Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 4.9 here.

We’re talking about how to get a job this morning in class. I’ve been doing all the talking so far, so I hope they’re in the mood to show off their linguistic prowess. I don’t like a silent class! 🙂
6.7 today

Yesterday was lovely. Met up with a friend I was in panto with a few times, his wife and baby bump.
Sun was out so we went here…

Just caught up, chatted shit, laughed a lot and they ran potential baby names past me.

SurvivorsUK zoom call in the evening before catching up with the latest Mrs Maisel episode and with I Kissed A Boy on iPlayer.

Eye screening today so I’m ready for the annual “You don’t need to use drops for my eyes”
“Yes we do!”
“You never do and always say you’re amazed you don’t”
“Well if we don’t and it doesn’t work you’ll have to rebook”
And a Heinz 5.7 for me today. 🙂

I luvs peanut butter. 🙂 I want some. Good morning, it's glorious here, I am in the garden. Pottering. 7.5 for me today but still crook so that's not bad. I'm gardening on despite all, determined. Need to make a D appt for eyes, I missed the last one or two and I'm worried now. Silly mare, that'll learn me to cry off! :rofl: Have a brilliant day all.
Morning all on another glorious day!

Surprise, surprise 5.2! I took my evening meal bolus after my meal instead of pre-bolussing. That way I bolused for what I actually ate rather than what was on my plate.

Got a text from the GP this morning and apparently the swallowing problem could be linked to one of the BP meds I'm on.
I have difficulty positioning pictures, so am starting again!

@goodybags good luck with the surgery and fingers crossed it works well for you!

@ColinUK your lunch venue looks idyllic. BTW did Heinz ever sell peanut butter in the UK? I only recall SunPat from my youth.

@TinaD, being forced to eat ice cream must be very painful! HUGS! :rofl:
Very happy with a 5.4 this morning but it involved a correction at bedtime. Had a great day yesterday hosting our club drive. Weather was nigh on perfect, our country roads/lanes were very quiet as always and beautifully green with the new leaves just bursting out. Horses went well.... apart from Arthur having to be chased with the whip all the way out which he mostly ignores 🙄 (he is still terribly work shy 🙄 although if the other horses had been in front he would have pulled) Just as well Zak is strong and willing. Of course, as soon as we get past half way, Arthur will happily pull us home. Then everyone enjoyed having a play on the obstacle course I had set up in the field, even our 80 year old farmer with his dales pony, who did remarkably well. Then we had a picnic in the field before they all headed home and we cleared up. I managed my levels really well up to that point including having breaded chicken and potato wedges and 2 pieces of cake because I am currently not taking prisoners with my diabetes. I am guessing the release of stress from the last couple of days and the heat made my insulin rather more effective. I didn't prebolus for the food or cakes (and they were really sweet cakes) and my levels never went above 6 (WooHoo!).... I should have realised there was a rabbit off, because then just as I was about to drive home they dropped into a hypo, so I had to abandon the car at the farm. I had a lovely walk back for it in the cool of the evening though and then spent a couple of hours playing with my own horses before bed. Really enjoyable day.

Best of luck to @goodybags for your operation. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that it all goes smoothly.

Many congratulations to @Pattidevans on your House Special.
Well I’m just going to sit on the naughty step this morning - 9.2 :(. Went to bed with 6.8, but obviously food must have still been in the digestion process to delay a rise as it looks like I was around 9 most the night. Oh well, it is what it is.

Got my ultrasound appointment today (precisely a 3 month wait), it will be interesting if they find anything as the shoulder is thankfully ok now! Also got a call from the doctor about my asthma, which is improved in just a week thanks to the addition of a prescription antihistamine.

Other than that, normal busy work Monday for me.

@goodybags - good luck today, hope all goes well for you!

@Pattidevans - congratulations on starting the week off for us all with a lovely HS!

Have a good day everyone!
And it's a 4.9 for me this morning, it makes a change from always being in the 5s most days.

Congrats on your HS @Pattidevans
Congrats @Pattidevans

5.6 for me today. Overslept so didn't manage the pretend OGTT and tomorrow it won't fit in with my plans. Ah well, I shall try that some other time.
@Pattidevans Congrats on the first HS of the week!
That deserves a gorgeous bijou residence full of cosy corners for snuggling in.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find you one of those so you’ll have to do with this house.

It’s set in 40 acres and has views over Windsor Castle.

8 bedroom suites. 9 en-suite bathrooms. 2 further baths. Family kitchen. Catering kitchen. Staff quarters. All the usual things really.

Let’s start with the entrance gates…

Which open on to your half a kilometre long driveway…

Then you’re unfortunately met with this…

It’s a bit odd but does come with toys. Well ok it comes with two tennis courts, a full size football pitch, fully equipped gym, heated garaging for 8 cars, heated helipad, heated driveway, indoor pool, outdoor salt water pool (heated).

I think you have to provide your own helicopter and car collection.

Hope it’s not too small for you.


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