Group 7-day waking average?

Well I think I should win an award or something for the highest reading of the morning. 12.8 on the Libre (didn't double check it) but woke up having a stressful dream, so I am guessing that contributed to the high level. I went to bed on 9.1 and hit it with a 2 unit correction which did precisely nothing, so I am guessing that I should have taken some Levemir last night even though I got out for a brisk walk yesterday with MeMe and Rebel. I knew my good spell would come to an end sooner or later, so I will just dig in now and wait for the next good spell to happen... as it always does.
6 units of Fiasp, a walk up the hill and mucking out 4 horses helped to bring it down an hour and a half later and I only needed 1 of the 2 JBs in my pocket to keep me out of hypoland before I got home to eat my breakfast, so that was a success, but just had my high alarm go off again and I had already jabbed another 2.5 units for breakfast, so hit it with another 2u Fiasp and we will see how it likes that!

@pawprint91 It is really fascinating that your levels came back down from that massive spike without a correction and suggests that your pancreas released a significant amount of insulin to deal with it, so I would say that you are probably still honeymooning, as basal insulin would not deal with a spike like that. As to what caused it..... I am still trying to figure that out for my own high levels. Mine went up, ignored a correction and continued to wander upwards and of course didn't come down, which is a pretty common situation for me and indicates I got my basal wrong but just not sure why my basal needs changed. I just hit it with a big correction and some exercise.

@GordonA Welcome the the thread and the forum in general. That is a nice waking reading to start off with! Have you been diagnosed long? Look forward to getting to know you better.

@ColinUK. As always I loved your CCC but getting a bit jealous of your unicorns. I think they are mine and you have rustled them!
Afternoon all and it was a 6.2 for me but I decided 4:30 was too early and on second waking I was 8.4

Studio this PM got to back keyboard up as I will be using a hired keyboard next week and need to load my sounds on.

Have a good day everyone.
@rebrascora nope it should be me with the award. I woke to a 15.6!!! A combination of tiredness from yesterdays trip, going out for a meal on the night (possibly under estimating carbs), correction not working and waking very sweaty from a dream. I ended up needing another 3u correction with breakfast and ended up with a low alert of 4.9 by 11am.

@Pattidevans i'm ok thank you. Went to the surgery this morning and nurse confirmed it was just wax but completely covering the eardrum. I've got to carry on a few more days with the drops and go back to be checked/have ears irrigated. I will be keeping an eye on things though as a few years ago i had a bad ear infection which caused several seizures and was in hospital for 2 weeks and unable to drive for over 12 months. I don't want that again!!

I hope everyone is having a good day.
Sensor's just stopped sending data for no apparent reason.
It's connected fine (and I've disconnected and reconnected it to Shuggah) but it's just stopped being able to be scanned in the Libre App or sending data to Shuggah.

It's been down for about two hours.

Is this something that just happens from time to time or is it worth a call to Abbott?
Called them and they said if it’s not been scanning for two hours then it’s faulty.

Replacement on the way.
@rebrascora the whole spike overnight phenomenon just continues to puzzle me - and I wondered about the honeymooning myself, as like you say, the fact it came back down on its own can’t be basal. Could I still be honeymooning nearly a year into diagnosis? If so, my pancreas has definitely become nocturnal as if I spiked like that in the day then it wouldn’t come down without at least one if not two corrections, I am sure! Unless I have learned how to correct in my sleep :rofl:
@rebrascora the whole spike overnight phenomenon just continues to puzzle me - and I wondered about the honeymooning myself, as like you say, the fact it came back down on its own can’t be basal. Could I still be honeymooning nearly a year into diagnosis? If so, my pancreas has definitely become nocturnal as if I spiked like that in the day then it wouldn’t come down without at least one if not two corrections, I am sure! Unless I have learned how to correct in my sleep :rofl:

I would be surprised if you weren't still honeymooning after just a year. Mine seemed to peter out after just over 2 years as much as any of us can tell it is over, but I think @helli's lasted about 8 years.
It is possible that your own insulin production is churning out a bit through the day too and helping out your meal and/or basal doses, particularly if your ratios are quite large (ie 1:15 or such like)but then overnight when your pancreas isn't having to work so hard because there is no food, it perhaps manages to build up a little surplus to deal with that spike, which might still be a basal issue but your home grown insulin is able to deal with it, albeit sluggishly....... or perhaps you were running a marathon in your sleep and the exercise brought it down. 🙄
My levels have been high all day today and I have absolutely no idea why but I have had to inject correction after correction to keep a lid on them, sometimes 3 stacked corrections within a couple of hours and levels have only come down into the 5s once and then headed back up again. If I wasn't certain I had injected my basal this morning, I would be doubting myself! 🙄
Morning folks. 7.3 today

Had some blood results back and surprise surprise inflammation markers and white cell counts are high. Had a new doctor call and was asking the same questions as last weeks appointment (with no answers or nothing new to suggest).
Nothing back from celiac screen or stool sample yet (and don't expect them to be) and tummy is still misbehaving.

