious about that
They’ll adore you!