Group 7-day waking average?

5.3 near miss today. Forgot till after I had emptied and reloaded dishwasher so not sure if it was up or down from that when I first came downstairs :rofl:
Good morning. Dry but grey this morning. 6.4.

Took a long time to get to sleep last night and then woke, as though galvanised by a passing Victorian scientist, quite convinced I had slept in. Kitchen clock smirked 0700 hrs. Must get a new battery for my watch or not lose Kindle in the bedclothes.

Long awaited bare root strawberry plants from Parkers arrived early yesterday evening and had to be snuggled down into their hydroponic raft. Not sure if I understand what was the point of re-naming Hermes as Evri since it is the same silly old bat delivering, invariably late.

I seem well ahead with the garden so have had to think of something else to do during the coronation. Judging by the droppings in the barn some rats have taken up home. Ah well, problem solved, I'll be out and about with my little bucket of poison. I shall feel happily Cromwellian whilst those who espouse the Royal cause can occupy themselves with waving little flags and going "Ooooh". Each to their own...

Quite enjoyed the LG election results although Starmer hasn't enthused people enough with his policies so far, not very, as he has barely fleshed them out. Nice to see the Lib-Dems and Greens making good gains. Looks as though its anyone but the Tories are popular. Maybe the NHS and the climate can begin to hope.

May take a few hours off to go down to the river with Wolf.

Enjoy the day what ever your political views and resist all offers of celebratory cake. In this forum we are all united in keen pursuit of one thing: an HS.
I'm not sure I will be able to resist all cake today, it's First Saturday and that means cake :rofl: . About to bake some gluten free cupcakes and depending on time I might bake some normal cupcakes for kids later too. (Or maybe l will just get one of the kids to make cake for them)
A 5.6 for me today. 🙂

And it’s a 5.5 for me this grey morning.

Going to one of my sons shortly to watch the coronation on his television, it’s bigger than mine.
Morning all, 5.8 here. Had a good time watching the dressage yesterday, and amazingly stayed dry, whereas at home an hour away they were getting thunder, lightning and hail. But I’m so stiff this morning, after 5 hours sitting in a plastic seat in a temporary grandstand, with my head slightly tilted. Or maybe we walked further round the shopping village than I realised, wondering why people were prepared to pay that much for fancy rugs for their horses and fancy clothing for themselves.
Morning all. Drum roll please. 5.4. Yeah, I know it’s not a HS but it’s been so long since I ventured into Fiveland it might as well be in my eyes. Must have been all that running around after Zara yesterday. There was tears and wet clothes before 10am, and that was just me! Then all went well and no more accidents were had.

Not sure of the plans today as, like yesterday, the weather is so much better than forecast. It’s already 15 degrees, the sun is shining and there’s hardly a breath of wind. Perhaps once the domestics chores are done we may have a walk. I know one thing we won’t be doing, and that’s watching telly all day, and we won’t be pledging allegiance to anyone. I’ll watch the highlights on the 10 o’clock news, only because I won’t be able to avoid it.

Have a good day folks and let’s hope the predicted storms don’t materialise.
4.6 this morning for me.

Nice relaxing day yesterday at the spa, spent some time in the pool but I avoided the sauna and steam rooms, mainly due to the sensor (but I guess it would have been ok), also because I’m not a massive fan of them anyway. The sensor was ending last night, so it wouldn’t have been a big issue. Back massage was lovely and I felt so relaxed afterwards.

Even with yesterday’s periodic thunder showers we still had a fully charged battery and only used 1 unit of electricity yesterday with the new solar system powering the rest of the house demand. Well pleased with that!

Plans for today’s wet weather will be restricted to indoors, building the rest of the office furniture and trying to sort out what we can. Carpets will be fitted on Tuesday, so can’t get straight until then which is a bit frustrating.

Hope everyone has a good day and enjoys whatever they are doing, shame the weather is bad for those with plans for Coronation events.
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Good morning- 5.5
Morning all. 6.7 for me. Had a unicorn day yesterday but was spoilt by a rise into the low 11s at 3-4am.

6.2 today, which I am pleased with as I ran out of one of my meds yesterday, picking the new prescription up today. Hopefully starting running again and back to mainly drinking water is starting to have an effect.

Have a nice day everyone.
Morning all on yet another grey day.

7.7 first thing. Rose to 11 during the night. Despite humps in the night my 7 day TIR is still 89% with 3% below and nothing in the upper red.

Visit to opticians resulted in having to buy a new pair of specs as they can't repair the (1 week old) ones I damaged in my fall. I chose a pair I actually like better, only to discover that I had previously had the same frames a couple of years ago. Clearly my tastes remain the same. Fortunately it's into a new year for my Simply policy and that should cover them.

Plan is to do a bit of housework today. Downstairs is sparkling, upstairs not so... On the bright side we plan an afternoon at the local tomorrow with friends and two really good musical groups playing.

The garden needs a bit of attention but due to the weather I can't begin to think in terms of bedding plants.

@eggyg please send some of your sunshine!

Keep on keeping on folks....
9.4 today (wups)
I made Tiramisu last night to have tonight and maaay have snacked on some leftover sponge fingers too close to bedtime.
Today I am aiming for close enough rather than perfection 😉
I have had a lie in and all thats on the cards is a home cooked steak dinner and the tiramisu instead of cake :D
Good afternoon! 5'6 today.

I have a coworker who asked for the day off to watch the coronation. It just happens to be my day off as well. I looked online for events on my town and they had a big screen in a park to watch it. I figured since I had nothing better to do I could watch a bit and better to have an excuse to leave the house and be around other people.

I read the info late so I arrived a few minutes after the moment they actually put the crown in his head but still nice to see a bit of the ceremony and the parade coach and hear the music. I've been walking around a little bit, grabbed a tea and cake, and now waiting for the planes that should fly soon, after that I'll go home.