Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.8. And just send me your spare unicorns please as I seem to be gathering quite the herd.
8.6 for me yesterday and 6.4 today but rather a lot of red on my graph overnight last night. Off to Scotland with the horses today for the first event of the season.... Gotta dash! Hope everyone has a lovely day.
5.7 for me today. Nothing major planned for today, church and then maybe something with my man (waiting for him to get back to me, I suggested a walk or lunch after church so waiting to see what he thinks to decide whether to have breakfast or not - usually I don't on Sundays but if he prefers to go for a walk then I will eat before church to make sure that I am ok for walking).
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.9 and that's after a huge slice of Coronation cake last night (an M&S special)

Corronation Cake May 2023.jpg

(And no, my slice is NOT the one on the right !!! 🙂 )

Before that we had M&S breaded Cod with plum tomatoes and chips. Really nice. Best I have ever eaten. It's a new product from them that I noticed on Friday. Just caught my eye as it looked so good and tasty. I sound like an advert for M&S.

Today church, exercise, rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. Still in Fiveland, just with 5.9.

What a glorious day yesterday turned out to be. Wall to wall sunshine and 22 degrees. They should have had the coronation up here. The rain held off until 5.30 then it forgot to stop. Damp this morning but very misty. Skiddaw is nowhere to be seen.

We didn’t get a walk yesterday as we did a bit spring cleaning and had a clear out. We’ve a very old pine bedding box in the kitchen which is frankly used as a dumping ground, books, magazines, my collection of rocks and shells, binoculars etc. We removed everything and opened it up. 😱 We are such hoarders. Old school exercise books, ours not the girls, and my O Level literature exam paper. How strange after the conversation we had about the archaic books. It lists them all, and I didn’t do Of Mice and Men, it was The Browning Version, I remember now. I quite liked it. Anyhoo, we now how extra seating in the kitchen and less clutter. Mr Eggy went to B&Q and got some stuff to cover all the wires. I’ve going to try and get a long cushion for it.

Maybe a walk today.

Have a super, sunny Sunday.


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Morning all. 🙂 10.6 here. I was wondering when my next completely random morning reading’d turn up...and here it is. 😉

Well, the Welsh music fezzie was bendigedig / fantastic. Lots of little kids (having a whale of a time), and grannies n grandads, and every age group in between. We rocked out (from the comfort of some camping chairs) and I managed to defnyddio fy Nghymraeg / use my Welsh in all sorts of scenarios (buying coffee, in the toilet queue, with complete strangers). Fab!

Wow, that’s some serious hoarding @eggyg - what’s up in the loft? 😱

A post-coronation HS @Robin - congrats!

6.3 today, off running in a few minutes, then I am making a coffee and walnut cake and icing the fruit cake for tomorrow’s community bake, also making a lemon drizzle cake for a friend to take to a charity afternoon tea tomorrow as well. Oh and watch the Grand Prix. Also going to give the Libre I got on the free trial a go as it needs to be used soon due to expiry date and I don’t want to waste it.

@Robin congratulations on your HS
Morning all, 4.9 for me today and a washing line overnight - I am going to put that down to the extra glass of wine I had yesterday evening (was only going to have the one, made it two :rofl: ). My unicorn was well and truly dead by lunch after my crumpets and teacake - should have about doubled my usual ratio I think, given that it was a very inactive day. Never mind, didn't spike for long and got it back down, so will just focus on the fact I had a nice day with family. 🙂

Happy Sunday everyone! Edit: Congrats @Robin on your HS!
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Congratulations @Robin on your HS.
A 5.3 for me today. 🙂

Good morning! Woke at 5:00 in the grips again of phantom pain. BG 9.4. Two hours later after pain killers and two cups of tea it was 8.3!

Plan for the day - breakfast, kip, exercise with prosthetic, lunch, read, more exercise to include limping and weights, cook a casserole, GP...

6.3 today, off running in a few minutes, then I am making a coffee and walnut cake and icing the fruit cake for tomorrow’s community bake, also making a lemon drizzle cake for a friend to take to a charity afternoon tea tomorrow as well. Oh and watch the Grand Prix. Also going to give the Libre I got on the free trial a go as it needs to be used soon due to expiry date and I don’t want to waste it.

@Robin congratulations on your HS
Curious to hear your thoughts around the Libre and about Shuggah if you decide to use that app and turn the sensor into a CGM.
Wow, that’s some serious hoarding @eggyg - what’s up in the loft? 😱
Probably spiders and mice! I’ve never, ever been up there in the almost 37 years we’ve lived here. Mr Eggy does on occasions ( for maintenance) but it’s filled with awful scratchy loft insulation. Oh and BTW the school books went back in the bedding box! I’ve kept them this long. 🙄
And I’ll join @Robin this sunny morning
With a….
Good morning - 4.6