Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. 🙂 It’s a lesser-spotted 5.2 for me. (Don’t bother with a house, I just want a pool!)

Yesterday’s evening basal test didn’t get off the ground - BG refused to play ball, sliding down to 4.0 as the test started. Oh well, at least I got the all-day test done and dusted on Wednesday, and made a cheeky little tweakette to my basal.
@TinaD And I didn’t even mention the set being mainly rows of toilets or urinals with soldiers using them in quite lifelike fashions throughout!
higher 9.1, correction and breakfast bolus in
Oh no! An extra unit with my porridge has dropped me from the 9.1 (11.2 on libre) to a 2.9 and i'm now unable to drive to work for a bit. Well, thats a good start to the day 🙄. I have the class this afternoon as well so i need to keep levels up so i can get home. I don't want to be stuck at work on a Friday!!

Congrats on the HS Bloden.
Morning all, 4.7 here. Needed a couple of jelly babies at 1am, then had a completely flat line for the rest of the night. I was caught out because I hadn’t done any strenuous walking yesterday, but had spent the day looking round Abbey ruins, castle ruins, and a garden, with a couple of brisk walks between them and the car parks, so I didn’t lower basal last night. Someone on another thread was implying that your control was badly managed if you couldn’t get your basal to keep you steady. I wish!
5.4 for me today. 🙂 Sainsbos shopping later and a good long walk after lunch.

Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

My paibful, infected eye is finally getting better. Much less pain this morning.

Meetibg with the Pastor went very well yesterday.

@Bloden how about this for a cool pool and congratulations on the HS


I am going out for a longer walk this morning, after taking my eye meds.

Fish and chips for tea too. Yess

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, after a night when I just couldn’t drop off to sleep, I think I did around 4.15ish. I awoke this morning to a:
The second one this week.
Morning all, a day overcast by light cloud, but it might clear as it has so far this week.

Went to bed at 11:15 and was woken at 00:32 by a low alarm (how I HATE alarms at night) and I had 1 Dextrose and 1/3rd of a stem ginger cookie. It rose to 9.3 where it stayed all night, after a correction it's dropped to a more reasonable 6.7 and hour and a half later. Horrible night full of nightmares. Ho hum, today is a new day.

@freesia glad it's no more than wax. I'm rather surprised though that your surgery will do irrigation. No surgery in this area will do it. We have to go to an ear clinic and pay around £50. I think it's scandalous as a lot of pensioners can't afford it and it's known that impaired hearing is associated with cognitive degeneration.

@ColinUK in last night's Masterchef the contestants were sent to the restaurant kitchen at the ROH. I thought the food was rather pretentious and hubby said "ordinary food elevated only by presentation so that they can charge silly prices". But I wondered if you had ever eaten there and what you thought of it if you did?

@Bloden congrats on the HS. @Barrowman is that a 5.2 or a 2.5? Hard to tell, depends which way you view the photo!

@TinaD, sorry you had such a horrible night, but thank you for today's episode of "Life with Tina", I do find it soooo fascinating!

Have a fab Friday all...
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5.7 for me this morning which I am absolutely delighted with but SOOO do not deserve and in fact I feel quite fortunate to wake up at all considering how much active insulin I went to bed with. After a day of battling highs which involved 10 separate Fiasp injections to try to keep a lid on things and some of them quite large ones that I fully expected to be too much but never got glose to needing a JB to stop the drop.... I got home from the driving club meeting last night at 11pm and decided to give it something to be high about! I ate anything and everything including dark chocolate ginger biscuits (3x 10 ish grams of carbs) feta stuffed peppadew peppers, chocolate and peanut butter, cola bottles, pickled beetroot....I jabbed insulin very randomly to try to cover it here and there but that was stacked on top of an active correction as I left the meeting. Just totaled it up and I jabbed 14.5 units of Fiasp in 5 separate jabs plus 3 units of Levemir (an increase of 3 from the previous night) all after 11pm. Apart from the 3 biscuits, nothing else was quantified in terms of carbs, I just jabbed a bit more here and there as I ate more and my levels didn't come down or went up a bit more. I went to bed at 1.20am on 11.4 and woke up at 6.40am on 5.7. I then went back to sleep and woke up again at 9am on 5.6. Am I jammy or what!
I don't lose control of my eating very often these days but I was so frustrated that being sensible was not rewarding me with good results yesterday that I just decided to teach it a lesson 😡..... and looks like I well and truly beat it into submission!! I have upped my morning Levemir by another 2 units this morning as well as the 3 last night so a total of +5units over the 24 hours and hopefully that will sort it now. Gone are the days when I pussy foot with it. If I have to eat a JB here and there today, that is far nicer than sticking a needle in myself every hour! Grrr.... I am in fighting mode. "Don't mess with me diabetes!".... I have an army of JBs just waiting to back me up if I need them! :D
PS. Not going to buy any more Cola Bottles as as alternative hypo treatment because for some reason, they just tempt me to eat them when I don't need them, whereas JBs are for emergency use only and I am never tempted to have more than I need. Same happened with Liquorice Allsorts. Just couldn't leave them alone, so can't buy them.

