Group 7-day waking average?

Morning! 6.8 first thing FTF and then an hour and a half later after only drinking 500 mls of water, I get a 7.3 on one hand and 7.6 on the other! What do you do with that !

Off to LGW this morning to drop off daughter and family as they head off to Menorca. Nice! Apparently LGW charges £5 to drop folk off 😱 now! Been a long time since I have been to an airport...
Maybe you liver trying to be helpful and releasing glucose in the absence of food, but those readings are essentially all the same.

7.1 and an aching chest that feels like someone has been punching me all night, never mind a few more hot drinks and I will be fine, going to try knit and natter at a local craft hut, hopefully I will manage the 20 mins walk, seems silly to drive when it will take about 15mins to drive there.

Have a lovely Saturday.
Morning all. 4.9, 5.3, 3.9....take your pick.

Its lovely and sunny here and its our 34th wedding anniversary. We're going to have brunch, then a wander around a local town before we go for a meal and off to a gig. Older daughter is picking us up so we can have a drink. Should be a nice day.
Good morning. 6.3 The 5s are very elusive at the moment. Congratulations to the jammy souls who are achieving such perfection. (

Had a rather dull evening attending a "consultation" about the potential sites for a new hospital. It is proposed to spend 1.3bn on a new hospital near the border of Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire. SInce there was almost no details about the sites, and our village is rather distant, it was an obvious box ticking exercise. Heard a depressing amount of long winded wittering about how excellent it will be to reduce the existing 2 hospitals (nearer to centres of population) to "Community hospitals" i.e. no call in staff just GP visits during the day. Since the new one won't be built in my lifetime I refuse to be concerned by a the travel times and distances (either 30 miles (47 minutes) or 27.6 miles (53minutes or 55 minutes depending on chosen route). The times are likely to be much higher in tourist season.

I resisted (just) rising and strangling the community councillor, a man mistakenly convinced of his own importance, who drivelled on for quite quarter of an hour without saying anything relevant. Had a little fun asking a couple of unkind questions and ended up being sought out for a long conversation by one of the Health Board's team who had kept a beady eye on me thereafter. Turned out to be quite an amusing bloke whose parting shot was that they would be in touch for some advice...I assured him my fees are exceedingly reasonable.

It wasn't quite how I intended to spend the evening after a hard day on my hands and knees planting up the pond margins, indeed I had forgotten all about it until I was cooking a quick stir fry for a "late lunch" at 18.10 when my neighbour rang to say she was coming to fetch me. This gave me 10 minutes to eat, wash the bits that show and change my clothes for something not covered in algae ...which would have felt longer if Matt hadn't turned up with the stones at 18.15 when I was stark naked and all the house doors were open. I dived behind a door just in time to spare his blushes, hauled on my clothes, and ate the stir fry at the gate while waiting for lift. Whew...made it.

More pottering and planting today - lovely and sunny.

@ColinUK Oy - enough with the restaurant descriptions - I live in an epicurian wilderness and may eat my mouse if you exercise your excellent literary skills on food.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
5.4 this morning for me, new sensor from yesterday evening seems to be working well and was within 0.5 of a BG test, so well pleased with that!

Lazy start today before going into Birmingham to meet up with my daughter and grandchildren to take them to Legoland and have them overnight whilst daughter and OH have a day at the cricket in Edgbaston.

Solar system running really well, in just 2 weeks we have saved around £50 on electricity and are averaging 97% of our electricity usage being solar. Very pleased with that!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS today.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone!
Morning all! 6.9 for me. Injected my Levemir (increased dose) and a slightly increased 2.5 units of Fiasp to cover FOTF and got up and dressed and made my coffee only for the high alarm to go off on my Libre at 8.8 with an upward sloping arrow before my coffee had even touched my lips, so I jabbed another 2 units. I am not taking any prisoners with this diabetes at the moment but following a "shoot on sight" policy for high levels, even if it is only 10 mins since the last shot. I am now sitting at 6.8 and it hasn't gone below that so 4.5 units has done precisely nothing! For some reason my body is just not responding to insulin as it normally does. I know I am feeling stressed so that is probably it but never known my liver churn out quite so much glucose! Need to get out for a long walk to try to counteract it but doubt I am going to find time this weekend.
Morning all on this most gorgeous day with wall to wall blue sky and sunshine!

