Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.6

Yesterday I was up and down like the fiddler's elbow, faffing about with the temporary filter outlet, covering a shallow in compost filled fabric bags to make a bog, fitting a border to it, planting up and gravelling over and carefully pushing deeper water plants out in their baskets. Every time I knelt down whatever I needed was just out of reach... Since the compost was in 60 litre bags and the gravel in 25kg bags I got quite a work out - so my back and knees are considering calling a general strike. Happily, although my exciting new pump (20,000L every hour) has arrived, the new outlet pipe isn't due until tomorrow so I may have a slightly less active day. Can't complain tho' as BG much better after all that exercise.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the sunshine.
7.3 for me this morning. A bit high, but it was my OH’s birthday yesterday, so we had Chinese and one of his mum’s homemade cupcakes - which I underbolused for then overcorrected, but managed not to overtreat the subsequent slight low - however I was on edge for a couple of hours after whilst in bed expecting that high alarm :rofl: Felt like a bit of a pincushion yesterday as had some treats at work too so diet wasn’t the best, but the only disaster was the evening when I went up to around 10/11.

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all. 🙂 5.6 here.

I’m helping out today at a Coffi a Chymraeg / Coffee and Welsh session for Welsh learners that happens once a month. My Welsh tutor knows that I’m hoping to join the teaching team and has been throwing opportunities my way that’ll look good on my CV. What a bloke!

You obviously did a great job last time @Lily123 - what exactly are your mentoring duties?
Morning all, 6.3 here.
Went for a walk locally yesterday and heard a cuckoo. We heard one in Yorkshire last week, but hadn’t heard one here for several years. Glad to have one back, even if their ideas about childcare leave a lot to be desired.
Good morning 6.1 today
looking forward to spending the day with my feet up catching up with some television on demand.

Before my wife went to work I mentioned to her I today was thinking of putting the bathroom cupboards together (they are a stack of flat pack mirrored cupboards)

that was met with a growl,
I’m under strict instructions to do nothing other than relax and recover, which is probably wise.
so apart from heat up my breakfast and lunch I shall be sat down both legs elevated.

Have a great day everybody 😎
6.9 this morning. Coming down slowly after a meal out at an excellent Indian restaurant last night. Slap my wrists as I had the works including papadums, mango chutney, lime pickle and rice and naan and kulfi (as well as the actual curry of course).

It was excessive clearly and I could have made better choices but I’m chalking this up to being a learning exercise!

Today I’ll be writing a firm email complaint to the police about the time it’s taking to have any developments with my case even though they promised over a year ago that they’d be interviewing the accused within two weeks.

I’ll be shopping for a few bits and bobs prior to my weekend away (so if I’m quiet from tomorrow until Tuesday that’s why). But most importantly I’ll be watching Sewing Bee on iPlayer!
After a very restless night, caused by a cheese fuelled series of weird and convoluted dreams, I woke to a nice 4.8. 🙂
Some Manchego & olives tonight methinks. 😛

Morning all. Another 6.1. Been awake on and off since 5.30, so feel really tired now! But the sun is shining so I will move my body eventually this morning and strip the bed.

Mr Eggy never got on the roof yesterday, instead he decided to make a window frame, as you do, we have a very old quirky house, nothing is standard and it’s Grade 2 listed. This makes life a tad difficult when doing repairs on the outside. We have a teeny tiny window, it doesn’t open, that looks into our neighbours garden. We can only assume it was when the house was a farm and it looked over their land before they converted the barns into houses. Anyhoo, it has been rotten for years, but access wasn’t easy but our neighbour has made his garden into a drive for his cars so we asked if we could come on to his property to get it fixed, yes was the answer. To get some one to make a frame exactly the same, no PVC allowed, it was going to cost about £400/500! So,off he trotted to B&Q for supplies. £40! Wood, primer, other stuff etc. He’s done a good job so far, it’s in my utility room drying off. We hope we can make the old glass fit if not he’ll glaze it himself too. He’s a clever lad.

@Robin we heard loads of cuckoos the last two days we were in Scotland but didn’t see any this year unlike when we were there last year. Never heard them around home though.
@goodybags do as you’re told and chill!
@ColinUK Sewing Bee was fab.

Have a great day and I hope the sun is shining for you all too.
Morning! 6.4 this morning...
Successful daughter and Co pickup at LGW yesterday, they looked like they had a good time.
Final bits of packing and various odd jobs around the house (I did the mega grass yesterday!) Before we head off for a Rhine river cruise on Saturday early :(
It's a door to door experience so no faffing with parking at Heathrow 🙂 First holiday for 3 years, I guess I am not alone in that...
Have a blessed day everyone.

