Group 7-day waking average?

Ooh I was annoyed too. It’s all kicking off on the MC Facebook page. That poor girl will rebel for certain. When he turned the tears on I was livid. The “pastry” was made with nuts and something else. I wonder what sweetener he used as stevia has as many carbs as sugar!
Thank you for pointing me to that page @eggyg. It would seem to be a contentious subject looking at the responses. Having given it more thought I do acknowledge that going lower carb (even for T1s) does result in more controllable blood glucose and less fluctuations, In fact that's how I operated for a long time, but on the other hand a child shouldn't be singled out and made to feel so different and deprived. Surely there's a balance. Plus there's a balance in what information should be disseminated in public arena.

I confess I have slipped recently and stopped being so strict with myself, even so, my TDD is still extremely modest at around 14 to 18u a day total.
I confess I have slipped recently and stopped being so strict with myself, even so, my TDD is still extremely modest at around 14 to 18u a day total.
Thank you for posting this - I know everyone’s totals are different but I’m not really strict at all (I would say I make better “choices” eg I would pick a dessert of ice cream over a chocolate cake or brown over white bread) and would say I’m around 15-20u a day on average, and worried I was having way too much insulin, so thank you!

Edit: Should clarify my numbers above didn’t include basal, they were bolus only.
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Thank you for pointing me to that page @eggyg. It would seem to be a contentious subject looking at the responses. Having given it more thought I do acknowledge that going lower carb (even for T1s) does result in more controllable blood glucose and less fluctuations, In fact that's how I operated for a long time, but on the other hand a child shouldn't be singled out and made to feel so different and deprived. Surely there's a balance. Plus there's a balance in what information should be disseminated in public arena.

I confess I have slipped recently and stopped being so strict with myself, even so, my TDD is still extremely modest at around 14 to 18u a day total.
It’s all to do with balance. I eat what I want but smaller portions . I don’t advocate high carbs for anyone, diabetic or not, but like you say his child will be feeling like a outsider at parties, school etc. it’s hard enough being diabetic as an adult let alone a child. Let’s hope someone will contact the family with some helpful advice.
I hardly go over 20 units of bolus a day and that’s with a 1:5 ratio for breakfast and I don’t feel deprived at all.
My current TDD (ie basal and bolus) was 41 yesterday (24+2 basal and 15 bolus) and I am quite strict with what I eat most of the time.... I do still have half a square of dark chocolate here and there though! 🙄 That is higher than usual because my basal levels have been increased to cover this cold virus and I haven't been feeling well enough to exercise much, but I probably average about 30u TDD normally. Always important to keep in mind that you need what you need, but I find it is a balance with weight and food and I am currently putting on weight when I need to lose a bit, so my TDD needs to reduce, through reducing carbs/food a bit and exercising more. I am not saying that the nsulin is causing weight gain, it is the food I am eating and the lack of exercise.... the insulin doses just keep pace with that to balance it. I see my TDD as a means of assessing if I am gaining or losing weight without counting calories or even carbs for that matter because I really don't bother with that much these days

I believe that the competitors in these programs may be encouraged to over dramatize these situations to make it more entertaining and get the audience to emotionally engage with them. There will be an element of truth in what they say but it will be exaggerated for the cameras/audience or taken slightly out of context by clever editing.
My current TDD (ie basal and bolus) was 41 yesterday (24+2 basal and 15 bolus) and I am quite strict with what I eat most of the time.... I do still have half a square of dark chocolate here and there though! 🙄 That is higher than usual because my basal levels have been increased to cover this cold virus and I haven't been feeling well enough to exercise much, but I probably average about 30u TDD normally. Always important to keep in mind that you need what you need, but I find it is a balance with weight and food and I am currently putting on weight when I need to lose a bit, so my TDD needs to reduce, through reducing carbs/food a bit and exercising more. I am not saying that the nsulin is causing weight gain, it is the food I am eating and the lack of exercise.... the insulin doses just keep pace with that to balance it. I see my TDD as a means of assessing if I am gaining or losing weight without counting calories or even carbs for that matter because I really don't bother with that much these days
I do find that I actually think more about my diet now with regards to my insulin needs - in the sense that you say with it reflecting whether I need to lose weight/eat healthier - far more than I did when I was non-diabetic. Never moreso than over Easter when I was snacking on Easter eggs :rofl:
Congratulations @MrPixels !

Missed doing mine this morning, bf is going to come with me on a weekend away that I am going on soon (without kids) so was busy putting in motion all the necessary adjustments for that this morning and ended up running late
Good morning. 6.6

Weather looks a bit grim this morning altho' forecast isn't bad. Yesterday's forecast was poor but had a glorious afternoon and evening. Finished off the fruit cage, then overdue parcels from Gardening Express arrived just as I finished weeding the veggie beds, delivered plants in quite good condition. My aching back witnesses the amount of compost moving required to settle them in. Today's jobs are, thankfully, light - get the loppers to the monster fuschias. Even good old fashioned hardy types are scraggy after that 2 weeks of bitter wind but plenty of new growth round the base so time for a serious prune.

