Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

BG 4.9
All else fine too

Tonight Cauliflower cheese with chicken and mushrooms. Looking forward to it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 6.4

Absolutely crashed after dance last night, went low at about 3 and was still low up until about half an hour ago.

We’re doing lessons on homeostasis in biology - yesterday was on controlling blood glucose and Fridays is on diabetes - should be interesting

Have a good say everyone
Morning all - sun and cloud this morning.

6.7 this morning, bit of anxiety going on as I have the endoscopy this afternoon (the one that got aborted in April).

Hope you all have a good day.
Hurrah! Back up and running. 6.1 at 7.30.

Lovely day so far, been out to feed the birdies, they’re eating me out of house and home! A day at home making up beds and prepping food for a very busy weekend. Spaghetti and meatballs and a gingerbread. The usual childcare for Zara tomorrow, Mr Eggy going to yet another funeral ( he’s another on 21st too), then four eldest grandchildren coming over after school for a sleepover. We haven’t seen them since we returned from our hols. Once they’ve gone on Saturday afternoon we’re going to Zara’s home to babysit her whilst mummy and daddy go to a charity evening. Phew! Is it Sunday yet? 😉

Hope all goes well @Pattidevans this time.

Have a fab day. 🙂
Morning all and 6.9 for me.

Had a bit of a job getting onto the forum this morning.

Having seen the size of bag that Ryanair allow nowadays it looks like I will be travelling stage ready.

Have a good day everyone.
And it was a 5.6 for me this sunny morning at 08.15 when I woke up.

Now had my porridge and ready for a day of lots of little jobs to complete.
Good morning. 6.00.

Blazing sunshine which is a joy to see. Lousy day yesterday - hanging around for EDF engineer who came late, took ages to change the meter and then decided as the mobile signal is so poor that the smart meter display unit wouldn't work....All very odd since the orignal SWALEC one worked fine. "U-switch" turns out to be "and We-aggravate".

Bad night with cramped back muscles which woke me as soon as I nodded off and made coughing extremely painful. So I am planning a quiet, careful, sort of day renovating the old pine garden table. The top has buckled and an edge plank has been pushed off by swelling. Have a large pile of prunings to move after attacking the hardy fuschias (horticultural thugs to a twig) by the path to the orchard but decided to defer that after happily watching a goldfinch carefully exploring them. No idea what he was after but definitely worth leaving for a bit in case he returns, such a handsome chap.

Have a lovely day everyone.
Called Abbott as this was clearly wrong.

New sensor on the way.

Current sensor reading roughly 0.5 below finger prick but that’s much better than reading 5.0 below it!

A very nice 5.3 for me earlier and a flat horizontal line overnight once I had a JB at 1.30am to counteract an overly generous correction before bed. I decided not to have any evening basal so that was a reduction of 4 basal units yesterday over the day but levels started to rise towards bedtime after a very late evening meal (10.30pm) but it was low carb and no bolus. Then needed the correction at bedtime. Was torn between 2 and 2.5u and went with the latter, but with hindsight 2u would have been perfect. The important thing is that there was no red on my graph thanks to Libre low alarm at 4.2.

Hope your endoscopy goes as smoothly as these things can this time @Pattidevans.

Pleased you got a replacement sensor sorted @ColinUK. You really seem to be gaining a significant benefit from them but can't believe 2 weeks have gone since you started using it.... That has flown!!

@khskel You will just have to travel looking like the rock start you obviously are!
"U-switch" turns out to be "and We-aggravate".
I feel your pain! Some time back we used - which was the one thing they didn’t do! They switched us to People’s Energy then Utility Point as they “realised they had made a mistake”. However, we were left calling both companies ourselves to sort it out as they said they couldn’t on our behalf! This also included having to get a refund for the first month’s payment from People’s energy, which luckily they did quickly and were understanding about it all thank goodness!
4.6 this morning.

Yesterday was a frustrating day of lows - down to 2.9 after just sorting stuff out in the office - who would have thought putting hanging files into drawers could lower BG? Climbed up to 7 at lunchtime and so decided to cut the lawn - back down to 3.5 😡. Luckily managed to stay higher for the evening and night. Also got a call from the asthma nurse lined up for Monday - it’s getting frustrating now as it is actually stopping me from doing things. Oh well, there are worse things than this!

@Pattidevans - good luck today, hope all goes well!

Have a great day everyone!
Snap @rebrascora, I was also 5.3 this morning with a pretty straight line overnight, and also a unicorn! (And that’s with my weird increased requirements due to my virus!)

Missed you all this morning, really wanted to come on and share with you all! Hope you’re having a good day and the rain holds off where ever you are - there were 3 torrential showers here yesterday afternoon, with bright sunshine between them - and I got caught in all 3!
didnt have time to post earlier but was somewhere in the 6s
Been into town to look at suitcases, didnt end up buying but it helped me make a choice of one I wanted in argos which I'll collect later.
Did manage to get some other bits I needed 🙂

Back on CGM and this time rocking the dexcom one 🙂 its weird not to scan. Had to grab a reader as my phone is too ancient for it but cheaper than buying a new phone.

@Pattidevans hope all goes well x
Well I got the Hba1c results back in 4 hours... a record for anything I think! Sadly not good news but not unexpected as the Hormone Therapy injections (Zoladex) apparently messes up your BG. Scores on the doors 49...:(.
So guess what, this morning I get a text from the surgery, come to our group consultations... we have booked you in!
Not sure what they will do as I am on this drug until January 2024.
Oh well, here we go again 😱
I think mine was 5.1 but meter is at home (forum was down when I looked again after checking it)