Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 4.9

Started Dexcom G6 on Monday, amazingly accurate compared to Libre
Morning all. 11.5 after a hypo last night and a rebound. Over bolussed just slightly for dinner 🙄. Totally ruined my second unicorn day. Off to correct and shower before breakfast.
Good morning everyone.

Up at 5am. Started shifting stuff around to paint a new area at 6am. Stopped now for meds and breakfast then....paint paint paint...

BG at 5am 5.5 ok
BP after shifting stuff and resting for all of 2 minutes 136/66 not bad
Pulse at the same time 58

So, lots of work to do before my wife gets up (which will be hours yet)

I covered up the big picture in the kitchrn diner with some black bin bags that had been used to protect the floor whilst painting some tiny shelf things....naaa.. i created a piece of modern art and might even sell it as an NFT for £25000 minimum...get your offers in quickly, it's bound to sell.

It's called 'Two Dragons' or 'Exploding Flower' or 'Heaven Shattered' or or Supernova' or 'Black Bin Bags with Paint'


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning 7.3 for me.

Day 3 back at work and I’m sooooooo tired all ready.

Have a good day.
Morning all. 7.2 but this sensor is reading high. I checked on my metre when I came down the rickety spiral staircase, 6.4 and was by this stage, 9 on sensor. It’s coming undone, that may be the reason, I’m going to cover it.

Got a very exciting day ahead, we’re going on a boat trip to, hopefully, see puffins, orca, dolphins, sea eagles plus other sea birds. I’ll be happy with just the puffins TBF. We set off at 10 and we will return about 4. We have a couple of hours on Lunga, an hour or so on Staffa and a visit to Fingals Cave. The weather is glorious already, just hope it’s not too choppy. I don’t usually do boats. 🙄

When we return Mr Eggy is cooking us duck breasts, roast potatoes and veg ( poor selection in the local shop but it’ll do). Well, it’s not everyday you turn 63. 🙂

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

I won’t inundate you with any photos today. There should be loads tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
5.8 for me today - pleased with that as woefully underestimated/miscalculated the amount of insulin I would need for dinner (stir fry with noodles) so then over corrected (of course!) , then had a stubborn (just) hypo (3.9 on finger, repeatedly, but sensor said lower so red line is further down on graph!) which took a while to come up … managed to get it on the up before bed, scanned in the night and was randomly 8.5 or thereabouts for a quite a while (woke up very warm though, which could affect it I suppose) so yes,as I say - happy to come back down and wake up at 5.8. Think my basal is okay as I was a straight line at both these numbers for a while when reached, just a period of fluctuation in the middle of the night.

@Bexlee - me too!!

Have a good day all! 🙂
Good morning! A 4'4 for me. Graph shows it stayed just above 4 for most of my sleep.

My day did not get much better after posting. My friend at work, who is usually very chatty and making jokes all the time (sometimes a bit too much!) seemed to ignore me the whole breakfast shift and didn't want to walk home together as we do every day. Had me quite worried and sad during the afternoon. Tried to have a nap and got a Libre alarm, 2'9 with vertical downward arrow. Quite obviously a compression low in this case but it did scare me, never seen a 2 before! So no nap and overthinking about my friend's behaviour. The beginning of the evening shift was the same, quiet and seemed to avoid me, but by the end he was talking to me again, even if not as friendly as usual. In the walk back I asked about the morning and got a "don't want to tell, I'm okay". Hmm, I was not convinced but better not push it. We are not working together in a few days which might be good, hopefully is back to normal the next time.

Let's see what today brings. Levemir didn't hurt today which is already a better start than yesterday.
Morning all, 5.7 here. Not a bad result for forgetting to bolus with last night's pizza, doing a correction when I reached 15 because I thought I’d just underbolused, still rising, twigged I must have forgotten, shovelled in some more bolus, woke at 1 am and needed two jellybabies for a low..
Morning. 4.6 for me and a little better sleep, I still woke early but was then able to fall back to sleep until just before my alarm.

I went and asked the admin who is in charge of uniforms in our building if there were any old trousers still around (the uniform has changed but I'm still in old one as new one is too big, but my old trousers of course are way too big and it's getting more ridiculous as I have lost more weight). She said that for some reason a pack had recently arrived so checked sizes for me, none of the size I thought would fit now but several of the one below so I tried one and they're a bit tight but I can get them on and think I can cope until I lose another lb or 2! At this rate, when they finally sort out me reordering new uniform I'll be getting even smaller trousers than I had told them before when the too big new uniforms (ordered last May) first arrived! I had to shorten the legs as they were unhemmed but can wear a pair today so no belt needed and no big gaping gap at the waistband when I put them on
6.2 this morning, gradually getting back to normal.

Stressful/busy week this week (hence MIA yesterday). Lots of appointments which means taking my wife to work so that I have the car to get to them. Plus work is really busy. Physio today, but luckily can time it so I go there after dropping my wife at work which saves a lot of driving about.

Also trying to decide on a proposal for solar panel system which is taking up a lot of my time.

Still not looked at the photos from the weekend, desperate to go through them now!

Congratulations to those who got HS yesterday (sorry, forgot who now as I’ve been reading through this thread quickly this morning!)

Have a good day everyone!
I got that from ebay or Amazon, I'm very interested in the bugs. I just offloaded it to the free bookshop, light reading it ain't. 🙂 I was really disappointed about the 'transplant' thing, I thought we had it in the bag. A 'poo capsule' and then we'd be sorted, but I got the impression that it's not as easy as that. Back to the drawing board apparently. Fascinating how you can have one fat twin and one thin twin yet they eat the same. Like me and my sisters, I was always the fat one. Nothing to do with how I was inside sat down reading all the time and they were down the meadows charging about like loons and scrumping grapes from the nun's orchard. :rofl:

Same as yesterday for me. Have a great Tuesday all. 🙂 Bin day!
Great summary @Ditto! @ColinUK’s got CCC, you’ve got Ditto’s Book in a Nutshell. Thanks! 🙂
Good morning. 4.6 and a flat line all night. I haven't posted for a while so saying hi to everyone and I hope you are all doing ok. I am receiving massive pressure (again) to take statins so I am going to read all the many posts here on the subject.
5.3 for me today. 🙂

5.6 on the meter this morning.

Need to get ready to nip into town to pick up a card for my (great) newphew's birthday. Sent my son in yesterday to get one but need one thats actually suitable for a 6 year old which he didn't come home with.

Loving the nice dry weather, windows open and washing out on the line :D

Have a lovely day everyone.
Morning all, it’s a 5.9 for me this overcast morning with hardly a breeze.

Now waiting for a call from my pharmacist, apparently I have lost three pounds since my last review just a year ago, I thought that was all part of getting older!!

This afternoon I then have my fourth covid jab, that should be interesting as I’ve been told that should take around 45 minutes to an hour to perform.