Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 4.9 for me.

Similar day to @Gwynn by the sound of it, church, walking (though to play a game not just for exercise) and eating lunch out somewhere (no idea where yet, but bf and I are going straight from church for the walking/eating - not sure which we will do first)
A very good misty morning from Cumbria. 6.9. Back to normal, whatever normal is in the life of a diabetic.

Had a mega busy day yesterday, full English for the hordes at 8.30. Then it took two hours for everyone to get showered/ washed etc. Took eldest granddaughter to her Saturday job at 11 and it was time to start prepping lunch when I got back. Mr Eggy had started it which was helpful. The weather was gorgeous so we decided to eat outside but that meant getting all the garden furniture out and washing it. So I set the kids to work and it was done in no time. Zara and mummy arrived and we ate about 12.30. Was so lovely to get outside, first time this year we’ve sat at the garden table, very late. They were all picked up/ left at 4. We then had a lovely couple of hours to ourselves and I sat outside and read my book. Mr Eggy went indoors and listened to music ( probably dozed off). Then at 6.30 we drove the ten minutes to youngest’s house to babysit Zara. We had fish and chips between us at about 8pm and watched a film. Zara was as good as gold, went to bed no bother and slept solidly. Wasn’t a late night and we were home at 11.30. Straight to bed. Today we’re doing NOWT!

Have a super Sunday all.
Morning all, 5.2 here, yay, a rare HS. We won’t talk about the red line on the graph for the previous few hours, I'm sure it was a compression low.
Misty here too, we are in Yorkshire for a couple of days and I want to go for a walk without becoming one of those 'Tourists lost in fog on moors' headlines.
7.4 for me this morning but that was after a 3 unit correction for an 11.9 two hours earlier when I woke up hot and sweating. My body really doesn't like those high levels now. Totally my own fault though as I ate far too much peanut butter before bed. 🙄 Thought I had bolused enough for that and the couple of squares of dark chocolate but peanuts being legumes and my body being really good at extracting more carbs from them than they are supposed to contain, I really should have know better. It is not the frist time and I guess it won't be the last!

Many congrats to @Robin on your House Special this morning.
Well done @Robin on the HS this morning. 🙂
Another near miss for me at 5.3.

Morning all, 6.5 today after a delightful Chinese meal last night. Did 31k on new eBike yesterday.
Church this morning and then this evening... JJJJJive talkin.... tribute act at our local theatre.
There's gonna be some singing and swinging tonight!
Have a blessed day and hi to all.
Morning all. 6.9 after a JB to stop a drop. Managed 97% in target yesterday and overnight, best for a while.

Not much planned for today. Maybe a soak in the bath, ironing and a visit to mum. Have a good day everyone.

@Robin congrats on the HS. Also to everyone over the last couple of days. There seems to have been a lot.
Just a quick post for those thinking of & worrying about me. My dad passed away in HK at the end of March but, he hasn’t been the same since his bad fall, hitting his head & unconscious, back in November so, not completely unexpected unlike mum’s pretty big shock & quick passing in 2015. It hasn’t hit me as hard as I’ve since went through my sister’s passing as well in 2018.

A lot of stuff to deal with both with the HK end & UK end. There’s a lot more stuff to be dealt with as well as mum didn’t really have anything to leave whereas dad was the village’s eldest direct descendant: the Hakka village in HK is mostly, 90%, all the same family name with one common ancestor; that title now goes to my eldest brother & will pass onto his eldest son, my nephew. Going through the longer process of probate now. The HK end is longer & more stuff to deal with so, glad I’m not dealing with that. But, have to deal with the UK end.

I don’t know when I’ll be back here regularly again but, I’m ok. Just dealing with a lot of things to do with the family house in NI which will be mine after probate.
So sorry to read this, take care of yourself, sending hugs!
This painting lark, white on white, whilst my eyesight is not so good, is quite hard.
I seem to remember years ago a white paint that went on pink but changed to white when it dried, so tat you can see you have covered everything with the new coat when painting over white. Can’t have been any good as I don’t think it’s around any more. This problem is why often you end up doing 3 coats of emulsion to try and cover the bits you missed on the previous 2 coats!
32% TIR for yesterday according to the sensor with huge swings from a supposed 3.2 to a whopping 14.6.
I did check with finger pricks at various times and it was never far off. There was nothing eaten out of the ordinary but stress levels were off the chart so I’m attributing the erratic levels to that.

As for this morning, I’m delighted to say I woke on a 5.2.
I seem to remember years ago a white paint that went on pink but changed to white when it dried, so tat you can see you have covered everything with the new coat when painting over white. Can’t have been any good as I don’t think it’s around any more. This problem is why often you end up doing 3 coats of emulsion to try and cover the bits you missed on the previous 2 coats!
It’s Dulux Magic White and it’s still available.
Wow, bit of catching up this morning after missing yesterday on here!

Firstly, 6.3 for me today (not too surprising after not being particularly good yesterday evening and a case of the “can’t be bothereds“ to read how many carbs in a few things and obviously underestimating). Oh well, it is what it is!

Congratulations for yesterday’s HSs @ColinUK and @harbottle and @Barrowman !

Moving on to today’s winners : @Robin , @MrPixels and @ColinUK - well done all!

Replacing a leaking water butt today all being well, should hopefully go ok but you never know with these things! Then this afternoon off to my granddaughter’s birthday celebration, so no doubt I’ll come back with painted nails (unless I can distract her with something else!).

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning - 5.1