Group 7-day waking average?

@42istheanswer I almost forgot your house!
Never fear though as I’ve had a rummage out back and found this tucked away in a corner of the garden…

@MikeyBikey : I think M&S and all supermarkets have an impossible task. Fresh food, good enough to eat, but with a long shelf life.

Strawberries are a good example. Fresh, ripe but they go off quickly. Long shelf life and they are hard and bitter.

The way they are stored and transported must have a big impact on them too.

And the weather may also have an impact. Bananas over winter have been horrible
Good to hear your wife has got out a couple of times @Gwynn. Tiny changes can be the only signs of progress, and progress is progress.

One technique I used when faced with similar problems was to "invent" things I needed (a new sun hat, socks, a jumper or whatever which would be useful but not necessary) and encourage help shopping to find them. When you go out looking, nothing you find is quite right! This means more looking, coming up with ideas of where to look, more places to try and more trips out. Throw in the odd coffee sat outside in the sun (when it is shining) or a regular fish and chips on the beach and maybe you can get your wife to look on these trips as normal and get out more.

You have to be a bit sneaky, and go looking for things which you won't be disappointed with if have to buy something, and you need to watch out for transferring her obsessions from one topic to another but it is one way of going about trying to change behaviour. Its a long term project, but then you know that!

7 for me this morning, Not had a 6 for a while now, let alone a 5. The derelict house I awarded myself a few weeks ago burned down the other day.

HbA1c predicted to be about 50.
And it’s a happy 5.6 for me this sunny morning with a promise of four degrees higher temperature than yesterday.

Lots of little jobs to do today so better have my porridge and get on with them soon or I won’t get them all done.
Good morning. 8.2 but no worries - spent from 1 am to 5.30 am awake, got up in high dudgeon, ate cheese and bikkies, went back to bed and forgot about it when I got up...

Yesterday went a bit pear shaped - gardener facebooked to say he was feeling wishy-washy and wouldn't be coming. No word from cleaner who didn't come last week as too many holiday cottages. House OK but lawn up to my oxters. Couldn't start the mower...rang neighbour to ask him to give it a manly heave or two on the starter cord and he nobly mowed the lawns and the orchard. He needs to park his Landy on my yard whlst he goes on a fishing trip but I don't think that warrants 2 hours trying to keep up with Old Faithful who takes the view that 4mph is a sensible pace to mow at. Such a kind chap.

Anyway I got the hump a bit with no show "staff" and decided to get on with pressure washing - static now gleaming - and planting out more pansies. I have loved them since I was a small child when one of Dad's postings landed us in a hiring at King's Lynn where the lady next door had a huge, packed bed of them, which she urged me to pick as many as I wished...I was too entranced with their smiling faces to take even one but I think she picked up on my pleasure OK. Other than my brother falling in the sea off the sea wall it is the only thing I can recall about King's Lynn except a spiral staircase in a tower either in our house or hers.

The man from EDF, awaited for 8 months, has come and gone. The smart meter is incompatible with the ordinanry meter so someone else will come in 2-3 weeks. I shall not hold my breath.

Have a good day everyone - if the day warms up I am pressure washing the hen pens. If not I will be pottering in the tunnel and settling my water cress and pak choi into their growing slots in the hydroponics.
Morning all this wet and grey day.... rain forecast to last all day.... grump!

4.8 - wish I could say it was a flatfish, but it was a red line from midnight to 3:30, despite the two dextrose and the biscuit at midnight. I slept through it.

@TinaD commiserations on the no-shows. It was continual no-show staff that drove me to a near nervous breakdown and caused us to sell our hotel in 2000.

Congratulations to @Lily123 and @42istheanswer on your HSs
@Gwynn, so pleased to hear your news.
@khskel fingers crossed for good news.
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Morning all. Blowy here. 7.1 @ 9.14am still taking horse pills, a nightmare of spacing out, ie either an hour before food or two hours after and when do I fit in the other meds? Gordon Bennett. Be glad when the course is finished, but I can see a bit better now. Not so blurry and full of liquid in my only decent eye. 🙄 Just so long as I can see the telly and my books.

Pansies are gorgeous, really are Heartsease but spiral staircases are a bit iffy, too many horror films. :rofl:
5.3 this morning for me, so close !

Congratulations to @Lily123 and @42istheanswer on your HS today!

@Gwynn - so pleased that things are going well for you and your wife🙂

Solar panel installation started today just after 9am and the three guys are all working hard now after initial discussions with us on where to fit the various bits and pieces. For those interested, the inverter and battery are going in the loft out of the way and we are having an additional meter box on the outside front of the house for the isolator, export meter and sub consumer unit (the salesman didn’t tell us we needed all of that so we have had to do some fast thinking on our feet of where to best place it to hide it as much as possible (luckily the large-ish ceanothus bush will hide most of it from sight).

Feel a bit at a loose end now as I don’t want to get into anything else at the moment with the whole house feeling upside down!

