Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 4.8

Have a great day everyone!
5.7 this morning. My ‘pawprint special’ of a random rise hit a bit earlier than usual last night and took 3 separate corrections of 1u to get it down below 10. By this point I’d already upped the basal so was getting a bit nervous anticipating a hypo. Thankfully one never came, lowest I got in the night was 4.2, which I did have a jb for to be on the safe side. Gutted my rise killed my unicorn though!

@ColinUK hope you’re feeling better soon!

@freesia me too! But another three days off :D

Have a Good Friday everyone!
Felt very odd when walking home from the pub, like walking through mud, so did a test when in got in.IMG_4727.jpeg

So stuffed myself with some carbs and watched the election news for a bit - good to see the Tories starting to get a pasting. This morning woke to this:

Morning all, 7.2 for me too @ColinUK and only 3/4 of a unicorn at 76% TIR. Might have been the Mars bar I pinched out of Mr Eggy’s chocolate stack.🙄 I totally forget to top up my Lindt collection when I popped to Tesco on Wednesday. Zara’s Kinder bars are looking very tempting at the moment. I’m such a chocoholic.

Talking of Zara, today is our first childcare day for five weeks! We have seen her of course in the interim, she’s turned up twice since we got back from our holiday! Mummy did too of course. In the throes of potty training, on dear! Mr Eggy is going to yet another funeral, another former colleague, they appear to be dropping like flies at the moment. This guy was only 58. So sad.:(

Well that’s my exciting day, potties, accidents, wet knickers and then I’ve to look after Zara too! :rofl:
Have a fab Friday.
@eggyg 58 is no age at all.
Hopefully having Zara with you today will help remind you both that life continues.
Good morning everyone

@harbottle so a new direct route to 5.2 is to watch tories being pasted? Does the NHS know this instant remedy?


I did not watch any political party getting pasted and as a result my BG is 4.7

Today some singing and keyboard practice and exercise (not all at the same time)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 6.7 here. Need to get up and off, going with daughter to the Badminton 3 day event, the dressage stage. Thunderstorms forecast for this afternoon, luckily there’s a covered stand…oh wait, it’s a temporary one constructed out of long metal poles.
Morning all, 6.7 here. Need to get up and off, going with daughter to the Badminton 3 day event, the dressage stage. Thunderstorms forecast for this afternoon, luckily there’s a covered stand…oh wait, it’s a temporary one constructed out of long metal poles.
I’ve always wondered how the horses hold the racquets.
Good morning everyone

@harbottle so a new direct route to 5.2 is to watch tories being pasted? Does the NHS know this instant remedy?

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I did not watch any political party getting pasted and as a result my BG is 4.7

Today some singing and keyboard practice and exercise (not all at the same time)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

As I couldn't get to vote haven't even glanced at the results. Two years ago the LimDems got in where I used to live. Had high expectations but they are as useless as the Tories were! Asked my councillors for housing help in view of my dramatically changed circumstances. Made the right noises but we're eff'ing useless! :(
5.8 for me today and back to wet and miserable weather. 🙂

Well done to @harbottle on that 5.2.

And it’s a 4.6 for me this overcast morning, that was after going to bed on a 10.4 last night.

I’m going to have an easy day today as I did to much yesterday and was exhausted last evening, I might catch up on a few tv programmes I recorded some months ago.
On the same lines as solar panels, I've bought a bit of a solar farm. The company behind it, Ripple, have a track record of wind farms under shared ownership but this is their first solar farm and my first participation.
They generate electricity, the big power companies buy it in from them and then credit your individual electricity bill in line with the amount you've bought.
That’s really interesting and a great way to get a return on your money plus help with the environment!

Our system was up and running from yesterday evening and even with it being overcast by then we were generating enough to cover what the house was using and not have to take anything off the grid (the 20W import is needed to keep the inverter running). The battery kept us going all evening and we only used a bit off the grid through the night for fridge/freezer and the garden pond pumps.


Looking forward to the summer days now 😎
Soooo close ! 5.1 for me today.

Had a rubbish night, short of breath and a constant feeling of not having any room inside of me to breathe or even drink, coughing and burning throat. After my wife’s smart thinking, she gave me an antihistamine and I felt so much better. Aside from pollen (blasted rape seed fields around us!) I think spending several hours in one of our recently decorated rooms filled with fumes of gloss paint did the damage. A load better this morning so lesson learned!

Spa day today with my wife so some relaxation and a nice back massage to help us both unwind.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS!

Have a great day everyone!
My BG levels are ok during the day but in morning I go between 9 - 11. I am keeping my carbs most days between 90-100 and don’t eat after 7.00. I know about “ foot on floor syndrome” but I am a bit concerned. Any one else have this issue and any advise to lower morning BG.

Is that before breakfast?

It's quite common with T2s, and from reading about it, there seems to be no easy answer (The reason is thought to be a combination of hormones, insulin resistance and lack of insulin secretion to handle the rise of glucose generated due to the hormones, and it's also linked to the circadian rhythm.) and most of the T2 medication doesn't seem to help preventing it.

Exercise in the evening can apparently help and improving insulin sensitivity in general may also help.
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Ventured out of the house for the first time since my op yesterday evening, exercised my franchise and chippy tea.

I'm off the tenterhooks I was on yesterday. We're off to the USA for a show or two but can't say more than that for now.

Have a good day everyone.
My BG levels are ok during the day but in morning I go between 9 - 11. I am keeping my carbs most days between 90-100 and don’t eat after 7.00. I know about “ foot on floor syndrome” but I am a bit concerned. Any one else have this issue and any advise to lower morning BG.
On another forum I used to use it was widely recommended a very small snack at bedtime to avoid the worst of Dawn Phenomenon. Only something like an oat cake with a small piece of cheese on it. Although it sounds counter-intuitive it did work for some people.