Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone! 5'8 today.

I read about The Big Help Out @42istheanswer and think it's a good idea, didn't look much into it tho because, to no one's surprise, I'm working. My supervisor said we will have an extra day in our annual holiday in return for working today, so that's something.

I'm still excited about my new toy, the Fitbit. Apart from step count I am looking at the length and quality of my sleep and occasionally my heart rate, tho I have no use for that info as I have yet to find out what are the normal ranges for HR. Will do some googling later :D I find the app quite practical, as it takes the data from your wristband and also allows you to log a bunch of other info. There are trackers for period, mindfulness (??), food and even water intake. I personally am not willing to go to my phone every time I drink some water but I understand is useful for some people, and might use it for a couple days to see if I'm actually drinking enough, as I believe.

I have mixed feelings about the food log. I'd be interested to check my carb intake and compare the food log with the Libre graphs sometimes. But it seems like a lot of work to measure quantities when I don't have a weight or bolus related motivation (my respect to all of you who regularly do this). I'm also not comfortable getting the calories of everything displayed, especially when the app tells me if I'm under or over a "calorie budget" which I didn't even set myself. Even if I don't want to care I know I'd be bothered if I go over this random budget and don't want to get obsessed. Relationship with food can be tricky and I'm in a pretty good place now I think, don't want to risk it.
Good morning everyone! 5'8 today.

I read about The Big Help Out @42istheanswer and think it's a good idea, didn't look much into it tho because, to no one's surprise, I'm working. My supervisor said we will have an extra day in our annual holiday in return for working today, so that's something.

I'm still excited about my new toy, the Fitbit. Apart from step count I am looking at the length and quality of my sleep and occasionally my heart rate, tho I have no use for that info as I have yet to find out what are the normal ranges for HR. Will do some googling later :D I find the app quite practical, as it takes the data from your wristband and also allows you to log a bunch of other info. There are trackers for period, mindfulness (??), food and even water intake. I personally am not willing to go to my phone every time I drink some water but I understand is useful for some people, and might use it for a couple days to see if I'm actually drinking enough, as I believe.

I have mixed feelings about the food log. I'd be interested to check my carb intake and compare the food log with the Libre graphs sometimes. But it seems like a lot of work to measure quantities when I don't have a weight or bolus related motivation (my respect to all of you who regularly do this). I'm also not comfortable getting the calories of everything displayed, especially when the app tells me if I'm under or over a "calorie budget" which I didn't even set myself. Even if I don't want to care I know I'd be bothered if I go over this random budget and don't want to get obsessed. Relationship with food can be tricky and I'm in a pretty good place now I think, don't want to risk it.
I think if you sign in to your dashboard you can switch of things you’re not interested in.
There are varieties of olive trees that winter well, winter in Jaén or Granada is not mild, but I guess the types they sell here are not hardy.
Ours has survived several winters, but despite the dismal wet weather we have in Cornwall, we rarely have the low temps the rest of the UK suffers. We have many palm trees and exotic plants growing here. I think the gulf stream protects us.
Morning all - very low visibility this morning and a fine mizzle.

6.9 wih a flatfish when I woke at 10:10 am (I know, I know.... overslept for no real reason). It's better than it has been, but I would just love to see 5.anything for a change!

I didn't get up to dance yesterday after all. The first group was OK, the 2nd one bettter, but they were EXTREMELY LOUD and I came home hoarse just from trying to have anything like a normal conversation with friends at the same table. I am trying to stay off alcohol and they don't serve anything low cal except tonic which is 7.5g carb per 200ml bottle. So just had 3 pints of water to which I added sugar free squash from a little squirty bottle that I nipped home to get. As a consequence I spent most of the evening in the smallest room! Anyway I am clearly a cheap date these days!

Watched the Coronation Concert and enjoyed most of it. More Lionel Ritchie... woo hooo. Afterwards watched a couple of episodes of "Root into Europe" which Julian has finally found on YouTube! Does anyone else recall this series? It was on TV in 1992. It's an absolute hoot with George Cole playing "Henry Root, wet fish retired" who sets off in his jaguar to tour Europe and "discover what the common market is about" with Patricia Heywood as his "lady wife".

For some reason the area is clay suitable for a pottery throw down which eats compost/horse manure without any perceptible change in consistency. Oddly the grapes like it whilst the raspberries do not.
Grapes love poor soil, the harder the grape has to work the better the wine Tina. We have lovely crops from ours, though they are an eating variety. I usually make grape jelly out of them.

Congratulations @Gwynn - finally a real HS! LOL!

Congratulations also to @rebrascora on your driving achievements, don't sell yourself short as @Elenka_HM so wisely says.

Nothing much to do today, a tiny bit of ironing and mediterranean roast veg with pork hock for dinner. Have a magtic Monday everyone.
I’ve always wanted a Japanese acer, not sure how hardy that would be in a pot.
Love Acers, we have 6 of them, 3 are in sleeper boxes that are about 1m x 0.5m and 2 sleepers high. The bottom of the sleeper boxes are open to the ground so roots can get through. Not sure about a pot as such, but I would imagine it can be done, sort of like a large bonsai. They have been burnt a bit by some late frosts, but are generally doing well and are healthy.
Joining @Gwynn (congratulations fellow HSer!) with this today :

Well pleased with that, especially after a frustrating day with lows as soon as I did anything, even just some painting, so nothing strenuous.

Had a quick trip to IKEA this morning to return a couple of things and get some drawer organisers for the new desk. My wife is having to work this afternoon and evening, so I’ll be pottering around this afternoon doing some odd jobs around the house, shame yesterday’s sunshine hasn’t put in an appearance today!

Have a great day everyone!
@Eternal422 have a house!
Everything you see is included. What you can’t see are the portcullis protecting entry over the bridge, the extensive stables, the couple of hundred acres or the helipads.

So many pointy bits in these houses...almost as many as on my own...wonderful

Up early as have granddaughters while their mum and dad go on their honeymoon, any luck they should have just taken off. Anyway forgotten how early you have to rise with children, and one needs to be in school at 8am due to her sats, school is 1/2 drive away.

Anyway 6.3 for me so pleased with that after a day of indulgence after eating cake at the community bake which was part of the big help out.

Off to see mum later, i warned her I might fall asleep as I don’t usually get up until 7.30.
Good morning - 5.3

Have a good day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5
Everything else ok

Finally I managed to get my non subscription version of Photoshop wotking along with the filters that I like to use. So I spent a bit of time yesterday updating an old creative image of mine... it was a lot of fun...

I Said Bring me Spartacus 25 Smaller 2.jpg

No big plans today

Have a great day today whatever you are doing