Have a great day everyone!
Bit late but it was a 6.9 for me this morning. After another hypo at 6.30 .Was 10 .3 when I went to bed as I'd had some dark chocolate. Should maybe only have taken half a unit instead of a whole one . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
8.4 for me this morning which soon became 9.2 but Fiasp got to work and turned it around before it hit the glass ceiling. Unicorn for me too yesterday but involved a lot of corrections. I am reluctant to increase my basal any more as I am hoping this cold will be gone soon, so will just continue to firefight for the parts of the day when my levels start heading upwards.

Many congratulations to @Lily123 and @42istheanswer on your House Special achievements today. Gold stars to you both.

@Gwynn Really good to hear that your wife is in a better place mentally and can start to enjoy some of the simple things in life. Long may that continue, for both your sakes.
@Bloden - I had the boob squashing in a car park a couple of weeks ago, I can’t believe how quick and far less uncomfortable it was compared to my first ones. Anyway hope yours goes smoothly.
It was really quick and not uncomfortable at all. 🙂 Glad to hear all your results were good.
5.3 this morning for me, so close !

Congratulations to @Lily123 and @42istheanswer on your HS today!

@Gwynn - so pleased that things are going well for you and your wife🙂

Solar panel installation started today just after 9am and the three guys are all working hard now after initial discussions with us on where to fit the various bits and pieces. For those interested, the inverter and battery are going in the loft out of the way and we are having an additional meter box on the outside front of the house for the isolator, export meter and sub consumer unit (the salesman didn’t tell us we needed all of that so we have had to do some fast thinking on our feet of where to best place it to hide it as much as possible (luckily the large-ish ceanothus bush will hide most of it from sight).

Feel a bit at a loose end now as I don’t want to get into anything else at the moment with the whole house feeling upside down!

Have a great day everyone!
On the same lines as solar panels, I've bought a bit of a solar farm. The company behind it, Ripple, have a track record of wind farms under shared ownership but this is their first solar farm and my first participation.
They generate electricity, the big power companies buy it in from them and then credit your individual electricity bill in line with the amount you've bought.

@42istheanswer I almost forgot your house!
Never fear though as I’ve had a rummage out back and found this tucked away in a corner of the garden…

View attachment 25731
That looks lovely and peaceful! I will pick up some extra antihistamines on the way to move in though for all those tree pollens 😉
My BG levels are ok during the day but in morning I go between 9 - 11. I am keeping my carbs most days between 90-100 and don’t eat after 7.00. I know about “ foot on floor syndrome” but I am a bit concerned. Any one else have this issue and any advise to lower morning BG.
My BG levels are ok during the day but in morning I go between 9 - 11. I am keeping my carbs most days between 90-100 and don’t eat after 7.00. I know about “ foot on floor syndrome” but I am a bit concerned. Any one else have this issue and any advise to lower morning BG.
What are you having for breakfast, it could be you are less tolerant of carbs in the morning especially if you do get FOTF you would be starting off high. Having a very low carb breakfast may help.
You could test before you eat and after 2 hours and see.
My BG levels are ok during the day but in morning I go between 9 - 11. I am keeping my carbs most days between 90-100 and don’t eat after 7.00. I know about “ foot on floor syndrome” but I am a bit concerned. Any one else have this issue and any advise to lower morning BG.
When are you getting these readings of 9-11 ie. when do you test?
Do you do a bedtime test and if so, what sort of levels do you get then?
Exercise, particularly after your evening meal (like a brisk walk) can help with reducing morning levels.
Good morning. 5.5 which is much better than recent scores.

It's a bit parky here. Forecast is for deluge this afternoon.

Yesterday the rain held off just long enough to scrub out the hens and left enough time to settle more seedlings into the tunnel. Today Wolf's pen will get a spring clean and, if energy levels allow, pressure washing the stable mats is on the agenda. Planning on having everything in apple pie order before the family descend later this month.

Garden is beginning to look good with delicate green leaves shaking in the breeze, fruit trees in blossom and quite a few bright garden flowers - the clematis pyramid is spectacular and a mass of multi headed narcissi continue to greet friends onto the drive. The asparagus has gone ballistic - a nice bunch daily. Looking forward to the end of the "hungry gap" for a bit more variety - still could be worse - might be turnips, a most depressing vegetable.

@ColinUK - Ripple sounds interesting. I'll investigate.

Wishing us all a happy Friday.

88% TIR yesterday. Felt like crap all night with weird muscle aches and absolute belters of a nightmare which just wouldn’t budge no matter how many times I woke, read, meditated etc.

Was meant to go out last night for supper but didn’t feel like it. Made a chicken, mushroom and lentil thing instead. It was tasty and I doubt it’s to blame for bouncing around above the 10 line. Anyway today’s another day and I’m going to go unicorn tracking and see if I can’t wrestle me up one or two.

The mouse survey man is coming this morning. I don’t think he’s actually asking the mice for their opinion on current events or anything but you never know.

Seeing the folks later. I’ve ordered their 60th Anniversary message from the king and am contemplating buying the frame that goes with it so they can hang it in the downstairs loo or somewhere in the east wing maybe.

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