Group 7-day waking average?

Colin’s Cultural Corner

Innocence - Kaija Saariaho
Royal Opera


Last night I saw the opera, Innocence, at Covent Garden. It’s about secrets, lies, guilt, a wedding and a mass shooting. Light and frothy it ain’t.
We open to see a two levelled cuboid set with a wedding party on the ground floor and a school above. The cube revolves revealing other spaces, the kitchen, classrooms, store cupboards, toilets, outdoor space, a balcony.
The son of a Finnish-French family is getting married to an orphan from Bucharest. There aren’t many guests present.
A waitress, called in at short notice to replace a colleague who’s gone home sick, recognises the family as that of the boy who, ten years previously, entered the international school and shot a number of children and teachers.
What follows is a timeline jumping series of revelations about how the families have lived their lives consumed by grief, how some have built walls of lies to protect themselves from unwelcome attention, and in flashback passages we see the atrocity unfold.
There are lies, truths, passions, fears, losses and warped perceptions of blame and responsibility revealed over the course of the hour and forty five minute production.
It’s cathartic. It’s powerful. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.
Definitely a Bad Morning for me! Woke with phantom pain at 4:10! :( BG had been steadily rising for a couple of hours and had hit 12.3. I took Oxycodone as no way I could sleep and made a cuppa. By. 6:00 it had hit 15.1 so a 10u correction dose and check reading before usual insulin and breakfast. Sh*t happens too often! :(
6.2 for me today after a restless night, partly to do with the bg and think partly to do with anxiety/being wired after the first day back at work o_O

BG did the usual bedtime rise (it’s given me a few days off) - all good at 6.0, lay down to sleep and 10 mins later high alarm goes off saying 10 with the straight up arrow, using my experience here (and knowing current libre is quite accurate), cracked out a correction of 2. Thought I’d saved it as 10 mins later it was back to 9.5 with the dot floating above the graph. Lay back down … 5 mins later, 10.2 and rising. This time I checked with a fingerprick and it was actually 11.2, so decided to add in another unit of insulin on the basis it took about 6 for me to come down from this night time spike the other night … bit of a mistake as 90 mins later had the low alarm, which took 3 jbs to shift. Weird thing is both highs never showed up on the libre graph in the end (but I was definitely 11.2 on my finger prick), but the low did - even though I don’t think I was as low as it said due to still being up and restless and feeling okay. So now I have the annoying red line … ah well!

Have a good day everyone 🙂
Good morning. 4'8, which turned into a 3'8 with a downward arrow before I got out of bed. Didn't believe it so checked with the meter, 5'4. A few minutes later Libre catched up with a similar result.

Went to sleep a bit late and a bit upset waiting for a text that didn't come. Which may be for the best because if a conversation started then would get later and there's a chance I'd get even more upset. Libre alarm woke me up twice, just had a jelly baby first time and ignored the second, still woke up with a nasty aftertaste. And the basal injection in my tight was unusually painful. Not the best start of my day, hoping it gets better...
Morning all. 🙂 8.0 here.

The sun is shining! I wonder how many students I’ll have today. Apparently, Easter is a big, religious event in Ukraine so a lot of people’ve gone back home to celebrate. I only had 1 student in my afternoon class yesterday. Luckily, she’s lovely and her English is pretty good so the 2 hours flew by. 🙂

I’m waiting for a 2nd hand copy of a book called “I Contain Multitudes” to arrive. It’s all about the bugs that live in/on us. My bezzie is obsessed with her microbiome 😱 so I thought I’d find out more...I hope the book isn’t too gruesome to read!
I am pre diabetic so still learning, I wake to around 7, then have a large 32 carb breakfast, around 15 carb lunch and my mid afternoon reading is 5.6 , does this sound right?
Morning readings are quite often higher than later in the day as the liver releases glucose first thing to help us gear up for the day. Your afternoon reading is ideal. But do you ever test two hours after breakfast to find out if your body is coping with the carb load? Many members find they can’t tolerate a carby breakfast.
Morning all, back from Spring Harvest at Minehead last week... very good... very wet!
Yesterday I started a new programme run by the NHS and Sheffield University. It's called STAMINA.
Aptly named I think... As I am on Hormone Therapy injections as part of my Prostate Cancer treatment, the side effects can be many and varied!
Hot flushes, fatigue, muscle wastage, mood swings and messing with BP and diabetes.
Apparently they believe that they can improve things through exercise, coupled with a personal trainer and a plan.
So off to the gym I duly went to be inducted yesterday.
Seemed like hard work!
I am on this medication for about a year and so I shall be worn out at the end but hopefully quite impressive in Lycra :rofl:.
Anyhoo, 7.1 this morning, I am going to blame Zoladex for the next year! :rofl::rofl:

Happy Tuesday everyone .

