Group 7-day waking average?

@rebrascora well, here is 'not a house'. Enjoy in this colder windier weather

Morning all - a blue sky but plenty of large clouds with dark under-bellies blowing fast across the sky. Forecast consistent sun after 11 am.

7.7 first thing with a pretty straight line overnight (though it was 9.2 at bedtime and I didn't correct as I was pretty sure it would drop).

Congratulations @rebrascora on your HS.

@goodybags pleased to hear you have finally moved.

@Eternal422 don't be too hard on yourself, you are T1 and anything in the 5s is much harder to achieve than it seems to be for T2s.

@TinaD I love hearing about life on your estate.... always something new every day!

Nothing much on for me today except sorting out a prescription request to last me to end of June and a bit of housework. Oh and trying to get to talk to the GP about what the implications of this "corkscrew aesophagus" are. My forearms are black and blue between elbows and wrists from two attempts to get a cannula into a vein.... and I let that woman put a tube down my throat! Argh!

Have a mellow Monday all.


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Morning all - a blue sky but plenty of large clouds with dark under-bellies blowing fast across the sky. Forecast consistent sun after 11 am.

7.7 first thing with a pretty straight line overnight (though it was 9.2 at bedtime and I didn't correct as I was pretty sure it would drop).

Congratulations @rebrascora on your HS.

@goodybags pleased to hear you have finally moved.
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@Eternal422 don't be too hard on yourself, you are T1 and anything in the 5s is much harder to achieve than it seems to be for T2s.

@TinaD I love hearing about life on your estate.... always something new every day!

Nothing much on for me today except sorting out a prescription request to last me to end of June and a bit of housework. Oh and trying to get to talk to the GP about what the implications of this "corkscrew aesophagus" are. My forearms are black and blue between elbows and wrists from two attempts to get a cannula into a vein.... and I let that woman put a tube down my throat! Argh!

Have a mellow Monday all.
Estate? Hardly Windsor Park. A modest lot of paddocks, trees, garden, incidental animals and a lot of work. Sometimes I dream of a penthouse in London but can't work out how to get the GGs the lift....
The Commitments! "You're never taking that horse up in the lift?" "We hafta, the stairs'd kill 'im." :rofl:

8.0 this morning, but I'm still 'full of it' (aren't I always?) 😉
Sadly, this evening has gone from lovely to monstrous.

Wife is demanding cameras again (to capture the intuders) and has accused me of some pretty horrible stuff which is completely untrue (as always). Her paranoia is in full swing.

I hate her disease. Life could be so good, so easy, so much fun, but her disease has wrecked everything over the years and I am tired of it.

Sorry for the rant.

Oh, man, she is now wailing in the bedroom. Normal routine for her. She gets upset/worried about something, goes into frightened/angry mode, repeatedly accuses me of stuff (all of which is nonsense), retreats to the bedroom, spends several hours crying, sleeps the rest of the night, wakes next morning as if nothing has happened (except my nerves are wrecked, my peace is wrecked, my life is wrecked...again). Diabetes is a cinch compared with living with someone with paranoid schizophrenia.
Sadly, this evening has gone from lovely to monstrous.

Wife is demanding cameras again (to capture the intuders) and has accused me of some pretty horrible stuff which is completely untrue (as always). Her paranoia is in full swing.

I hate her disease. Life could be so good, so easy, so much fun, but her disease has wrecked everything over the years and I am tired of it.

Sorry for the rant.

Oh, man, she is now wailing in the bedroom. Normal routine for her. She gets upset/worried about something, goes into frightened/angry mode, repeatedly accuses me of stuff (all of which is nonsense), retreats to the bedroom, spends several hours crying, sleeps the rest of the night, wakes next morning as if nothing has happened (except my nerves are wrecked, my peace is wrecked, my life is wrecked...again). Diabetes is a cinch compared with living with someone with paranoid schizophrenia.
Oh dear she had been doing so well, do you know what triggered it this time. Lets hope tomorrow will be better.
Good morning - 5.4
@Leadinglights yes, I know exactly what sparkked it off. She was pottering around the garden, all happy and then found a few random flower petals on the garden table. Instantly she 'knew' intruders had been 'in' using ladders to get over the high garden walls and meant her harm. (I'm not sure how much harm someone could do with 4 or 5 petals). She got really upset then, after a while, strangely nice as she tried to persuade me to fit cameras everywhere. I refused as the house/garden is alreay like a prison and tried to calm the situation. Then she tried to make me feel bad and switched to one of her angry/bullying personas. This went on for quite a while. Then accused me of stuff that was blatant lies and quite nasty. Then she got very angry and upset and left to go and cry and eventually, sleep. All the while I had tried to calmly, rationally discuss and try to explain things, or refute things, or try to make her see the 'poor' thinking, but she could not hear/did not believe/etc. The whole thing came out of the blue. One second she was happy, singing in her garden, the next fearful, upset, frightened. It is so hard to cope with. I never know when some random thing will set her off. It is so sad too. Her life basically ruined. Mine too. No idea what to expect today....