As an aside, still trying to fathom out split screen views in Zoom breakout rooms whilst sharing! 😱

8.8 today and still wheezy, looking forward to catching up with the Sewing Bee this evening, so no spoilers please. Off to Dymchurch in Kent tomorrow for a few days for hubbies birthday treat.

@Snowwy - enjoy your river cruise, I have fancied one of them.

@goodybags - please take it easy, my hubby was like that after his hernia op, all he wanted to do was the diy around the house while off work, then put his recovery back because of it.
Well after three 4.9’s on the trot it’s a
for me on this slightly overcast morning .

More hedges to cut this morning and if I have enough energy left when I’ve finished that I’ll go for a bike ride this afternoon.
5.3 for me and a pretty straight horizontal line overnight following a 1 unit reduction in Levemir so I am very happy with that. 3 different Levemir doses in 3 nights and all 3 provided good results. Feel like I am winning at the moment.

Had a challenging experience last. Ian rang me up about 7pm to ask if I could bring the jump leads as his car wouldn't start. I got to the country lane in question and it wouldn't jump so we went to the farm and borrowed the tractor and went back and I had to sit and steer Ian's Range Rover whilst I was towed backwards up the hill to the crossroads by a tractor, where we were then able to swap the tow to the front and towed me so far along the road until there was enough downward incline to freewheel about a mile into the bottom of the valley and then reattach the tow up the hill back to the farm. We were not sure if there would be any brakes other than handbrake but thankfully it turned out the servo is electric.... Otherwise Ian was going to give me a crash course in driving the tractor (it is a monster!) and he was going to handbrake the car down the hill! Of course the steering was incredibly heavy without power assistance and traveling at slow speed, so it was all very daunting but we made it safe and sound and thankfully we didn't meet a single car on the 2 mile journey. Looks like it is the starter motor so I have a replacement to pick up from a local LandRover autospares place this afternoon and Ian should have it back working by this evening. Fingers crossed!
We are going through a bad spell with cars at the moment. His needed 2 Universal joints last week, then my Freelander started blowing hot plastic smelling smoke into the interior the other day when I loaned him it whilst his was getting fixed, then I got an engine management warning light on Toyota on the way back from Lancashire on Tuesday.... Interestingly when he was driving my car on both occasions, so I am accusing him of breaking my cars! Not got to the bottom of either issue with mine yet . They are both still running OK and I don't go far but will need looking at when I get a moment. We have been pretty lucky with them considering they are all very old vehicles, so can't complain when bits of things start to go wrong.... a bit like us I guess. Wonder if a shot of insulin will fix them?
clay pigeon shooting today with a few pals, hope I manage to hit something this week!
Reminds me of a standup comedian, Henry Cho (look him up if you don’t know him - he’s a Korean from Knoxville, TN and has a broad “hillbilly” accent). He told a story about his friend JB who had a dangerous hunting strategy - he shot at anything that moved. So after he fired his gun he shouted “Hey look at that Zeke!”, “Zeke?” :rofl:
5.9 this morning for me, I was a bit better last night and managed to curb my usual grazing for snacks (dessert, supper, supper2, etc.:rofl:). It paid off and I had a fairly steady line overnight to end up with the 5.9 this morning.

Giving the pharmacy a miss this month to order my repeat prescription, it‘s been a bit of pain trying to give them an order for a month ahead at the time I collect one as some of the things are variable and based on what I do during the month (the usual insulin, needles, sharps box, test strips, etc.). So I’ve placed an order on the NHS app to see if that works better for me. I’ve had to place it before my June order would otherwise be placed as I would run out whilst we’re away on the boat. I put a note explaining why, so hopefully the GP will approve it and I can collect it next week before we go away.

My wife has to work until 8pm again today, another long day for her, but at least she has the car and can come back home without having to wait for me to pick her up.

Congratulations @Barrowman on your HS.

@eggyg - window frame making sounds far less dangerous than fixing a chimney!

@rebrascora - sounds like you are having a time with your cars! Hopefully you’ll be able to get them sorted out without too much cost and bother!

Hope everyone has a good day!
window frame making sounds far less dangerous than fixing a chimney!
Yes, but it still needs doing! He picked up his safety harness yesterday and a bag of render so he’s good to go. He is presently fitting the window frame after priming it and the window sill. Thank goodness he’s cracking on as we live on a very busy road and even with the secondary glazing and some corrugated plastic it’s been very noisy. Fingers crossed it’ll be glazed soon. Then he’ll be up on the roof! Cue for a song? :rofl: