Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone, 7.6 this morning.

Back from a lovely weekend in the Lakes, brilliant photography course on Saturday and some lovely pictures resulting from it. Learned so much and it has rekindled my interest and enthusiasm in photography. Weather was perfect on Saturday with sunshine, blue skies and a few clouds, perfect mix! Yesterday was dull and dry, but we still enjoyed being up there! Will share a couple of photos when I’ve had a chance to go through them!

Managed to keep out of hypo land all weekend, despite some exercise. Probably due to mis-judging carbs and not having enough insulin, but no really nasty highs, so I’ll live with that.

Have a good day everyone!

8.2 for me, first day back at work for me after 2 weeks off sick, I a, dreading it, had bad dreams, woke up shaking, I wish I didn’t have all this anxiety and could manage the stress, I use to be able to. Bakeclub with mum tonight.

Have a good Monday everyone
Good morning. Awake most of the night which was tedious. Ate a cheeky satsuma thingy at 3a.m. so quite happy with 6.00.
Still overcast but forecast to improve - I hope it does. Ah well at least I do not have to get up suffering the workers Monday blues. Curry planned for lunch, sadly without naan or popadums, but zingy enough to liven up a fossil.
Wishing everyone a good day.
Morning all, and it’s a 4.7 for me this overcast morning, at least there is no wind just for a change might just get an early bike ride in.

More gardening today and this evening I’m off to our local indoor bowls club for my first ever lesson, now that should be interesting.
Oops, forgot to post my reading of 5.6 earlier. 🙄 🙂

Another lovely sunny day after yesterday's gloom. May it stay that way! Please!

9.3 this morning due to an over-correction of a night hypo. Pre-Libre2 I may not have been so aggressive with it, and not had the sugary tea on top of the Dextrose and biscuit, but I just can't live with the scenario where you just get back to sleep after an (insufficiently fast) correction and the darn thing goes off again... and again! Totally ruins your night's sleep.

Not a lot on today, just shopping for groceries. My life is so exciting!!! LOL!

@eggyg lovely photos. I wouldn't swap our mattress, top of the range Hypnos (same make as those in Premier Inns) as recommended to me by my physio... but we did spend a lot of time lying on mattresses in a local shop that had a huge range, before deciding.

Have a good Monday all!
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
Going to bed my BG is about 7 in the morning it is generally about 9.4 so it seems I have the Dawn phenomenon. Lately I've been getting straight onto my turbo trainer for 30 minutes and that gets the BG down to about 8. What do other people do do deal with this. I'm careful about diet but the body seems determined to defeat my efforts!
Good morning peoples. 🙂 7.2 @ 7.27am not waiting for ten o'clock for my breakfast as brother coming and we eat early, any excuse to chomp so comfort food and a couple of chapters of The Shining. Last of the bread today. Last of anything and my new atm card doesn't work. Why is everything in life a hassle? Huge cat fight this morning, including my two. I feel fair frazzled. Looked forward to that new BBC healthy programme on all week at 10 and switched it off almost straightaway when a lady came on dripping all over the show. Can't watch that. What's up with this world? Where will it all end? There's only so many base things you can show for shock and entertainment, we're already showing peoples on the loo in adverts and now this so I won't be watching any more. Lasted all of ten to fifteen minutes. Grr agh. 😡 The Beeb stooping to a new low with bodily orifices, as if Martin Bashir wasn't enough.
Good morning you lovely lot! 5'3 today and very good mood so far.

I have my mind in the summer holidays. I'm having a little getaway in Prague and from there I'll fly to Spain. Haven't been to any country other than England or Spain in the last 3 years, I'm excited about it! All flights and accommodation are booked, now just need to sort a few buses and trains, get insurance, stress over my luggage... :D

I must make sure I have enough diabetes supplies in advance. Ah, the times when my "medical equipment" was a handful of plasters and ibuprofen! Now I'm picking rooms based in wether or not there's a fridge available for my insulin. There's a few more logistics than just grabbing a backpack and passport these days but I won't let that stop me 😉
We had a lovely weekend in Prague about 10 years ago. It was relatively cheap back then and there were some very nice places to eat (as well as touristy places with dire food - just don't eat in the restaurants around the main square) and lots to see. I think you will definitely enjoy it!
We had a lovely weekend in Prague about 10 years ago. It was relatively cheap back then and there were some very nice places to eat (as well as touristy places with dire food - just don't eat in the restaurants around the main square) and lots to see. I think you will definitely enjoy it!
Yes we did as well the only thing that left a bad feeling was my OH had his wallet pickpocketed on the metro, which threw us into panic. It was well before anybody had mobile phones so it was very difficult to report and cancel cards etc. We went to this most awful police station where nobody spoke English. But otherwise it was a fab trip. The breakfast buffet table in the hotel was about 15 metres long and 3 metres wide with everything you could imagine on offer.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 so close

Aching a bit from yesterdays decorating efforts, but things are now going back together now in a few rooms.

It is so nice being able to move around the lounge and kichen again!!!

Today more putting stuff back and more painting.

The trickiest bit was getting the tuner and AV beast to talk together again (I like music). I had completely forgotten how the tuner works. It seemed ok and the display showed all the correct stuff but total silence. Oddly, and suddenly, it all burst into life. No idea why or how.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 5.0