Now all I need is a nice new bench to admire the works now that I am on top of it...The "gardener" remains a no show as does the "cleaner". Why do people agree to work and then give up once they have tried it? If I can hobble about doing the stuff it isn't exactly desperately heavy labour. Looks as if my attempt to buy time for other things is an abject failure.

The EDF engineer is coming today to change my meter to a newer edition (it's only 6 years old) so that the smart meter will, hopefully, work at last. Recalling Flanders and Swan "The Gasman cometh" I fear the worst.

Hope everyone doing well. Did anyone spot Lanny recently?
Morning all, after two years of waiting I am now summoned this morning for an Hba1c blood test! Well this will be interesting... :confused: On BBC news feed this morning...
BBC News - Poor diabetes care may be behind 7,000 excess deaths
Good morning - 4.9

6.2 today, 2nd day of school run, hubbies day off tomorrow so he will do the morning one, he is doing the afternoon one as he finishes work at 2pm and only works about 10 mins away from Their school, so he is waiting for them, tomorrow we are swapping.

Have a good day everyone

@TinaD I have also been concerned for lanny, also miss Michael and Kaylz.
Morning all. 7.9 and sunny here atm after yesterdays huge thunderstorm and heavy downpour. Its supposed to be showery through the day though.

Need to leave for work earlier as there are at least two lots of roadworks to get through and no other route. I got stuck yesterday coming home, a 15 min drive took 50 mins!

Have a good day, i'll catch up with you all later.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 a near miss. Perhaps I can live next door to a nice house 🙂

Today, hmmm, nothing special planned, exercise, that's about it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
6.1 for me - pleased with that as I continue to just feel slightly under the weather with this virus that seems to have doubled my ratios when it comes to food o_O

Nice and sunny here, hopefully it’ll stay that way after the thunderstorms yesterday but I’m not holding my breath! Have a good day everyone 🙂
Morning all. 5.9 and an overnight flatfish on the Libre graph. Which is a relief after yesterday’s shenanigans.
Morning readings as expected, all in the 6s. Injected bolus at 12.10 for my lunch, the lunch I have almost everyday so know exactly how many carbs to the half unit. Ate at 12.40 when down to 5.7. We left home at 1.30ish to look for a new blind, cushion and a mirror for the dining room. BGs in high 6s now. Had a successful shop. At 3ish I zapped my phone over my sensor. 11.2! What? Didn’t have meter with me but assumed it was an error. Got home at about 4ish. I felt shattered, legs aching, I felt breathless. Sat down and had a drink, couldn’t keep my eyes open. Took BGs 14.2! Checked on meter, 14.5! Checked my insulin pen to make sure I’d taken insulin. Yes, 3 hrs and 50 mins ago. Forced myself to get moving. Prepped the tea. By 5.40 BGs we’re still 10.5. Over 5 hours after injecting. Did a 1 unit correction plus enough to cover my tea. 5 units in total. Ate at 6. By 7 I was 9.7, half an hour later 8.1. Had some chocolate ( 15 grms). By 9.20 I was in the 5s! Had a ginger nut as I couldn’t face anything too sweet and sickly. Went to bed at 10.30, read until 11. 5.7! I can’t get away with corrections at all, I never get them right.
Anyhoo, my only thoughts are I’ve injected into a lump in my tummy or maybe even some internal scar tissue, of which I’ve a lot, and the insulin has just taken ages to absorb. I’m going to be a lot more careful today as I am complacent sometimes about where I inject.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all. 🙂


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4.9 for me this morning. Woke early (bad dream) and by the time I felt more settled and like I might not go back into it, there wasn't really enough time before my alarm to try going back to sleep. So I got up at that point and did a couple of computery things that I have been needing to do. And had an early breakfast (usually have it in work about 9am) as I'm having an early lunch today, meeting a friend who works for the same trust but at a different base.
5.4 this morning.

I have today off work and I plan to sort the office out, tidying up cables in the lounge and having a go at installing some smart bulbs. Solar is going really well, had a whole day yesterday and overnight not using any electricity from the grid - really pleased with that!

All this talk about TDD makes me realise I am snacking too much (again!) in the evenings and pushing my TDD upwards, not an issue other than the amount of calories I’m consuming is going to add to weight gain. Mind you, just checking yesterday and I had 28 basal + 22 bolus, so maybe not as bad as I thought it was going (some days are definitely worse though when I get the munchies :D).

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are doing.
5.7 and the sensor comes to the end of its life today.
Do folks change arms or stick to the same one when changing over?