Group 7-day waking average?

And for the third day in a row it’s a 4.9 for me, a hat trick, wow.
And it’s a nice sunny morning too, now where’s my porridge.
Hmm not sure dividing by zero is impossible. The result would be infinity. 🙂
We’re having a smart meter fitted
Hope you get it fitted ok, then you’ll be in a whole world of charts and stats like me :rofl:

Nice 5.0 for me this morning. Mind you that was only thanks to a 3U correction at 03:30am when I scanned a 9.5. I just need to stop eating in the evenings!

Looks like a nice sunny day today, so will be cutting the lawn using the free solar electricity at lunchtime no doubt!

@eggyg - I hope Mr Eggy’s roof excursion goes safely today - I don’t want to read of any problems in your next post :rofl:

@TinaD - you must share some pictures of the pond, it sounds a great project!

Have a good day everyone, hope you get to enjoy some sunshine today.
Hmm not sure dividing by zero is impossible. The result would be infinity. 🙂
You probably were taught that - trouble with that is that students end up thinking of infinity as a number. So for Colin's method, is "infinity" + 5.2 5.2 bigger than infinity?! Division by zero is undefined.
Happy with a 6.3 this morning after a 2 unit Levemir increase last night to account for sitting on my bot in the car most of the day yesterday. Seems crazy that it takes 3 hours to get to Knott End in Lancashire which I imagine is still considered "the North" and yet only a couple of hours more to get to London! Anyway, it was a glorious day. Can't believe how massive the bay is and how far out the sea goes out! Managed to come home with only one whip although the guy did his best to sell me the most gorgeous Blackthorn ladies whip which was made in 1810 and still in immaculate condition and a thing of great beauty, but I didn't have a spare £550 for it 🙄 and even if I did, I would never dare take it out of the house in case it got broken. The guy is really interesting and knows everyone because he buys and sells across the country. Ian sees visiting him like visiting a toy shop and I can appreciate that. Anyway, that day trip to Lancashire counts as our holiday for the year. We saw the sea, shared a portion of really gorgeous fish and chips, visited the "toy shop" and had a couple of very enjoyable hours chatting to the "shop keeper" and then travelled back via the Lakeland Services farm shop where I bought some treats for my lovely brother in law and then home in time to put chucks away and feed horses and climb into bed. It was a good day out.
You probably were taught that - trouble with that is that students end up thinking of infinity as a number. So for Colin's method, is "infinity" + 5.2 5.2 bigger than infinity?! Division by zero is undefined.
Has anyone just had a Buzz Lightyear flashback? 'To infinity….and beyond!' It always used to annoy my nerdy son.
I remember our teacher at primary school once putting a complicated long multiplication sum on the board (pre calculators, of course) and telling us we could go out for break when we’d done it. If you read the whole sum through first, before starting off, you saw that there was a 'x 0 ' in the middle, put the answer 0 down and went out to play. (I think he put the children who'd laboriously started doing the calculations out of their misery before too long, but knowing him, he made them suffer for a bit, teachers were allowed to do that back then).
Good morning good folks. 6.1 and a very wibbly wobbly overnight line. That could be because I didn’t take any Levemir last night. Not on purpose you understand, but realised this morning when I came down stairs and there wasn’t a dead needle lying about. Scanned my marvellous Echo Plus pen and sure enough, no record. Oops! But how comes I’m lower than I often am when I’ve had my Levemir ( I inject 9.5 units)? It’s a contrary condition that’s for sure.

Plans today include hiding indoors whilst Mr Eggy climbs on the roof and fixes the chimney. It’s ok though ( his words) he’s picking up a safety harness from Screwfix this morning! Oh Gawd! To make matters worse he’s just smashed his china tea cup taking it out of the dishwasher and announces that he’s being very clumsy lately! 😱 He was a health and safety manager before retirement so at least I know he’s done a full written risk assessment!😉

Apart from that I’ll have a toddle down to Aldi for some lemons and eggs as I’m going to make a lemon meringue pie. Really can’t remember when I last attempted one.

@gll enjoy your trip to the Isle of Man. I nearly went there once, on a special day trip by steamer boat from Whitehaven, it had to turn back as the weather was terrible and everyone, and I mean everyone, was throwing up. It was June! 33 years later and I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I’m sure yours will be much more pleasant.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. 🙂
We had somebody doing some work on the roof once, in the days when it was acceptable to just go up a ladder rather than needing a scaffold, and asked casually how long he thought he would be. When he said he had to be finished by 12.30 as he had a brain scan at 2pm, I thought OMG.
Morning all - lovely sunny day but I bet that wind that's thrashing the trees around is a cold one. Not set foot out yet.

5.6 this morning after a nasty sleepless night (woke at 04:15 and couldn't get back off - only went to bed at 00:15). No straight line, but at least a Unicorn. This bolussing after I have eaten the evening meal seems to be working. At least then the carb count is more accurate.

@eggyg fingers crossed for Mr E's roof adventure! I too was H&S and much as I hated it, I do still see things that "didn't ought to be happening", then thank goodness breathe a sigh of relief that it's not my responsibility now.

Recently watched an old video of "Blot on the Landscape" (it is VERY funny) - pleased to see we have our own "Nanny Whip" now in the form of @rebrascora.

Take care all and have a wonderful Wednesday!

Busy morning so didn’t have time to get on here, 8.8 today, still Flagg and wheezing, hope ing to go running tonight or maybe out for a meal as it is hubbies birthday, but he hasn’t decided what he wants to do this evening ye.
Nice 5.0 for me this morning. Mind you that was only thanks to a 3U correction at 03:30am when I scanned a 9.5. I just need to stop eating in the evenings!

Looks like a nice sunny day today, so will be cutting the lawn using the free solar electricity at lunchtime no doubt!

@eggyg - I hope Mr Eggy’s roof excursion goes safely today - I don’t want to read of any problems in your next post :rofl:

@TinaD - you must share some pictures of the pond, it sounds a great project!

Have a good day everyone, hope you get to enjoy some sunshine today.
I will - once I have finished planting up. I wish I could stand up again once down - it must look like an elderly camel in final moments of life...Can't use kneeler at pond edge so have to retreat on hands and knees. Good thing I planted a thick hedge of the local walkers would be queing up to video.
Good afternoon

I did test this morning on waking was 6.6

5.5 just now so Im now ready for my lunch
I was discharged from hospital yesterday afternoon following a quick lesson
on using the NHS provided crutches which seem OK

have this morning had an over toilet frame / riser delivered by the hospital
that’s going to help whilst I’m recovering

I’m just watching some videos on YouTube
about Knee Scooters and the i-walkers
something I didn’t even know existed until this morning
when I shopped on Amazon for a leg bag so I can have a shower (of sorts)

Have a Great Day Everybody 😎
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Evening all. 7.5 @ 7.32am. All go today, new telly and the asbestos man! 🙂 Hope you've all had a good day.

RIP Tina Turner. :(
Good morning everyone

Been up since 1am, my cold/sore throat just giving me a last twinge and ruining my beauty sleep


BG 5.4
But my temperature is raised to the dizzy heights of 36.5C (it's normally 36.4C)
Everything is basically ok

Rest today. A short walk after lunch.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 6.8

I’ve been asked at school if I’d mentor another Year 7. I said yes