Group 7-day waking average?

Well I got the Hba1c results back in 4 hours... a record for anything I think! Sadly not good news but not unexpected as the Hormone Therapy injections (Zoladex) apparently messes up your BG. Scores on the doors 49...:(.
So guess what, this morning I get a text from the surgery, come to our group consultations... we have booked you in!
Not sure what they will do as I am on this drug until January 2024.
Oh well, here we go again 😱
49 is an excellent result in the circumstances and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. For us Type 1s we would likely be celebrating a 49.... I celebrated a 50 earlier this year, so whilst it might not be as good as some of your previous results, it is nothing to be worried about and you know the reason why, so all in all you should be very happy with that for now and so should your GP/nurse.
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
5.8 this morning, but had two rich tea at 12.30 am, as I'd dropped to 4.3.....frequent hypos early morning
Afternoon all. Another shocking morning reading of 13.7!! An hour before bed last night i was 4.1 so had three cheddar crackers with a small lump of cheese and 3 olives. By bedtime i was 6.8. This morning the graph showed i'd shot up to 15 and stayed there overnight. I slept really heavily and must have scanned when the alarm went off but fell straight back to sleep. It took 2 separate corrections to bring it down this morning but then ended up needing a mini muffin after lunch to keep levels up.

I upped my basal last night so will need to give it a few more days then maybe up it again. What a day!
Hope y'all had a good day. 7 for me this morning. 🙂
Thank you all for your best wishes. I'm now home and have slept off the residue of the sedation. Ironically I initially thought I was in for another disaster. It transpired that my appointment was with a trainee endoscopist (I was assured she was "nearly qualified") but she had to be supervised by a Doctor for the procedure. Apparently the Dr in question was "on his way".... but was stranded somewhere in the county with a puncture... so I sat for an hour in a somewhat uncomfortable cold room on a plastic chair.

He did arrive finally but I did wonder when I entered the treatment room as he was seated at a desk with his back to the procedure, glued to his phone. Nonetheless the procedure went smoothly and all the staff were lovely, very gentle, kind and calm. The ulcer has cleared up, there are two "very minor" streaks of inflammation and lucky me... I have a rare case of corkscrew oesophagus! I'm assured that it's very mild. Getting old is not for the faint hearted!!!! Julian is now an expert on this condition having consulted Mr Google whilst I slept! Off for my soup and lasagne now and absolutely ravenous!

Hope you all had a good day!

PS managed by means of temp basals to keep my BGs in the upper 6s throughout.
Good morning - 5.0

6.9 today, last day of taking the granddaughters to school today, their paternal grandparents have them from this evening until mmmy and daddy come home.

looking forward to a lie in tomorrow
Up with the early birds and 6.1, and a unicorn, the same as yesterday.

Zara day today, her other grandparents have gone on a cruise ( again) and we will be covering their “ shifts” for a couple of weeks, which is usually every Tuesday ( we do every Friday) and every other Monday. But Zara is a big girl now ( her words) and has been having some starter sessions in nursery, just three one hour sessions which have gone well, and does her first half day next Tuesday, if all goes to plan, will attend all day Tuesday therein. Daughter is going to up her days at work to four a week working Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. We’ll still have her the days we do now. She’s a real character now and her vocabulary and understanding of concepts is well ahead of her age, she’s only 2 years and 2 months. She is an absolute joy, but we’re still exhausted by 5.30! Then her four big cousins are coming after school today. Better warn the WiFi and the fridge!

Have a fab Friday everyone.
Morning all. A 5.0 this morning and a night in target! It took a couple of 1u through last evening but seems to have worked. Lets see what the day brings. Very glad its Friday.
Good morning 🙂 4.7 for me today, although sensor looks faulty, reading 2-3 mmol/l below blood tests :(
So annoying - I had this last night when I started a new one - ruined my TIR as I had a unicorn, but it said I was hypo when I was consistently in the 5s. So I’m going to say I’ve still got a unicorn today! It’s thankfully settled down overnight and now matches finger prick.

I was 5.1 this morning (going for either side of those houses with today and yesterday). Have a Good Friday everyone.
5.3 according to the sensor this morning. 6.1 on the finger prick.

Sensor readings have been all over the place overnight from 9.9 to a 3.1 but that’s probably to do with me feeling bunged up this morning. Let’s see how it settles down today.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yess. I think I will start up a holiday home business so todays house needs to be something very special. :D

Today more decoration painting. It is going well so no complaints.

Tonight either fish and chips or Cod with plum tomatoes. Not sure. I think probably the Cod.

My daughter and family came over for a flying visit yesterday aftetnoon. But I had just left for an exercise walk and missed them. I haven't seen them for ages so I was a bit disappointed. She never lets me know in advance too. Sigh

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 6.4 for me.

The sun’s shining, yippee! Choir was fun last night. We’ve got a competition coming up - it’s at a local brewery (uh-oh), each choir sings two songs, and extreme silliness is expected. We’ve been practising a song about a blue tit (Titw Tomos Las) so I’m hoping we can get costumes or even an inflatable blue tit - we’re not going to win for our singing 😉 so we need to go overboard on the silliness to get ourselves on the leader board. Competitive, moi? 🙂