BG 4.4 surprisingly low considering my stress!!!

I shall go out for a very very long walk today....on my own. I feel very sad and isolated/alone :(
6.8 for me today, but find the sensor is consistently off by 1, so could easily have been 5.8 or 7.8 - I’ll take the 6.8 :rofl: Not sure whether to power on through and just accept there will be more finger pricks or to start a new one. It’s trends are all correct, just the numbers are a bit off!

Consultant appt yesterday was what I would call a success - he was very pleased with my management, and my cholesterol and kidney function were normal (both of which I was slightly concerned for!). Hba1c was not back from lab yet, but he was happy to go with the Libre prediction (43) and said that whilst they can under predict, if it was 50 last time then given my control he was confident it’d be in range. I asked about the Libre 3 and he said that he has heard due to cost, when they are available it will be on a two tier system, with those who are struggling with their management offered it first.

Hugs @Gwynn, sorry to hear you and your wife are having such a rough time with her illness :(
Morning all. 6.9.

A bit dull this morning compared to yesterday, but yesterday turned out to be so cold. Heating back on, if we didn’t have Zara we wouldn’t have bothered. She starts nursery today, half day at first, fingers crossed she’s fine. Our two eldest grandchildren start their GCSEs today. Big day all round. I’ve been lying awake for an hour worrying about them all.

Zara coming here after her nursery stint and Mr Eggy picking up eldest granddaughter and taking her to the dentist at 2pm. Busy afternoon for us. He’ll also have to fit in a visit to his 86 year old mother. At times like this I think it was easier going to work! The Sandwich Generation is a real thing.

Have a good day all. Hope your wife is feeling more herself today @Gwynn.
Good morning. 5.9. Beautiful day - not a cloud in sight. Slept like log for 10 hours - yippee - back still boringly painful tho'.

Made a start on the outdoor table yesterday evening. After 20 years service it abandoned its varnish and began to shed its top as random lengths of timber. Got it cramped back together and sanded down - just need to sand the base over and re-varnish the lot. Inspection of the workshop demonstrated absence of clear varnish. Buy some? Felt mild temptation, cried "Get thee behind me Satan", and decided on dark oak of which, for some reason, I have rather a lot...

Yesterday was a bit strange. Didn't get to the quarry but bumped into a dear lad who is clearing an appalling mess of scrap, illicit gravel extraction etc from an inherited small holding - he has dug up some stones for me and will drop them off. Weird neighbours rang and asked could they have the bikes I provided for the Ukrainian boys. Well, yes if they made a donation to charity, so had to go fetch them from friend's barn as I was a bit short of space once the hay was in. Rang to say they could collect them - so they did without even knocking on the door to say "it's us" let alone "thank you." Charming! A pair of retired teachers who give themselves airs - I pity their ex-pupils.

Waiting with excitement for Amazon to deliver air pump adapter as the rubber boat (and the waders) has come but no suitable fitting. The weather looks brilliant for the rest of the week - those bulrushes are on borrowed time. Apparently another neighbour wants some for their pond so they can go and bloom brown cigar heads elsewhere. Its all go down in the sticks...

Have a good day all.
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Morning all. 🙂 8.7 point tweaking, it’s just Dawn and the DF messing with my levels, grrr.

Well, a lovely couple returned to my afternoon class after an month’s absence - so that class doesn’t have to be scrapped now. Glad to see them cos they’re really focused on improving their English and ask lots of questions. Phew! 🙂

Forgot to say yesterday @goodybags - so pleased to hear you’re finally moving in. You’re such hard workers, you and your wife, I’m sure you’ll have the place looking lovely in no time! 🙂

(((Hugs))) @Gwynn - I hope your wife is more settled today. Enjoy your walk.