Group 7-day waking average?

No sunshine today, back to the grey and gloomy weather, anyway it’s a 5.4 for me this morning.
Move up @Gwynn and @MeeTooTeeTo ! I’m making it a Friday HS Trio (@ColinUK - you’d better start raiding your property bank!)


Have a great Friday everyone!
I’m opening a commune for all 5.2ers today.

You can pick your own rooms.

This is amazing. So many HS's. The commune is probably the only way. That or prison. :D ! Hmmm maybe a hotel?

I discovered breaded cod at M&S the other week. A hew product. Just 2 in the box. 200g each one and about £5 for the two. Very cost effective. But the taste and texture...superb.

If I go to the chippy then it's haddock. Seems a bit more expensive though. But again, the taste, excellent but M&S win hands down.
Come and join us @MrPixels ! Congratulations, you make 4 of us!
6.6 for me this morning and very happy with that. Had a really beautiful, uncomplicated unicorn yesterday. It makes such a difference when your basal is right and your levels behave impeccably. Why can't they do that all the time?? Been having a good spell for over a week now so I am due for it to all go horribly wrong very soon. 🙄 .... but then I know it will come right again. It is a constant ebb and flow.

Many congrats to our quartet of HSers this morning. You know who you are and gold stars duly awarded.
This is amazing. So many HS's. The commune is probably the only way. That or prison. :D ! Hmmm maybe a hotel?

I discovered breaded cod at M&S the other week. A hew product. Just 2 in the box. 200g each one and about £5 for the two. Very cost effective. But the taste and texture...superb.

If I go to the chippy then it's haddock. Seems a bit more expensive though. But again, the taste, excellent but M&S win hands down.
I fear some of us may only be short term lets...
Good morning. 6.3. Jealous of all those 5.2s? Never! (Exit stage left, green, muttering "its not fair...jammy barstewards etc"). Well done @MrPixels , @Eternal422 , @MeeTooTeeTo , @Gwynn. Enjoy communal living.

Lovely sunny morning but not much planned as back muscles still going into spasm. More in hope than expectation have ordered a pair of waders and a rubber boat...the pond is being taken over by bulrushes and it is time to fight back. I will also have to replace the anti-heron net which has several targe holes made by Mr Wolf launching himself in for a cool dip despite being urged not to. Wondering if a line of electric fencing wire around the perimeter might dissuade both him and the wretched bird. Hope I can find somebody desperate for goldfish as they have been breeding again.

Surprise visit from old friend yesterday. She had been to a funeral and couldn't face the "funereal baked meats" so came for tea and a natter instead. Certainly more laughter available here (and eggs - got rid of the back-log) although her neat blacks will need a good clean after Mr Wolf's enthusiastic greeting.

Happy Friday everyone.
Morning all and 6.9 for me.

No codeine last night and slept like a log, slept in actually. Just enjoyed a pain free sneeze as well.

Waiting for a parcel whilst dealing with a German Magazine who are wanting some material for an article

Have a good day everyone.

Just a rare post to say I'm still alive lol

If anybody does want to keep in touch then they are welcome to PM (which a few do) but this place has changed too much for me to be a part of on a regular basis

Hope everyone is keeping well xx
Good day all. No bg as I was staying over. No excuse I know, could have taken zippy box with me. 🙄 I had my first pedicure today. Fabulous. I now have posh piggies. I called them that to the young lady and she says she's pinching it. :rofl:

I am going to be good all day today, I want to join the commune. My idea of fun that is. Back to the 60s yay. 🙂
Just a quick post for those thinking of & worrying about me. My dad passed away in HK at the end of March but, he hasn’t been the same since his bad fall, hitting his head & unconscious, back in November so, not completely unexpected unlike mum’s pretty big shock & quick passing in 2015. It hasn’t hit me as hard as I’ve since went through my sister’s passing as well in 2018.

A lot of stuff to deal with both with the HK end & UK end. There’s a lot more stuff to be dealt with as well as mum didn’t really have anything to leave whereas dad was the village’s eldest direct descendant: the Hakka village in HK is mostly, 90%, all the same family name with one common ancestor; that title now goes to my eldest brother & will pass onto his eldest son, my nephew. Going through the longer process of probate now. The HK end is longer & more stuff to deal with so, glad I’m not dealing with that. But, have to deal with the UK end.

I don’t know when I’ll be back here regularly again but, I’m ok. Just dealing with a lot of things to do with the family house in NI which will be mine after probate.
What a glorious day it's been weather-wise.

I have had a most peculiar night and day battling BGs in the 19s and 20s + ketones since late last evening and all day today. Only at 11 am today, after lobbing in correction after correction did I discover that my pod cannula had come out (the pod was otherwise firmly in place). I quickly changed pod but it has been a continuous battle ever since to reach my current level of 5.7! Ah the trials we face on a day to day basis!

So Congratulations to ALL the HSs!

@Kaylz, so nice to see you again!

@Lanny sincere condolences on the passing of your father. I do know, after dealing with both parent's and parents in law's estates how much time it takes. Hugs and lots of love.
@Lanny so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope things are sorted quickly and easily. Take care.
Just a quick post for those thinking of & worrying about me. My dad passed away in HK at the end of March but, he hasn’t been the same since his bad fall, hitting his head & unconscious, back in November so, not completely unexpected unlike mum’s pretty big shock & quick passing in 2015. It hasn’t hit me as hard as I’ve since went through my sister’s passing as well in 2018.

A lot of stuff to deal with both with the HK end & UK end. There’s a lot more stuff to be dealt with as well as mum didn’t really have anything to leave whereas dad was the village’s eldest direct descendant: the Hakka village in HK is mostly, 90%, all the same family name with one common ancestor; that title now goes to my eldest brother & will pass onto his eldest son, my nephew. Going through the longer process of probate now. The HK end is longer & more stuff to deal with so, glad I’m not dealing with that. But, have to deal with the UK end.

I don’t know when I’ll be back here regularly again but, I’m ok. Just dealing with a lot of things to do with the family house in NI which will be mine after probate.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
Glad to see you are ok. just return when you feel able and up to it.