Group 7-day waking average?

I'm more concerned about the other ear with the hearing loss as they've said there is no wax and no infection so can't say why i can't hear. I shall be pushing for something to be done if it doesn't clear by Tuesday.
That sounds like what happened to my friend. I think it might be time to be pushing for an appointment with ENT. Or at least presenting at A&E.
I did an experiment of skipping my insulin for 2 days and I don't see a big difference. Sure it's been a bit warmer and I've been walking, but no more than I normally walk in a day with insulin. I did have bigger "mountains" in my graph after meals yesterday but still stayed in range. I'm a bit confused. Looks like I'm taking medication for nothing, but I'm worried if I stop for longer my levels can go up suddenly and get in trouble. I did take my basal this morning, with a unit reduction, and will ask some questions in my hospital review next week.
@Elenka_HM it might be the weather, a lot of people find they need less insulin in warmer weather. Plus the insulin treatment could have given your pancreas a new lease of life, so you are producing some more insulin of your own. Might be worth asking the DSN though.

8.8 this morning straight down to breakfast, out for a walk and then sitting on the promenade looking over the beach all day, only just got back to the room.
Good evening all. 🙂 6.6 @ 5.40am

I did more than usual yesterday, going to hospital with my son for his pre-op checkup and last night felt I'd been run over by a truck and again today. Good grief. I was determined to get in the garden though and did. Hope it doesn't get any hotter... fat chance. I'm dreading it.
Good Evening, I did get up this morning and tested my BS was 5.9

It's been a busy day, my wife and I went over to the WestMidlands to collect some furniture, plus I found a second hand Knee Scooter on Ebay
they look to be a great alternative to crutches for getting out and about, plus rests the ankle as non weight bearing, ok it needs to go to a bicycle repair shop for a few small job's.
photo of me resting when we called in at WingYip in Birmingham on the way back to stock up on various Thai food.

Hope everyones having a great weekend


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Morning all.

@rebrascora no alcohol on the retreat. Friday there was very little food I wanted to eat but I know I had to eat something so I think the low was mainly diet related.

Yesterday I made sure I went back for seconds of the salads when possible and this morning I woke to this…

Morning all.

@rebrascora no alcohol on the retreat. Friday there was very little food I wanted to eat but I know I had to eat something so I think the low was mainly diet related.

Yesterday I made sure I went back for seconds of the salads when possible and this morning I woke to this…

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And here is a fitting house for our friend @ColinUK.


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Good morning. 6.6

Today I am taking life slowly. By yesterday evening I was only just avoiding the DF118s. Not much better this morning. Back and legs are on strike except as pain producers. It went from tolerable in the morning to rug biting by bedtime. I expect it will improve at some point but for now gardening is off - so I am going to a plant fair in Aberaeron instead🙂 Hopefully there will be some more marginals for the pond. Neighbour came over at lunch time, inserted the expensive new pump, and helped clean the filter tank. Still getting lots of horrible silt out.

Hope everyone doing well and not melting in the heat. 23 degrees is a bit too warm for me.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.5 quite low for me
Pulse 57 quite high for me
BP 124/78 quite typical for me at the moment

MY cold/virus has all but gone. Yesss

Today church, walk, ice cream (I hope), rest

@ColinUK congratulations on the HS. Here's a's the caring not the sharing that counts...

9.7 for me.
Been too close the red line for the past few days so went to bed higher and no alarms 🙂
Still a few days of holidays left, it's wonderful seeing everyone here and exploring my old haunts.
Got a birthday party this afternoon for my niece with a bunch more family coming over. Loving it all x
Well done @ColinUK on your 5.2. 🙂
A low HS-1 for me this morning.

Morning all. 6.9, which I’ll take as a win after a small pizza ( which I didn’t finish, not a fan really) for lunch and then curry and rice for tea.

The pizza party went very well. I was standing outside Aldi at 7.59am! Home by 8.30, Mr Eggy had started the pizza dough, I took over and he went for logs and glass. What a team. Kids here at 10.30, they helped us with getting chairs from the shed and grandson chopped some kindling. Then they generally just ran riot round the garden and asking when the pizzas would be ready! Zara arrived just after 12. We ate between 12.30 and 1.30! Everyone pronounced that the pizzas were amazing, TBF we only made the dough, the kids put on their own toppings which we’d laid out for them. They’d all left by 4 and we maybe had a nap in the summer house. 😛

No plans for me today, Mr Eggy fitting the window panes, just incase the weather decides to change.

@ColinUK congratulations on your HS. Hope things are going well.

Have a great day, the sun is still shining, albeit a bit cooler today. 😎

Here’s the girls enjoying their pizzas.


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Morning all. 7.0 @ 7.21am 🙂 Today I'm visiting with daughter and will stay over, then tomorrow to my sisters for her birthday. Need to stock up on cat and parrot food, but my brother pops round to 'do' and feed them anyways. Have a lovely day all.
And here is a fitting house for our friend @ColinUK.
It’s 10,000 steps from bedroom to kitchen! The house that helps you exercise, good choice. 😉

Morning all. 🙂 5.2 for me. That’ll be the lovely walk along the seashore yesterday afternoon. Lots of happy people along the way - swimming, building sandcastles, sleeping off lunch in deckchairs...I love the beach on a sunny day!🙂
@Bloden here's a house. Yup it's a long way to the kitchen !