Not a ton planned today. Got to go visit a family member in hospital with my sis in law later.
Suppose I had also better think about getting organised for going away next Wednesday too. I think I have got everything I need, just have to actually pack and make my list of bits ill need to remember on the day (insulin etc).
First trip with D, kinda nervous I'll forget something but I suppose as long as I have my prescribed stuff, I can pickup anything I forget.

Hope you all have a great day today x
Morning all, 5.9 this morning and TIR 93%, happy days, working hard in garden yesterday and it still surprises me as to how fast bg can fall when I exercise !
Good morning - 4.9
Good morning. The five is obviously working, 5.4! And a unicorn. This sensor is having its last hurrah, it finishes in two hours!

I really could have slept on this morning but it’s childcare day. The plan is a walk into town for a bit of lunch, then down to the big park for a play. It’s damp at the moment but forecast to be dry, still not very warm though. Really could do with some more sunshine and less of the cool breeze.

Have a fabulous Friday everyone. 🙂
Good morning everyone! 4.6 this morning for me.

Had a busy day yesterday and never got around to posting on here - 5.7 for the record. Dentist visit for check up and hygienist. Got more than I bargained for - small filling came out during the check up! Best time and place for it to happen as the dentist was able to very quickly replace it, didn’t even need any anaesthetic as it wasn’t that deep a filling. So glad it happened then and not back at home when I was eating something! Otherwise everything else ok thank goodness!

Welcome @GordonA to this thread, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!

@ColinUK - another great CCC, been reading about Wozzeck in my ROH emails, so it was good to get your view on it! Does sound a bit heavy and dark though!

Work today then a weekend of having the grandchildren staying - planning a visit to Legoland in Birmingham tomorrow with them, so should hopefully be good!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning everyone! 4.6 this morning for me.

Had a busy day yesterday and never got around to posting on here - 5.7 for the record. Dentist visit for check up and hygienist. Got more than I bargained for - small filling came out during the check up! Best time and place for it to happen as the dentist was able to very quickly replace it, didn’t even need any anaesthetic as it wasn’t that deep a filling. So glad it happened then and not back at home when I was eating something! Otherwise everything else ok thank goodness!

Welcome @GordonA to this thread, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!

@ColinUK - another great CCC, been reading about Wozzeck in my ROH emails, so it was good to get your view on it! Does sound a bit heavy and dark though!

Work today then a weekend of having the grandchildren staying - planning a visit to Legoland in Birmingham tomorrow with them, so should hopefully be good!

Hope everyone has a good day!
I knew it wasn’t going to be light and fluffy from those same emails but I wasn’t ready for how downright strange it was.
The staging also didn’t really work for me as one of the big concepts in the design just seemed pointless and grew to be really rather irritating as the performance went on.
That said, it was still a rehearsal so there’s a possibility that those things I saw as issues were actually issues and they’ll be ironed out before opening night.

What do you think of the new season programming they announced this week?
Morning all. A higher 9.1, correction and breakfast bolus in. Busy day today running around at work as usual so glad its Friday. Its been a long week.
6.0 unicorn even with the need to switch sensors as the old one just stopped working after seven days.
Good morning. 5.9.

Lousy night, nightmares, aching knees, indigestion. Thank heavens for a good book on the kindle to distract me.

Very minor woes after a splendidly silly afternoon with 2 good old friends who dropped in just at the moment that I was cussing and struggling to get a new pipe onto the pond filter. Was I glad to see Edwyn's lovely big farmer's hands. Despite being a smallish chap, he has, sadly, big feet and no sense of horticulture - I am sure the plants will recover. He also has a terror of falling into water so watching him teetering on the edge of the pond caused his wife endless mirth. This, although I tried, proved infectious but fortunately he took it in good part. Left laden with eggs and plants for their converted swimming pool. Matt also turned up and took away 2 wheelbarrows of plants to stock his own pond and promised a load of stone this evening. Lovely to have good company and hopeful that the fish are enjoying algae reduction.

Off to do a food shop and drop into the vet - DPD having failed to deliver yet again. They really are a shower.

@ColinUK Do not know how your ears could stand Alban Berg for 2 minutes. Sounds like cat strangling to me. I'm glad you did tho' as your description of Wozzeck was brilliant.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable Friday.