Group 7-day waking average?

I believe it’s advised to switch arms every two weeks ie. When you change it over 🙂
I think that advice is maybe received the same way it’s advised to use a new needle every time we do a finger prick test!
I don’t think it’s vital as even the official video shows someone using the same arm

5.7 and the sensor comes to the end of its life today.
Do folks change arms or stick to the same one when changing over?
I sometimes do one, sometimes the other, on a whim. If you're putting the next sensor on early to warm up, if it’s on the same arm it’s annoying to swipe the new sensor accidentally with the reader, because it buzzes and asks you if you’re sure you want to start a new sensor before the old has ended, and you lose time telling it no, and then re swiping on the current sensor.
5.9 for me today. 🙂

5.7 and the sensor comes to the end of its life today.
Do folks change arms or stick to the same one when changing over?
When I first started on the Libre way back in 2016 I was told to change arms.Then I read that it didn’t matter so now I always use my right arm as I can only sleep on my left side I shift it about a bit so it’s not in the same position as the last one. I never put one on before the other finishes so it all works fine for me.
I sometimes do one, sometimes the other, on a whim. If you're putting the next sensor on early to warm up, if it’s on the same arm it’s annoying to swipe the new sensor accidentally with the reader, because it buzzes and asks you if you’re sure you want to start a new sensor before the old has ended, and you lose time telling it no, and then re swiping on the current sensor.
I just whipped the old one off before showering and then put the new one on the other arm.

I’m impressed that Shuggah picked up the new sensor automatically.
Good morning, it’s a 5.7 for me today on this bright sunny morning with a gentle breeze I’m pleased to say. Might get some more done in the garden today along with an early bike ride I hope. Have a good day everyone.
4.7 for me this morning and a flat line in the red for most of the night. My Libre log shows that I went to bed on 4.1 and no indication that I had a JB to bring levels up a bit..... I vaguely recall scanning as I got into bed and realizing that I hadn't injected my evening Levemir so jabbed a couple of units but I was clearly too tired to register that 4.1 was too low to go to sleep on! Anyway, it looks like I dropped to about 3.6-3.8 and had a lovely straight line and slept really soundly as I always do when levels are low.
I have cut my morning Levemir by 2 units today which may or may not be a mistake. I think the decision is based more on wanting to reduce my dose because I don't like using so much and because I am hoping that I am over this virus, than that my levels suggest I need a reduction. I may have a frustrating day, but if I do as much exercise as I intend to, I should get away with it.

@eggyg I have given you a gold start for managing that hiccup in your levels so well and expertly piloting that spike back down to a lovely steady overnight baseline. I toyed with an "Oh No" or a "Wow" response but you definitely deserve a "gold star"! Impressive.
Good morning folks! 6 today.

@ColinUK I don't think it matters for the results but I prefer to change arms every time to give the skin a rest. As someone else mentioned, I might apply the new sensor a few hours before the old expires, if I know I'll be away from home at that time, so is more practical in that case. Of course the first day after a sensor change I keep scanning my empty arm and wondering why I don't hear any beeps! :D

My dad is visiting for a few days, last minute plan. Today we went for English breakfast, it's a must in their visits. The weather is not great but will try a walk. Have a nice day everyone!
Morning all - another grey one.

4.7 this morning with a flatfish. Happy with that!

Shopping for groceries today. Hope it does not rain as it did yesterday. I went into town on the bus for a couple of things and to meet friends. It rained so hard that it went right through my thick padded jacket and wet my sweater! Jeans were sodden from the thigh down!

Julian has the kitchen apart again as a small leak has appeared under the sink. He thinks it's coming from the dishwasher hose that he may have either damaged or not connected as well as he could have after last week's washing machine fiasco! Grrr...

@pawprint91 as everyone has said - "you need what you need" insulin wise, but I suggest you get a copy of "Think Like a Pancreas" by Gary Scheiner (if you don't already have one) which is a fantastic guide to insulin usage. As a rule of thumb your basal/bolus needs are normally in the 40/60 to 60/40 range. i.e. 40 - 60% should be basal and the rest bolus. However there are other factors that are worth taking into consideration i.e. are you fairly newly diagnosed? In which case you may need less insulin as you may be producing some of your own still. Also weight is a big factor. If you/lose or gain weight you will need to adjust your basal etc. The book is really worth reading. Looking back over the last week my TDD has been nearer 14-16u but I'm on a pump and you tend to need less on a pump. When I was on MDI (and a fair bit heavier) my TDD was around 46u per day. I've come across T1s - escpecially in FB groups who are taking 80 - 100u daily.

@TinaD it is worrying where missing members are and if they are OK - Kaylz and Lanny in particular. I think Michael is OK.

@ColinUK I wear my Libre on my upper inner thigh. I toss around a lot in my sleep and was getting far too many compression lows when I wore it on either arm. It is amazingly accurate for me on the thigh.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all....
Morning all - another grey one.

4.7 this morning with a flatfish. Happy with that!

Shopping for groceries today. Hope it does not rain as it did yesterday. I went into town on the bus for a couple of things and to meet friends. It rained so hard that it went right through my thick padded jacket and wet my sweater! Jeans were sodden from the thigh down!

Julian has the kitchen apart again as a small leak has appeared under the sink. He thinks it's coming from the dishwasher hose that he may have either damaged or not connected as well as he could have after last week's washing machine fiasco! Grrr...

@pawprint91 as everyone has said - "you need what you need" insulin wise, but I suggest you get a copy of "Think Like a Pancreas" by Gary Scheiner (if you don't already have one) which is a fantastic guide to insulin usage. As a rule of thumb your basal/bolus needs are normally in the 40/60 to 60/40 range. i.e. 40 - 60% should be basal and the rest bolus. However there are other factors that are worth taking into consideration i.e. are you fairly newly diagnosed? In which case you may need less insulin as you may be producing some of your own still. Also weight is a big factor. If you/lose or gain weight you will need to adjust your basal etc. The book is really worth reading. Looking back over the last week my TDD has been nearer 14-16u but I'm on a pump and you tend to need less on a pump. When I was on MDI (and a fair bit heavier) my TDD was around 46u per day. I've come across T1s - escpecially in FB groups who are taking 80 - 100u daily.

@TinaD it is worrying where missing members are and if they are OK - Kaylz and Lanny in particular. I think Michael is OK.

@ColinUK I wear my Libre on my upper inner thigh. I toss around a lot in my sleep and was getting far too many compression lows when I wore it on either arm. It is amazingly accurate for me on the thigh.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all....

You got me calculating my basal/bolus ratio. It's 54/46 with a total of 82u per day. It's down about 10% on before I started Libre-ing.
Good day all. 7.0 @ 6.20am 🙂
@ColinUK I wear my Libre on my upper inner thigh. I toss around a lot in my sleep and was getting far too many compression lows when I wore it on either arm. It is amazingly accurate for me on the thigh.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all....
The mental image of you scanning it here did make me chuckle - you’d probably do it really subtly but I know I’d struggle with it here :rofl:
The mental image of you scanning it here did make me chuckle - you’d probably do it really subtly but I know I’d struggle with it here :rofl:
Well, it's more to the front of the thigh really. I just look like I am popping my phone down on my lap, but I can see what you are thinking LOL!