@Robin Lots of unusual harmonies. She uses lots of polyphonic harmonies as well as a touch of synthesiser and what sounded like modified piano in her music.
One of the main characters (the dead daughter of the waitress) sings in a specific fashion based on local Finnish folk singing and the calls of the goatherd.
I could see how someone might say the music is atonal but it isn’t. It’s more that there’s multiple harmonies overlaid on others. Sometimes they jar and sometimes they are incredibly simpatico.

It’s challenging insofar as I’m not going to be listening to it whilst pottering about but it’s not as challenging as some of the ballet scores have been.

I think it’s on YouTube in its entirety.
I’m waiting for a 2nd hand copy of a book called “I Contain Multitudes” to arrive. It’s all about the bugs that live in/on us. My bezzie is obsessed with her microbiome 😱 so I thought I’d find out more...I hope the book isn’t too gruesome to read!
I got that from ebay or Amazon, I'm very interested in the bugs. I just offloaded it to the free bookshop, light reading it ain't. 🙂 I was really disappointed about the 'transplant' thing, I thought we had it in the bag. A 'poo capsule' and then we'd be sorted, but I got the impression that it's not as easy as that. Back to the drawing board apparently. Fascinating how you can have one fat twin and one thin twin yet they eat the same. Like me and my sisters, I was always the fat one. Nothing to do with how I was inside sat down reading all the time and they were down the meadows charging about like loons and scrumping grapes from the nun's orchard. :rofl:

Same as yesterday for me. Have a great Tuesday all. 🙂 Bin day!
Here’s Innocence on YouTube.

You’ll need to turn on the CC subtitles bit.


7.7 today, which considering I had BakeClub last night and everything is full of carbs, and mostly cake there last night, which meant all my goats cheese and leek tart went, anyway eye screening today, so an afternoon off of work.

@MeeTooTeeTwo - congratulations on your HS.
Morning all. A nice round 6. I’ve had a lie in this morning, I’m sleeping really well with this Highland air. Long may it last.

Another glorious day forecast, we actually got sunburnt yesterday! I didn’t bring any sunscreen, why would I? It’s the middle of April in the north of Scotland! A bit of a tougher day today, so,far we’ve just pootled along looking at the beautiful coast, today we’re going for a proper hike, up hills and everything, and will end up at the most westerly lighthouse in mainland Britain. The Ardnamurchan Lighthouse, there we will partake in a scone in the tearoom, and come back via the road to make a circular walk back to the cottage.

@MeeTooTeeTwo congratulations on your HS, I saw a fabulous house yesterday overlooking the Sound of Mull, I took a photo of it, you can have it. See below.

Have a good day all. More holiday snaps for your perusal. These are just down the road from us in Kilchoan, absolutely stunning views.


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Good morning! 5.8 for me this morning. I am in a very good mood! The friend that I have mentioned a couple of times over the past week officially became more than a friend yesterday

Plenty of steps yesterday, went and looked properly at both Liverpool cathedrals and a little wander around the Chinese supermarket after. I had made a (gluten free lactose free) baked chocolate cheesecake for church home group last night, wasn't really hungry before that in the evening as had a big salad for lunch (it defeated me, couldn't finish it!) and I often don't have tea till late in the evening anyway. So had a piece of Cheesecake for my tea at home group, still kept my carbs & cals within my current limit! Still some insomnia last night, took a bit of a while to get to sleep but at least it was all happy thoughts while trying, and got a solid chunk of about 4 hours before waking and failing to get back to sleep. I had already pretty much thought that the insomnia was a mix of anxiety and excitement about was the friendship going to become a relationship, at least now it's just excitement!

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Morning all, indoor bowls went well last evening for my first time trying. Anyway it’s a