Group 7-day waking average?

Definitely a Bad Morning for me! Woke with phantom pain at 4:10! :( BG had been steadily rising for a couple of hours and had hit 12.3. I took Oxycodone as no way I could sleep and made a cuppa. By. 6:00 it had hit 15.1 so a 10u correction dose and check reading before usual insulin and breakfast. Sh*t happens too often! :(

Now 8.6 with the 45` down arrow. Thank you for all the Cares! 🙂
Morning readings are quite often higher than later in the day as the liver releases glucose first thing to help us gear up for the day. Your afternoon reading is ideal. But do you ever test two hours after breakfast to find out if your body is coping with the carb load? Many members find they can’t tolerate a carby breakfast.
Thanks, I will have a look and see what it shows, don't do veg very often so this is a fruit filled breakfast just to keep my 5 a day in check.
I am pre diabetic so still learning, I wake to around 7, then have a large 32 carb breakfast, around 15 carb lunch and my mid afternoon reading is 5.6 , does this sound right?
Is there any reason you are not testing 2 hours after your fairly high carb breakfast to see if it is sending your level up at that point.
You obviously can cope with your 15 carb lunch as the afternoon reading is good.
@Barrowman have a really rather special house. The rooftop pool has unobstructed views of Mt Fuji.
Ideal for bowling practice.
Morning all. 5.5 for me this morning. Did manage a 100% in range yesterday. Didn't last long . A 4.1 sent the low glucose alarm off . Damm 99% in range till a 9.4 popped up at tea time See what today brings. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all - another grey one after yesterday's positively balmy weather when people were walking around in summer clothes.

9.3 this morning, partly due to another too-aggressively treated low after dinner last night and partly due to no further corrections to bring the high down. Today I have to have another endoscopy. It's scheduled for 3:30 this afternoon and I cannot eat again after my 1 slice of toast before 09:30. Last thing I want is to go low in the middle of the procedure with a tube down my throat and no ability to speak. I'm somewhat stressed out about it all as no one has told me what (if anything other than an ulcer) they found last time and why it needs doing again.

Nothing else on today (as you can imagine).

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTwo and @Barrowman on your HSs.
5.7 for me this morning and a straight line overnight...YAY! Can't even remember what Levemir dose I settled on last night. I know I was mentally hovering between 2 and 3 units but I don't think I split the difference, so it was one or the other that I went for and I can't access that info on my reader to double check and can't be bothered to download it to LibreView and then find it. No doubt tonight I will need something different anyway, but I like to base tonight's decision at least partly on what I had last night.

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTwo and @Barrowman on your House Specials and @freesia @eggyg and @Colin g on your unicorns.
Supportive hugs to @Elenka_HM and hugs of happiness to @42istheanswer and hugs to @MikeyBikey to hopefully help you a little bit through the pain. Phantom pain must be the most frustrating thing!
Hope it all goes as smoothly as possible this afternoon @Pattidevans.
@ColinUK AS always loved your review in CCC. You should do it professionally because I almost always want to go and see whatever you describe..... except where you obviously didn't like it of course. 🙄
@rebrascora There are reviewers who are must see indicators. Especially when they hate things it’s almost guaranteed I’ll love ‘em!
Well, THAT was a complete waste of a day! I had to fast until 15:30 before presenting myself at the County hospital for the endoscopy. Since there are roadworks and traffic hold-ups en-route we left at 2:15pm. Arrived OK, (by which time I my own hand was beginning to look rather delicious), and had to fill in yet another form detailing health issues and medications. I wouldn't mind but I had already done this electronically twice... once this time and once before the previous endoscopy + filled in the same form with a pen the last time AND been interviewed by a nurse last time and asked all the same questions so it should have all been on record! I was called through fairly quickly and went through the same interview yet again with a nurse. At this point my BG had dropped to 4.7 (from 11 on leaving home) and was falling. I was allowed to eat two Dextrose as I said to them the last thing they wanted mid-procedure was my alarm going off. I also suspended my pump. Then I was introduced to the person who would be doing the endoscopy. She wanted to clarify the omniprazole dose and I couldn't remember but said hubby in reception had my repeat slips and should be able to give them to her. She then came back and announced that she had just noticed that my last endoscopy was only 3.5 weeks ago and it was pointless doing one today as my ulcer had not had time to heal. Booking department got blamed for this fiasco. So I now have to be issued with another future appointment, though they will request a morning appointment at the local hospital at least. What a mess up! No wonder the NHS is in the state it is! Someone else could have had my appointment at the very least, given a bit of efficiency in the booking dept.

As a basal test though it showed I am miles out in the morning - post lunch period, although it works when I can eat.

Hospital cafe was closed so we tootled off to Costa and I had a grilled sandwich and a cappucino. Completely forgot the carbs in the coffee, though I bolussed accurately for the sandwich!

PS at least I discovered today that the biopsies had revealed nothing sinister - which is more than anyone else has thought to tell me!
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Well, THAT was a complete waste of a day! I had to fast until 15:30 before presenting myself at the County hospital for the endoscopy. Since there are roadworks and traffic hold-ups on the route we left at 2:15pm. Arrived OK and had to fill in yet another form detailing health issues and medications (I wouldn't mind but I had already done this electronically twice... once this time and once before the previous endoscopy + filled in the same form with a pen the last time AND been interviewed by a nurse last time and asked all the same questions so it should have all been on record! I was called through fairly quickly (B
Hoping you actually got the endoscopy in the end because that post above sounds like it is working towards it all going pear shaped after the form filling was done....
@Pattidevans I have been asked on no less than 3 occasions by 3 medical professionals in the past year whether I am a type 1 or type 2 diabetic. Makes me wonder whether the notes are simply burnt after reading by the first person who sees them? Sorry to hear about your fiasco but pleased to hear about your Costa - one of my faves!
Oh no! I now see your full account and I was right in interpreting the first part of your post as the procedure not having gone ahead AFTER ALL THAT!! You must have been seething! Quite impressed that your BG levels dropped as you got closer to having the endoscopy. I am pretty certain the stress would have pushed mine through the roof.

Probably not the most typical day for doing a basal test, but if you can take that as a useful positive from the whole fiasco and a Costa grilled sarnie then I suppose it is something. Really pleased to hear the biopsies have come back clear, so that must be huge peace of mind.