Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 4.1

My biology class had been given an assignment to do that will go towards the end of year grades. I do find it rather ironic that it’s a poster on diabetes. At least I know if I do badly on the exam there’s no way I’ll do bad on the poster
Good morning

Missed posting yesterday, busy day. It was 4.6 then. 5.1 today which is good as yesterday was higher carbs than usual because I had conference and nothing low carb on the lunch buffet (I could have requested special dietary requirement when I booked on, but I decided that would be too much hassle and I would have a "treat" day. Ate much less than I would have a year ago and still felt full to the extent that I didn't finish my soup.) I had a very low carb tea (like lasagne but grilled aubergine and courgette slices instead of pasta, and just sprinkled cheese on top not cheese sauce - bf came to tea so I made that as it works for both our dietary needs, made separate lasagnes with pasta for kids) but later decided to eat some 74% dark chocolate meaning to have 2 or 3 squares and ate 6. Then succumbed to the temptation to finish the quiche in the fridge from the day before.... Oh well, it's not there to tempt me today. But I might have a doughnut if we go near a Krispy Kreme shop as I have a free one to be claimed...

Plans for today are some clothes shopping with kids - we're going to be staying somewhere with a swimming pool in half term so need to make sure they have costumes that fit! Actually better check if mine does since I've lost weight :confused: . Plus any other clothes we need. I just hope it isn't too expensive a day...
Morning all, it’s a grey day here again today but on a higher note it’s a
Now I better get out to the garage and mend the puncture on my bike wheel I must have got it yesterday riding around the woodland trails, something different to do I guess.
Thanks @ColinUK any chance of some stairs so I can get into it. 😉
4.1 for me this morning. I had the opposite problem to @eggyg last night. Having been stable in the 4s and 5s all day Libre showed my levels suddenly heading towards orbit as I climbed into bed. 8.7 with a sloping upwards arrow which I hit with a 2 unit correction as I was not taking any evening Levemir. That was followed 15 mins later by the high alarm going off and Libre showing 9.6 with a vertical upwards arrow. Clearly blast off had been initiated! Like @eggyg I didn't double check it because Libre is very accurate for me and this sensor in particular has been really great. I just let the 2 unit correction deal with it and went to sleep expecting to go high, but then an hour later the low alarm went off at 4.1. Ate a JB and went back to sleep but levels didn't come up above alarm level and I woke 2 hours later on 3.3 with rather too much red on my graph. 😱 Had a couple of JBs and went back to sleep but woke up to the low alarm again at 5.14am on 4.1 and had another JB which got me through to getting up time. My Libre graph doesn't show my levels going any higher than about 6 so what those 8.7 and 9.6 readings were all about, I have no idea but if I hadn't had that 2 unit correction I wouldn't have needed 4 JBs overnight! Last day of this sensor so maybe it was starting to feel a bit old and confused... like me 🙄!

Congrats to our HS achievers today @ColinUK @harbottle and @Barrowman.

Such a relief to hear from @Lanny particularly as I am sure we have all been a bit worried about your sudden absence. Really sorry for the loss of your Dad (((HUGS)))
Lovely to hear from @Kaylz too although at least we knew you were intentionally stepping away from the forum. Hope life is treating you well and you and Bruce are still enjoying having your own home and living together.
@rebrascora sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations overnight - there is so much red on my graph today that I’m starting to think my pancreas has begun functioning again :rofl: Didn’t realise how draining lower blood sugar can be. Think it’s the tail end of the illness and all the extra basal I’ve been having for that (that’s my excuse anyway!). Here’s to a smoother ride for us all today! Edit: Although I say this and my sensor seems to be quite inaccurate still on day 3, so some of the red may not be correct!
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Afternoon all. What a glorious day it has been.

7.9 at 08:30 and a fairly flat line overnight.

