Group 7-day waking average?

7.1 for me too but I seem to be in good company so not complaining. I went to bed on 6.7 with a 1 unit reduction on my Levemir, so it looks like I got that pretty well right as overnight graph is very horizontal. We are off down to Lancashire today to buy a "team whip" for driving tandem because the one that Ian currently has is a cheap (£70) modern one and he want s a proper old one. which is going to cost hundreds..... for s stick with a piece of string on the end for heavens sake 🙄 .... Would be more use for Arthur if it had a carrot tied to it anyway since he is oblivious to it used in the normal way. That said this is essentially for Zak who goes of voice 99% of the time and for that 1% the lightest touch like a fly landing on his back is enough. That said, reaching him with it and landing it in the right place is as skilled as fly fishing.

Many congrats to @freesia
@goodybags Hope the recovery goes well.
@Gwynn Your maths doesn’t add up so no you can’t!

@freesia however gets a house! Quite a pretty house too I think.

When we go on holiday now the one thing we miss is having two loos. #firstworldproblems
I know what you mean, this Yorkshire cottage we just went to was the height of luxury, one bedroom with an en suite, one living room/kitchen all in one, and one cupboard room with the freezer, hoover, ironing board etc AND AN EXTRA LOO in it!
7.3 today.
Gotta finish up packing today. Off tomorrow to the Isle of Man to visit the family and finally meet these nieces of mine (can't wait).
Its a pretty full on travel day ahead but I think I'm almost organised, just need to pack clothes and pull my insulin out of the fridge in the morning 🙂

Not sure how active I will be this week on the forums, will hop on if I have some quiet time :D

Have a fabby week everyone x
I know what you mean, this Yorkshire cottage we just went to was the height of luxury, one bedroom with an en suite, one living room/kitchen all in one, and one cupboard room with the freezer, hoover, ironing board etc AND AN EXTRA LOO in it!
Now that really is posh, a loo in a cupboard! 😉
Morning all and 5.5 for me although that did require the ingestion of 3 Haribo in the early hours.

Off to the studio this afternoon to see what merchandise we can fit in our baggage allowance and also not fall foul of the post Brexit rules on importing into the EU.

Have a good day everyone.
And for the second day running it’s a 4.9 for me, I must be getting into a rut me thinks.
Had my forth bowls lesson last night and managed to get a bowl within 9” of the jack which I was pleased with.
Phone call from the hospital this morning, another endoscopy booked for the 1st June, I assume it’s to check that my stomach ulcer has cleared up.
Have a good day everyone, I’m off for a bike ride now.
When I was very young our loo was down the garden. Mum wouldn't go one day till Dad came home and removed a toad that had moved in. We also had a tin bathtub! Some people moaning today don't really understand poverty. But they were happy times!
When I was 10 ( 1970) we were living away from our home city and my parents wanted to move back nearer family. We did a council house swap to a less salubrious part of the city and we didn’t have an inside loo. We had a bathroom with bath and basin but had to trail outside to relieve ourselves! Or horrors of horrors use the pot my mother placed in the bathroom! Bearing in mind we were a family of five ( I was the oldest child) it wasn’t ideal! Luckily we moved less than a year later.
When I was very young our loo was down the garden. Mum wouldn't go one day till Dad came home and removed a toad that had moved in. We also had a tin bathtub! Some people moaning today don't really understand poverty. But they were happy times!
Luxury! We had to share the toilet toad with five families!
Someone asked me if mum and dad were engaged for so long to save up to buy a house. They were engaged for two years and they saved for the wedding. When they were newly weds they lived in a room in a house that also happened to have three sets of just married cousins living in rooms. All couples shared one kitchen and one bathroom.
They then got a Warner Estate flat which was the height of luxury as it had hot and cold running water! They moved from that to their first house when in 1971/2 and that not only had an outside loo but also a fully functioning Nissen hut half buried in the garden. Now they complain if there isn't the right brand of organic hummus in the supermarket!
6.3 this morning at 6:30 am when I set off to take my wife to work so as to have the car for physio today.

Interestingly a Starbucks almond croissant doesn’t spike my BG anywhere near as badly as porridge - so my experiment was well worth while (and very tasty too!)

Ultrasound results from yesterday were sent that same afternoon to the GP and also on the NHS app (can’t complain at that!). No rotator cuff tear, but evidence of tendonitis and impingement in the shoulder joint. Other than that normal wear and tear and a touch of arthritis in the front of the shoulder. Booked a call with my GP to follow up. Physio today went well and we decided to leave it open for the next 8 weeks rather than booking another appointment. That way I can make an appointment if needed without having to do another self referral. All in all, pleased with being pain free but just aware of the odd twinge and continuing with physio exercises to ward off any return of pain.

Congratulations @freesia on your HS and almost-unicorn (is that a sort of horse with an ice cream cone on its head?)

@goodybags - glad you’re being well looked after. You’ll be back to decorating the bungalow very soon!

Have a great day everyone!
Ooh I forgot - eye screening yesterday! No sign of anything untoward but usual caveat applies... they'll compare the images with previous ones and will give 'official' results in a couple of weeks or so. Also no drops.
Morning folks. 6.7 and a unicorn! Yeah! @Snowwy see photo below.

Been a bit distracted since I got up, the garden is full of baby starlings, there’s loads, and they are very noisy and demanding! Still being fed by their poor parents. My feeders are decimated, especially the fat balls and I’m replenishing the bird baths all day, they love a splash about. We also have three of our nest boxes occupied, two by blue tits and one by house sparrows. House sparrows don’t appear to have chicks yet but the tits do. I some how don’t think I’m going to get much done today!

@TinaD yes, you’re mad, but we wouldn’t have you any other way.
@freesia big congratulations on your HS and almost unicorn.
@goodybags glad the op went well and you’re being well looked after. Hoping for a swift recovery for you so you can get back to the bungalow and carry on decorating!

Have a great folks, another nice one up here in the north.
Glad you are so tolerant but I can "tell a hawk from a handsaw" when the wind is right. House: access track diabolical, land overgrown, garden 4ft high brambles all over it. Drainage defective (rainwater) invisible (sewage). Much vaunted improvements are basically cosmetic since the new insulation is on the inside but nobody has pointed up the outside to prevent damp...Needs about £150k spending on it and would then resell for 20k less than the combined purchase and do up cost. I ain't moving!
Good day all. 7.3 @ 9.28am. Just realising with having no telly that I'm missing Chelsea! 😡