9.3 this morning after yet another blaring alarm in the wee small hours, followed by a Dextrose and half a biccie. Probably the wine in the pub last night, where we stayed longer than we should have but we were having so much fun with a great crowd.

@ColinUK thank you for the restaurant review! Nice to know should we ever visit Covent garden again. Last time we went was to Brasserie Blanc to celebrate MIL's 80th Birthday with family. Service was utterly appalling, we waited nearly 2 hours for our lunch. MIL was sick and ended up in College Hospital after an ambulance was called. Incidentally there's an old folks home locally that is the spitting image of that house you picked for Gwynn! At first I thought you were dropping a hint!

@eggyg we were also glad to see the back of "sugar free John". He just substituted artificial sweetners for sugar and clearly couldn't cook savoury dishes. I look forward to our invitation for Mr E's birthday meal! :rofl:

@Gwynn congrats on the HS.

@freesia congratulations on your 34th wedding anniversary! anniv.jpg
@Pattidevans Brasserie Blanc was never anything but awful whenever I ventured there. Not sure but I think it’s something else that’s there’s now.
@Pattidevans Brasserie Blanc was never anything but awful whenever I ventured there. Not sure but I think it’s something else that’s there’s now.
Just as well I think. The staff were terribly rude! I mean completely over the top rude. The food wasn't good either! I do recall having a fantastic lunch once at the Crusted Pipe downstairs.
I look forward to our invitation for Mr E's birthday meal!
I wouldn’t get too excited. His birthday is always within a few days of Fathers Day so he has requested afternoon tea with the whole family on that day, his birthday is the following Thursday. He has a sweet tooth as does eldest daughter but myself and other daughters prefer savoury. So I’ll be doing half and half, the usual scones and cakes but instead of boring crustless sandwiches I was thinking of bite sized savouries. I thought about confit duck bonbons, never ever done anything like that before, the nearest I suppose was crab quail Scotch eggs. They were fiddly but everyone loved them. Last night’s MC also gave me ideas for bao buns, I have a steamer but have never made them either. Mini tacos, gyros were also featured last night and got me thinking of an around the world afternoon tea. It’ll probably just end up being a beige buffet! Sausage roll anyone? :rofl:
@eggyg If I was going to make duck confit bon-bons I'd start with some tinned confit duck as otherwise there are too many stages, but it's very expensive here. We brought several tins home from France with us. Made some duck rillettes a while back and they were lovely, just bought a couple of duck legs, cooked and shredded them and used the duck fat from a tin of confit, but you can buy the fat anywhere relatively cheaply. Just spread the rillettes on toast. The crab quail scotch eggs sound lovely! You can buy bao buns now and fill them with your choice of filling. It's fun and really satisfying to make things yourself, but I find sometimes I have to rein myself in and go for a bit of convenience if there's a lot to do, for example on a buffet.
Only 12 hours late posting but was around 8 this morning.
I do miss the scan log with libre vs the dexcom one for figuring out what my waking actually was 😉.
First sensor almost done with the dexcom and I had to get a reader for it which I kinda like vs my phone. I'm a little bit rubbish at keeping phone charged but for now the reader has had one full charge at the start of the 10 days and still 38% battery left.
I miss the notes from the libre app though.
Hopefully I'll get a new phone in the coming months that will work with both libre and dexcom.

I had one of those days where was running in the 13/14s all afternoon without any solid reason and took 2 corrections to get it under some kinda control and back into the 8s.
10 day report on sensor is 73% in range and the rest high & very high (although had some on the line lows but not low enough to register). Been a little unorganised with pre bolus time so must do better there 🙂

Time for shower, pop new sensor on to start in morning and bed!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Unfortunately my eye is still giving me trouble. Back to the GP on monday then. Sigh

I think I may have a bit of a rest today. Too much stress worrying about my eye

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 6.8

Lovely day. Off to Pembrokeshire with a friend to visit a nursery specialising in pond plants. Wonderful excuse not to dig a trench for armoured cable to the filter system...It only needs to be a spit deep to stop me mowing through it but feels like the sort of thing to do jam.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Can you tell it was a stressful day yesterday and an awfully poor nights sleep.
