Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 4.9 today. Its going to be a long day so i need to get moving.

@Lily123 its a job that will be so supportive of so many people. If thats what you want to do then go for it.
Morning all. 7.3. Been awake since 5.15, got up at 6. Madness, but I’ve actually had six hours solid sleep which is very unusual for me. If I just laid in bed I’d just get all achy, so I get up and just sit on my bum!

It’s bloodletting and feet tickling day today. How these years fly in. The Libre is predicting 44 for my HbA1c, I’ve never been anywhere near that, think I was 50 last year. My 90 day TIR is 93% which is pretty good I suppose. We’ll see.

@Lily123 they probably only gave you a look because they don’t know what it means! They’ll be Googling it now and thinking “ that’s cool.” ( or whatever you young ones say to mean something’s a good idea.) I used to be down wiv the kidz but I can’t get back up again now! :rofl:

Have a wicked Wednesday all. Laters! 😉
6.9 this morning and a unicorn day.

Off to see the rehearsal for Wozzeck at the opera house later. I’m expecting it to be a bit on the heavy and intense side.
4.6 for me this morning - I had a unicorn since Monday lunchtime, but it was ruined in the middle of a night yesterday with a random spike at 12ish, probably the result of overtreating a low in the evening with too much orange juice (something I don’t do very often!)

@Lily123 as someone who works in education, I think that’s a fantastic job aspiration- go for it!

Have a good day everyone, hopefully the sun will stay out for us all.
Good morning everyone

Thankfully, a good nights sleep saw my wife recover. Phew. And yesterday was a good day

BG 4.7

Today lots of keyboard practice and a shortish walk on the beach. I'm a bit knackered today as I did 243 minutes walking exercise yesterday and had my friend round for tea so there was a lot of cooking to be done (wife did the main bits, happy to too).

Last Monday my left eye became very painful. Rang the surgery (it took about 30 minutes to get to a receptionist ) however they whisked me in within an hour! I now have eye drops and some strong antibiotics. Two days later and the thing is still very painful. I hope it will sort itself out. Sigh. If not it will be back for another sort of med/treatment. At least its not too painful.

The meds have messed up when I can and cannot have food and rather late in the day, it occured to me that my App does not cater for 'surprise' meds with time restrictions. When my eye gets better I may add that into the App.

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Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
... And today is the day I get back to swimming daily at Saltdean Lido, as it reopens (the pool not the building, which should be complete later in the year)...
Oh wow, how lovely, a daily swim. Enjoy! I keep nagging my OH to win the lottery so that we can buy our own pool - never mind a house, I just want a pool! 😉

Morning all. 🙂 6.0 here.
Good morning. 6.1.

Today is bulrush day. Did have a little go yesterday once I had blown up the boat but it was not a howling success.

Firstly it had not occurred to me that being stiff would impede embarcation. With some difficulty I got in kneeling down, whereupon the wretched thing, unasked, set off for the middle of the pond. No paddles. Then, in endeavoring to move from kneeling to sitting, I discovered an alarming tendency for it to bend in the middle and to rise sharply at both ends. Possibly I had been a bit to tentative with inflation. It had now shipped water so my bum was soaking. Finding my self near a bulrush I gave it a tentative stayed down and the boat attempted to join it. Letting go hastily I sculled ashore with both hands only to find I couldn't get out. Every attempt immediately sent me back to the middle. Finally on yet a further approach to the shallows I was forced to leave by rolling into the water over the edge or bulwarks or whatever the fat sausages round the sides are called...Cold and green I headed for the shower to find removal of a wet sweat shirt was beyond me so I dripped into the kitchen and brutally cut the recalcitrant garment up the front. Obviously it will have to be waders today and the boat will be used as an amphibious wheelbarrow substitute.

Oh, I forgot to mention that whlst blowing it up I managed to trip over the lawn edge and fall flat. Fortunately my knees landed on a deeply bedded wood chip path. Less luckily my nose hit the hard edge. So found myself bleeding copiously, blinded by tears and having to crawl on hands and knees to the car to heave myself up. So I am a bit stiff this morning but I am sure the blood stains will wash out of the drive once it rains. Luckily either the massive bleed or the rapidly applied cold water seem to have prevented bruising except on the bridge of the nose so I do not, as I feared, resemble a panda.

Have a happy day with good BG levels everyone.
Oh wow, how lovely, a daily swim. Enjoy! I keep nagging my OH to win the lottery so that we can buy our own pool - never mind a house, I just want a pool! 😉

Morning all. 🙂 6.0 here.
Was good until the operators running the pool on behalf of the Lido started making life difficult, they've now been replaced. I was managing maybe 14k a week, if i was swimming 6 or 7 days. If I can increase my activity level from just walking, I'm curious to know how that might affect my BS levels and HBa1c in the longer term.
A nice round 5 for me today. 🙂

Morning all, 6.9 here, after a couple of jelly babies to treat a 3.2 at 2am. Decided to take a small amount of basal last night, because I hate the morning mountaineering if I don’t, and we only pottered round York yesterday, but it was still too much.
Bought OH new walking boots while we were in York, his old ones split across the sole on Sunday's walk. He was very disgruntled, they were very comfy and he’s only had them for about 10 years. So off up the moors behind the cottage today to find a bog to Christen them in.
Morning all, after having trouble getting to sleep last night I awoke late this morning to a:
Now I have to get moving, lots to do today.
Good morning everyone, and a lovely 5'2 😎

@Lily123 they probably only gave you a look because they don’t know what it means!
I'm afraid I would give you the same look then @Lily123 ! I'm assuming that's some role in religious schools?
Good morning, 5.8 today for me.

Congratulations @Barrowman and @Elenka_HM on your HS today!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all and 6.1 for me. I believe I was AWOL yesterday.

Had a walk through a small nature reserve yesterday with no twinges. Nice seeing the riverbank full of sand Martin nests with lots of Martins going in and out. Pair of Goosanders seen as well.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - Not as sunny as yesterday, but there is a bit of promise there....diffuse sunlight I think you call it.

4.3 this morning. Was 10.2 at bedtime so took a 1.25u correction as the pump suggested.

Off to the dentist at 2pm, just a regular check-up. Wondering how @eggyg's grandaughter fared yesterday afternoon.

Will probably venture down the pub early evening for a quick one... not been down there for a while now and it will be nice to catch up with friends.

Oh @TinaD, your post today could be a script for a TV comedy, but in reality although you make light of it, it must have been very frightening and extremely unpleasant. Hope you are OK and not too shaken today.

@Gwynn glad to hear your wife was better yesterday, long may it continue.

@Barrowman congratulations!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday all!