Group 7-day waking average?

6.1 for me today - had to have a couple of jbs in the night as my low alarm went off. Out for breakfast again this morning, this is a lovely little cafe so I know it will be much better than last week’s offering! Edit: Cancelled breakfast, got up and moved around and what I thought was hayfever last night seems to be either a sinus infection or a cold. Sugars currently okay but hoping a rest today will help matters!

Well done @Gwynn on your HS.

Have a great bank holiday everyone!
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Morning. 5.3 for me again.

Congratulations on your HS @Gwynn !

Plan for today is to join in church litter pick (planned because Charles has apparently asked for people to consider giving time today to help the environment). It is currently raining so that seems unlikely to encourage more people who haven't signed up to join in... Both my children have agreed to do it, youngest because they seem to think they might find something interesting, oldest because there are bacon sandwiches on offer afterwards (and "it's helping the community"). Boyfriend will be coming too.
After a restless night, and waking up feeling a little off, I was surprised to see a 4.7.
Morning all. 🙂 6.8 here.

Aching from head to toe after yesterday’s heavy digging session in the garden. Was hoping to do some more today, but it’s raining boo hoo. Cymraeg and lesson planning it is, then. 🙂
Morning all. 6.3 and a unicorn.

It looks like our run of good weather has finished. Very wet this morning, glad we got our walk yesterday, just under seven miles through our local woods to the village where our girls went to school. It was a lovely day, albeit very clarty in the woods. Just in tee shirts ( and trousers of course), it was great not to be wrapped up like an Eskimo.

Just boring duties today. Ironing is priority, then trying to think what to have for tea, haven’t done a big shop since we returned from holiday. I wanted to get the freezer emptied, and I’ve just about succeeded. Fridge/freezer gravel tonight, it’ll be like Ready Steady Cook.😉 Big shop tomorrow. Oh joy. NOT!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.

Have a good Bank Holiday, and remember, it’s only three weeks until the next one! 🙂

6.7 today, did have a bad day yesterday, rounded off by a fruit cider. Today I will be running this morning, then taking mum and my cakes to the community bake, followed by yoga this evening, Sunny here at the moment but predicted to change during the course of the day.

@Gwynn congratulations on an evening and morning HS.
Good morning although I am moaning as I have had phantom pain fairly continuously for around 28 hours. My BG peaked around 2:00am, and I tossed and turned until I tested at 5.3. Maybe a roof on my previous foundations for a Hs?

Another grey day. Only plan today is after a supermarket delivery I messed up somewhat (forgot both brown rice and potatoes due to pain affecting thinking) are the physio exercises I missed out yesterday!
Well done @Gwynn on that 5.2.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Spot on @Gwynn well done on your HS.

It’s a 4.5 for me this grey morning, I did to much yesterday so I’m going to try to take it easy today and just potter around so my aching body gets a bit of a break.
Good morning - 6.3
Good morning. 5.8.

Very wet night and a mizzling sort of morning so far - although the forecast is for it to come down in lumps. The wild birds are hitting the fat balls like sharks round a tasty tourist. Have had to replenish supplies as they have eaten 6 since yesterday but are much less interested in seed feeders.

I was going to finish off the fruit cage, the last task of the great clear up, but fortunately the weather is against it. For some reason the area is clay suitable for a pottery throw down which eats compost/horse manure without any perceptible change in consistency. Oddly the grapes like it whilst the raspberries do not. Looks like a good day for a bit of house work and a long bath although I might plant the sunflowers if it lets up. Hopefully there may even be a broadcast of something not related to the coronation...

Enjoy the Bank Holiday everyone.
@Gwynn I know how much you like houses with pointy bits so have a house with pointy bits!

Comes with 160 acres and a church complete with pipe organ.
Another one on the 5.3 step today. Certainly no unicorn though.
Another one on the rather cramped but very sociable 5.3 step this morning and very happy with that although I did a bit of a split shift with my sleep last night to get there. Went to bed at 7.30pm absolutely shattered after a long but successful trip up to Scotland, then woke just after midnight to see to animals (alarm was set for 10pm but I slept through it), then back to sleep at 4am for a few more hours.

Our trip to Scotland was my first time competing as oppose to supporting Ian, although we took two horses and both competed. Very informal and the people are so lovely and welcoming that I felt confident enough to take the reins myself. Ian very kindly let me use his best horse Zak.
The event was Trec driving which comprises a drive of about 5 miles which is marked on a map and orienteered (in this case through the beautiful grounds/forestry tracks and parkland/drives) of Bowhill House), then some difficulties including asking the horse to drive over a carpet laid out on the ground. The grass was quite long so the carpet was kind of sitting unevenly on top of the grass and it was bright red, but to make it even more challenging it was painted with big white chevrons. Then a tramline where 2 ropes are pegged into the grass 8" apart and 20 feet long and you have to keep your wheel between the ropes over the whole length. Then a box made of cones that you have to drive into do a U turn and come out and then the 2 stands where you have to pick up a bean bag (supposed to be a glass of champagne), drive to the next stand and put it down and then pick up another bean bag, turn and drive back to the first stand and put it down. Then in the afternoon, we drove a course of cones. I was convinced that I would demolish the course but I just had 3 down out of 15 on my first attempt and on a second run, just 2 down. Considering that we don't have any cones to practice and I have probably only driven a horse around the lanes half a dozen times or so over the past few years because I have mostly supported Ian, I was very happy not to disgrace myself. Of course I was very fortunate to have Zak to make me look better than I really am. 🙄

Congrats to @Gwynn on your HS this morning.