Group 7-day waking average?

Wondering how @eggyg's grandaughter fared yesterday afternoon.
Thanks for asking. An old filling was the problem, it was very deep and near the nerve, hence the bad pain. No abscess or decay. Re filled it and last night she said she had no pain at all. Phew! And all for “only” £140! From the Bank of Grandma and Grandad. I put a ranty post on Off the Subject about it all.
Thanks for asking. An old filling was the problem, it was very deep and near the nerve, hence the bad pain. No abscess or decay. Re filled it and last night she said she had no pain at all. Phew! And all for “only” £140! From the Bank of Grandma and Grandad. I put a ranty post on Off the Subject about it all.
Wow. I was wondering how much would cost an extraction of a wisdom tooth. Sure is not cheap. I asked my colleagues but most are foreigners like me and our usual strategy for dentist stuff is doing it our country of origin. Not my ideal plan for my holidays tho 🙄
Good afternoon all. Lovely here but it's clouded over a bit. Hosing some pots, there isn't a hose pipe ban yet is there?

7.1 this morning. I think. Be back later once I've checked. My memory is useless! edit/ 7.4 not far wrong!
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Good morning everyone, and a lovely 5'2 😎

I'm afraid I would give you the same look then @Lily123 ! I'm assuming that's some role in religious schools?
Pastoral means the caring side of things and looking after children’s well-being, mental health etc and other barriers to learning (so based in schools but not necessary a teacher) 🙂
Morning all - Not as sunny as yesterday, but there is a bit of promise there....diffuse sunlight I think you call it.

4.3 this morning. Was 10.2 at bedtime so took a 1.25u correction as the pump suggested.

Off to the dentist at 2pm, just a regular check-up. Wondering how @eggyg's grandaughter fared yesterday afternoon.

Will probably venture down the pub early evening for a quick one... not been down there for a while now and it will be nice to catch up with friends.

Oh @TinaD, your post today could be a script for a TV comedy, but in reality although you make light of it, it must have been very frightening and extremely unpleasant. Hope you are OK and not too shaken today.

@Gwynn glad to hear your wife was better yesterday, long may it continue.

@Barrowman congratulations!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday all!
Pity no video camera around yesterday. Don't worry, knees and nose are a bit painful but it hasn't stopped the wading - the waders make me resemble a hill-billy with a thing about rubber. Neighbours came to help today and its all out now - just tidying up to finish. Need to raise the "levees" in a couple of places to get the water level up a few inches and replant various water lilies which came up with the reeds. Then all should be tickety-boo.
Pastoral is exactly what @pawprint91 has said @Elenka_HM

I’d prefer a Head Of House type role, I can’t find any info online of what qualifications are needed and a bit awkward if I go and ask one of the Heads of House as my school how they got their job!
Pastoral is exactly what @pawprint91 has said @Elenka_HM

I’d prefer a Head Of House type role, I can’t find any info online of what qualifications are needed and a bit awkward if I go and ask one of the Heads of House as my school how they got their job!
Oh, thank you! I didn't know that and the word made me think of a church pastor 😳

As for asking your Heads of House, I get how can be a bit awkward, but they might be happy to hear that a pupil at their school is interested in pursuing a role similar to theirs. Just try to not phrase it like "how on earth did YOU get to land this job??" :rofl:
Pastoral is exactly what @pawprint91 has said @Elenka_HM

I’d prefer a Head Of House type role, I can’t find any info online of what qualifications are needed and a bit awkward if I go and ask one of the Heads of House as my school how they got their job!
All of the heads of house at my old secondary school seemed to be teachers first @Lily123 which isn’t very helpful, but the ones at the school I work at now were teaching assistants first. Hope this helps somehow? It’s probably changed a lot since I was at school!
Thanks @Elenka_HM and @pawprint91

My school has five heads of house and four houses (one doubles as inclusion support and another doubles as behaviour wellbeing) . I don’t think any were teachers first though. I know one of the old ones was a student who joined as a head of house a few years after leaving. The only info online seems to apply to American schools so it’s useless
What a day!! We've been on a school trip all day. I managed levels really well but now stuck at work with a hypo, just as i was about to go home :(. My head is banging, i ache all over and i've just had a text to say i have a GP app in the morning at 7.10am!! (To be fair i emailed their app line last night as i've gone completely deaf in one ear suddenly and nothing is working so to get a text with an app tomorrow morning is pretty good).

Congrats to @Barrowman and @Elenka_HM on your HS.
Blimey @freesia, hope you’re feeling better now and that you went somewhere fun on your trip - I know the bone tiredness that comes with one! Thankfully my next one isn’t until the end of June. Also hope the GP solves your hearing issues too.
Good morning - 4.7
Good morning, 4.4 for me today. Up actually out of bed early as it's Ascension Day and I want to go to the early morning communion service on the top of the hill. (I didn't set an alarm but had decided if I woke early - as I usually am for the past few weeks - I would get up and dressed and go. Youngest expressed interest in going with me when I asked - they don't like going to Sunday services any more but sometimes come to other things at church - but they aren't up yet. They do usually wake early so may yet be up before I leave).
Morning all. 5.6 and if you could hold off delivering more unicorns until I’ve had time to construct Unicorn Land I’d appreciate the consideration.
Saw two things at the opera house yesterday. First a rehearsal for Wozzeck and in the evening a new ballet, inspired by the Jim Henson film The Dark Crystal, called UniVerse: A Dark Crystal Odyssey
Both had interesting elements, the music in Wozzeck is beautiful and the orchestra was on point.
Staging for UniVerse was really impactful.

Can’t tell you anything about what either of them were actually about though as I’ve not got a clue beyond the most obvious.

Wozzeck is about a man being bullied into madness and murder by his colleagues, society and a doctor who placed him on a diet of only peas.

I think it’s either that he’s dead and this is his own purgatory or he’s so scarred from WW1 that he’s suffering from PTSD and his compatriots are basically just scum who see him as an easy target.

UniVerse apparently follows all of the plot points from Dark Crystal but what they are escaped my understanding.

On the surface it’s an allegorical tale of our power to destroy Nature. The dancing is a mix of ballet, jazz, contemporary and hip hop. The music veers from orchestral to ambient.
There were clearly two races/tribes battling against each other for supremacy but I couldn’t tell you which one was good and which bad.
I guess it didn’t matter overly much as the final scene had two of tribe Blue dancing together under a growing tree. I’m assuming that means that they were three good guys and that Nature was saved but I’m not entirely sure.

I enjoyed both productions even though I didn’t really understand them. They’re both relatively short as well. Wozzeck came in at about 90 minutes whilst UniVerse made full use of each of its 70 minutes.

I also understand the importance of Wozzeck in the world of classical music. It is regarded as the first modern opera. It’s the first atonal scored opera. It’s also the first time that the central plot was the misery of an entirely ordinary man.

I’ve seen a number of things recently which have been challenging musically and I’m grateful that I have but I’m looking forward to seeing something perhaps more accessible and mainstream to counterbalance the avant guard.