I was really excited this morning because of the weather in conjunction with the fact that we were going to the St Ives food festival. It just felt like summer had begun along with it's adventures. We went to the festival last year (and previous years) and had a super time. However, we arrived at the bus stop at 11:45 and waited, and 11:53 turned up, nor the next two scheduled buses i.e. the 12:23 and the 12:53. Eventually a completely unscheduled bus arrived but it had only 1 available place. So we crossed the road and caught a bus to the bus station thinking at least we could be first on. Sure enough we did get a bus and finally arrived in St Ives at 14:25!!! Being a Saturday the festival was jam packed, with no seats available anywhere to sit and eat, nor watch the cheffy demos (though they were disappointing anyway with no stars and just a chap demonstrating BBQ dishes. I'm too old to sit on the sand.... so we wandered about a bit and decided to come home. And repeated the bus performance.... finally arrived home around 6pm and managed a glass of wine in the garden before it got too cold! So... at least I have the makings of 3 butter chicken dishes and a goan curry dish...

Congratulations you lucky HS people!
Afternoon all. What a glorious day it has been.

7.9 at 08:30 and a fairly flat line overnight.

I was really excited this morning because of the weather in conjunction with the fact that we were going to the St Ives food festival. It just felt like summer had begun along with it's adventures. We went to the festival last year (and previous years) and had a super time. However, we arrived at the bus stop at 11:45 and waited, and 11:53 turned up, nor the next two scheduled buses i.e. the 12:23 and the 12:53. Eventually a completely unscheduled bus arrived but it had only 1 available place. So we crossed the road and caught a bus to the bus station thinking at least we could be first on. Sure enough we did get a bus and finally arrived in St Ives at 14:25!!! Being a Saturday the festival was jam packed, with no seats available anywhere to sit and eat, nor watch the cheffy demos (though they were disappointing anyway with no stars and just a chap demonstrating BBQ dishes. I'm too old to sit on the sand.... so we wandered about a bit and decided to come home. And repeated the bus performance.... finally arrived home around 6pm and managed a glass of wine in the garden before it got too cold! So... at least I have the makings of 3 butter chicken dishes and a goan curry dish...

Congratulations you lucky HS people!
Sorry to read you couldn't enjoy much of the festival due to buses. Not the same situation but when I wanted to get back from Marazion to Penzance the bus stop was not in use due to roadworks, and I kept walking to find the "next available stop" which turned out to be also closed (there was 2 or 3 like that). I worried a little bit as my phone battery was running low, but in the end walked in the other direction from the original bus stop and found one where the bus stopped.

Cornwall is beautiful but I don't envy your public transport. Mind you, my hometown in Spain doesn't have the best either, we joke about the people from the capital when they whine about their subway being delayed 2 minutes 🙄
Good morning - 4.1

My biology class had been given an assignment to do that will go towards the end of year grades. I do find it rather ironic that it’s a poster on diabetes. At least I know if I do badly on the exam there’s no way I’ll do bad on the poster
Are you going to dare the biology teacher to suggest any corrections to you !!!
Are you going to dare the biology teacher to suggest any corrections to you !!!
I’ll probably have to write an entire side of paper explaining half the terms used!
I’ll probably have to write an entire side of paper explaining half the terms used!
And good thing you don't have to explain the forum terminology as well! Imagine your classmates all confused while you talk about houses and unicorns!
Good morning everyone! 7 today, might or might not be the JB i had one hour earlier for a low alarm.

Early start today, 6:30, but I put the alarm as if I started even earlier at 6. Realised my mistake as soon as I woke up and went back to sleep for another 20 minutes. Feeling productive this morning, I ordered almost everything in my repeat prescriptions to have enough diabetes supplies for my holiday next month. Look at me, planning in advance! Didn't bother with lancets tho, the first box I received at diagnosis (December 2021) is still going strong :rofl:
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 sigh I could do with a new house. Just (at 6:30am) finished the last downstairs painting. Time for breakfast...

Today church, exercise, eating, that order.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing