Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 4.4 here.

Going to do a bit of planning this morning for my upcoming interview, then round to a friend’s for coffee this arvo. She’s got two labradors that I’m looking forward to meeting - and her OH as well, of course. 😉

Eek! @eggyg.
Good morning everyone.

Woke at 4am. Shut my eyes for a moment only to find it was suddenly 7am !

BG at 7am is 4.8
Pulse a rousing 60
BP ok at 119/70

I am amazed that the body can control body temperature so well. It's already warm here but my temperature stays at 36.4 C

Today I had better do some exercise as I way over ate at the tea yesterday. Pizza was good and I added mushrooms, chicken and pineapple and extra cheese to it. And there was a super cake too. A good evening.

Today it's fruit all the way and I had better avoid the cake my wife made yesterday!!!

Oh, and lots of exercise.

@eggyg you wouldn't get me going onto our roof. No head for heights. Glad all is ok.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
6.8 after nudging it up overnight. Another basal reduction done so hopefully will have a few less lows

Currently sat on the boat ready for the off and heading home. Been a whirlwind of a week and I'm needing a holiday to get over this one x

Hopefully be home by 6pm if all goes well 🙂
Morning all. A much better 7.2 today. Mind you, to get it i needed 3 separate correction doses between tea and bed. My graph yesterday looked like the alps and i was only 35% in target. Whats going on?! Who knows anymore..

@eggyg 22° sounds perfect. I've just checked the weather app for here and its 19° and cloudy with sunny spells. Hopefully they've got it wrong and its going to be sunny all day and warmer. The photo of Mr Eggyg is scary! No wonder you felt worried!

@ColinUK sounds like you had a lovely time with your friend and the puppy, just what you needed?

Plans for today are waiting for GP to ring, repotting a couple of plants and reading my book in the garden. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Morning all, 4.7 here, the result of our long walk yesterday.
My father used to go on the roof, @eggyg , (and without safety equipment) until my mother banned him. This was after I’d left home, so he was in his 70s. Years later (he lived into his 90s) he confessed that after the ban, he used to go up when she was out! So if he had slipped, there’d have been nobody to call an ambulance!
Morning all, 4.7 here, the result of our long walk yesterday.
My father used to go on the roof, @eggyg , (and without safety equipment) until my mother banned him. This was after I’d left home, so he was in his 70s. Years later (he lived into his 90s) he confessed that after the ban, he used to go up when she was out! So if he had slipped, there’d have been nobody to call an ambulance!

Reminds me of a former neighbour who was probably about 60. He hadn't worked for years and lived on benefits claiming he was unfit - he put on a good act hobbling to the corner shop. His hobby was CB radio (wonder where my set is?) after which he became a radio ham. Seemed positively fit when he popped up on the roof to install and tweak aeriels. His brother was the same claiming heart disease yet taking his daughter's dog for three mile walks. Both had motorbilitu cars!
5.6 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all, 4.7 here, the result of our long walk yesterday.
My father used to go on the roof, @eggyg , (and without safety equipment) until my mother banned him. This was after I’d left home, so he was in his 70s. Years later (he lived into his 90s) he confessed that after the ban, he used to go up when she was out! So if he had slipped, there’d have been nobody to call an ambulance!
He actually said he wouldn’t do the roof if I wasn’t there. Back in the day, pre six heart attacks, he would have done exactly the same as your dad and waited until I was out. He used to think he was invincible. Not so much now though. Although I highly suspect he drives too fast on the motorway when I’m not in the car with him! 😳
Good morning.6.5. Had a snack in the night after lying awake for 4 hours.

Back still being boring and breathing poor. Over did it again I suppose getting sorted for the guests. Anyway all well and the place is in noisy chaos: 2 small boys on full bore.

Hope everyone doing well.
Good morning - 7.2

Wrest Park yesterday was absolutely beautiful- you can see it’ll be even more so when all the summer flowers come out
Morning all... this weather is quite unbelievable!

4.9 this morning.... 24 hours of mountain ranges though!

Retinopathy test this afternoon. Not looking forward to that with this lovely bright sunshine!

@eggyg glad to hear Mr E survived the roof.

@ColinUK hlad to hear you had a lovely time with your mate and the puppy!
It was a 4.9 for me this morning. I stuck with 4 units of Levemir but had a few less roasted peanuts at bedtime and got it spot on I think, so very happy with that. I have reduced my morning dose by 2 units as I need to do lots of walking later so we will see how that works out.

@Colin g What do you have your range set at? Most of us stick with the standard 3.9-10 so I am wondering if you are making it more difficult for yourself by setting a narrower range?
And it's a 5.1 for me on another grey morning.

9.9 this morning, but had a terrible anxiety attack in the early hours, I can only guess this was about logging onto work, but I only had one days leave, plus the Bank Holiday, anyway work is ok, few issues, but nothing too bad, just having a slightly tight chest now, which was ok earlier.

@ColinUK - pleased you had a good time with your friend and puppy, and got to relax.

@eggyg nice to hear mr eggyg was ok, Inhate it when the other half does anything that means going up a ladder.
Hello everyone - well it's been an age since I posted on here but I have now moved to the Lake District (moved up 3rd March) and am absolutely loving it. Not sure my blood sugars are as I do seem to have eaten my weight in biscuits but I've also been doing a lot of walking and have got an e-mountain bike (we live on a hill) which is great for doing a quick hilly fell loop if I think they're too high and is just great for exploring our new area. I've signed up with my new GP practice and had a session with their diabetic nurse and am being referred to Carlisle I think for anything else diabetes related. I've found a ScarWork practitioner in the next village along with a flotation tank and a really good reflexologist. Hope you're all well. @eggyg remind me where you are again now that we're practically neighbours?! xxx