Many congrats to @Bloden on your House Special today! Eek! A red swimming pool! o_O

Congrats to @Barrowman too.
Good afternoon everyone! 4'9 when I finally got up at 12, yes, 12. My alarm was just one hour earlier than that, as today I only work in the evening and I went to bed at silly o'clock. I went to bed on a BG of 9 and stayed there for a few hours but then dropped and got 4 low alarms between 5 and 10 am. I only ate 2 JB in total, ignoring half the alarms as probably fake lows, but I seem to be wrong this time because the graph shows a couple short periods in the red and I woke up with a headache.

First time this week I achieve 8 hours of sleep, so not complaining, but I thought I would have soo much time to get stuff done today... Well, my main task was a big load of laundry and at least that's started, I'm sitting outside the launderette in the sun typing this and when I'm done I'll try yo tackle some online training for work. Not excited but better get it out the way before my proper day off.

A more exciting training is coming at the end of June. Is a 2 day course about wines and we travel to a different hotel of the company for it, travel and accommodation is paid by them and I guess we will get some meal included or money to get our own. I find the course interesting but mostly the chance to visit the other place, I know the city is beautiful and my supervisor said the hotel is amazing. June is looking great: 2 weeks holiday, visit to Prague, seeing my people in Spain, my birthday AND this wine training when I'm back! 😱😛
PS. Not going to buy any more Cola Bottles as as alternative hypo treatment because for some reason, they just tempt me to eat them when I don't need them
I see you. I tried a few different hypo treatments, including different flavours of dextrose tablets, and the first time I buy them I'm always tempted to try them. Is more curiosity than anything and after a few uses I don't find them tempting anymore. But I decided against buying some Lidl jelly beans because they had all these different flavours in the bag, including a list of all of them, and I know I would want to try all!

Luckily I'm not really into this sugary sweets (gummies, liquorice, etc) and I am not likely to overeat them. Other treats like biscuits and chocolate are a different story :D
in last night's Masterchef the contestants were sent to the restaurant kitchen at the ROH. I thought the food was rather pretentious and hubby said "ordinary food elevated only by presentation so that they can charge silly prices".
I really wanted the confit duck dish and the raspberry and lime tart. It’s given me an idea for Mr Eggy’s birthday meal next month. Watch this space. It won’t be half as fancy as that though!
But I know what you mean about pretentious ,too many components and too much touching in my opinion. It must be lukewarm at best by the time they’ve put the 58 bits together. 😉
And thank goodness Sugar Free John has gone.
Hello again! I'm proud of myself, I did finish the online training. To be fair I almost know this modules by memory, they are the same ones every couple of months.

Something that irritates me tho, in the allergy training, there's a section where they mention auto injectors for a severe allergic reaction and the picture chosen to illustrate this is ... basically a Novorapid pen. I have never seen one of those adrenaline injectors so thought maybe they look similar, but I googled images and they don't. There was a similar issue last time I did this training, I think they used a picture of a finger pricker! Who is choosing this images?!
I was quite pleased that my HbA1C has stayed in normal range 39mmol/mol as I thought it might have gone up as I have been struggling to get back to walking after my knee injury, now 18 months ago. Cholesterol also not too bad at 3.7. I had reason to go to the GP as my legs, the injured one more so have been swelling up by the end of the day. They did loads of blood tests and say they are all normal. So nothing there to explain it. I suggested I had an x-ray of my knee to make sure there was nothing hindering it improving so I shall wait and see.
Blood pressure a bit elevated so I have to do readings for a week to see if the medication needs increasing.