Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 7.3 here, but rising steeply. Skipped all 3 units of basal last night, knowing I'd drop after a strenuous day and a glass of red wine, and I did end up scraping along the top of the red most of the night, but with no basal in the system, I started to rise sound 5am.
Saw Puffins yesterday, @eggyg , there were only a few dotted here and there amongst the gannets, guillemots and razorbills, but the ones there were knew how to put on a show. We spent so long there, we didn’t get as far as Flamborough Head, and although it was sunny, there was a bracing wind off the North Sea, and after we’d done Scarborough Castle as well, we decided we’d been Braced enough.
Morning all, lovely and bright but tad nippy. I am sat in bed with leccy blanket on, too crook to weed so gonna do some garden admin and make plans like emptying the compost bins eventually. I luvs compost but I never gets around to emptying the bins, got six! Lovely black stuff at the bottom, can't wait. 7.6 early doors.

Brought some bulrushes home once from 'the ditch' on Stretford Ees but didn't realise would be bringing back half the critters with them. :rofl: They looked nice in a big 70s type vase.
@MeeTooTeeTo Congrats!

Have a house! Well have a painting of a house. But it’s a painting I like and it’s of quite a pretty house and I’m sure you could flog it for enough to buy a decent house…
And on this sunny morning it’s a 5.4 for me .

7.8 but had a horrible headache yesterday evening, started 10 mins before I went out the door for a run.

@MeeTooTeeTo congratulations on your HS

@Gwynn - sending you hugs, wish there was something I could say to make it better.
Good morning everyone, 4.8 today for me, much better and so pleased with that!

@Pattidevans thank you for your kind words yesterday - much appreciated, sometimes it is easy to be too hard on myself when in reality I’m doing fine and these fluctuations in BG are entirely normal and can’t be controlled as much as I’d perhaps like!

Had a good call with the asthma specialist nurse from our health centre yesterday evening. She suspects it is down to high amounts of pollen and said lots of people are suffering this year. (I can see a field of rape seed from my window as I type!) What I’m doing with regard to increased inhalers is correct and she is also adding a prescription for a stronger antihistamine to try and calm things down a bit.

@Gwynn - so sorry to read your wife is having a rough time and how it affects you as well. Sending hugs, wish I could be there to chat with you, I hope you have someone close whom you can talk with to relieve your stress a bit.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning! 5'4 and a flat line overnight. I had a biscoff biscuit at bedtime, seeing my level a bit low. I had 7 of them lying around, collected from times when they come for free with a coffee or similar. I thought they were around 10g of carbs each but they are actually 6.

My Fitbit shows the highest heart rate yesterday when I was having, eehm, a private exercise session with my man. I'd be very curious to see his graph :D
Morning all, 7.3 here, but rising steeply. Skipped all 3 units of basal last night, knowing I'd drop after a strenuous day and a glass of red wine, and I did end up scraping along the top of the red most of the night, but with no basal in the system, I started to rise sound 5am.
Saw Puffins yesterday, @eggyg , there were only a few dotted here and there amongst the gannets, guillemots and razorbills, but the ones there were knew how to put on a show. We spent so long there, we didn’t get as far as Flamborough Head, and although it was sunny, there was a bracing wind off the North Sea, and after we’d done Scarborough Castle as well, we decided we’d been Braced enough.
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Fabulous. Puffins are such characters aren’t they? So pleased you saw them.
When we went to Bempton at the end of July it was freezing! That coast holds no prisoners. Brrr!
5.8 for me today but I got there via a 2 unit correction at 3.15am for a 9.8 but I really should have jabbed it at midnight when my high alarm first went off at 9.3. I must have been too sleepy to do anything other than fall back off to sleep. Thankfully it just skimmed across the top or my range so no significant time above range but not where I like to be overnight. The 2 units brought me down to 4.3 but then Dawn brought me back up a bit with no evening Levemir in my system to deal with her.

@Gwynn Hope your wife settles down soon and you are back to normal by the end of the day.

@MeeTooTeeTo Congrats on your House Special but you have lost a "w" from your username!.... Or perhaps you are an imposter o_O and the real Dez has been abducted by aliens and replaced by AI :confused:
Morning all Bad start to the day . 2.7 .Had to finger prick this morning as sensor had finished. So no alarm went off. Been having a problem with my phone so had to get a new one yesterday afternoon. Couldn't remember my abbot. Email password. So changed it So hasn't carried all information over to new phone Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all on this lovely sunny day. Yesterday's breeze seems to have dropped so I hope it is a little warmer today.

9.9 this morning and it seems to have been in that range overnight. I must adjust basal again as this seems to be a bit of a pattern. It's hard to know what to do though as the swallowing problem makes me unsure how much to bolus for an evening meal that I might or might not eat, or at least how much of it I will eat. Last night I surprised myself and ate a fair bit. I suppose I should maybe bolus after rather than before.

@Gwynn sorry to hear that your wife has got worse again. It must indeed be a lonely place you are in. I am afraid I have no words to help.. Just sending a HUG.

@Tina, compared to our little patch, you indeed have an estate. I don't know how you manage the energy to do everything needed!

@MeeTooTeeTo congratulations on the HS once again! I'm sure that painting will sell well! LOL!

Have a terrific Tuesday all!
Morning all on this lovely sunny day. Yesterday's breeze seems to have dropped so I hope it is a little warmer today.

9.9 this morning and it seems to have been in that range overnight. I must adjust basal again as this seems to be a bit of a pattern. It's hard to know what to do though as the swallowing problem makes me unsure how much to bolus for an evening meal that I might or might not eat, or at least how much of it I will eat. Last night I surprised myself and ate a fair bit. I suppose I should maybe bolus after rather than before.

@Gwynn sorry to hear that your wife has got worse again. It must indeed be a lonely place you are in. I am afraid I have no words to help.. Just sending a HUG.

@Tina, compared to our little patch, you indeed have an estate. I don't know how you manage the energy to do everything needed!

@MeeTooTeeTo congratulations on the HS once again! I'm sure that painting will sell well! LOL!

Have a terrific Tuesday all!
Energy? No, don't have much of that. A combination of swearing, bloody mindedness, and steroids is my substitute.
Oh, I forgot to put mine in earlier. 4.5 today.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo !

@Elenka_HM I was thinking the other day that I wonder how many "steps" my phone would count for my step count with that kind of exercise, but I don't have any wearable tech at the moment and that kind of exercise precludes pockets really :rofl: . So I had to walk home to get enough steps on my phone instead
@MeeTooTeeTo . . . . . . .you have lost a "w" from your username!.... Or perhaps you are an imposter o_O and the real Dez has been abducted by aliens and replaced by AI :confused:
Well spotted Barbara. It had always irked me that my username was too long for the column which left an "orphan" O on the next line. 😱 I hadn't realised that I could modify/change it until I was updating my profile recently. 🙄

Good morning - 5.5

I’ve been thinking for a while what I actually want to do for a job and I’d really want to work in the pastoral side of education. I know that’s a really random one. I told my friends that and I just got a look

Have a great day everyone