Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

Shock this morning BG 7.0 doubted it. Re-washed my hands. Redid the blood test within 2 minutes, BG 5.3 phew! Just shows how easy it is to have contamination on fingers (if that is what it was).

Today painting then church then a nice walk on the beach this afternoon.

The house is already looking much better. Paint and spring clean. But as everything has had to be moved away from the walls, the house looks like a tip and there is no space. Hopefully we can put the lounge and kitchen back together today or tomorrow.

It's amazing how much paint a room needs and we are running out of paint now...ahhh an enforced rest!!!

Yup, it's looking a whole lot better now...



And to think that I could have had a new, clean, well decorated, beautiful house if only my BG had behaved itself !!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning - 6.3

I hd a really lovely birthday on Wednesday but on Thursday morning I slipped at the top of the stairs and fell headlong down them. I am badly battered and bruised, but friends have rallied round and took myself and my sister out yesterday for a few treats. I have got to try and drive because my sister needs to be taken to the coach station to begin her journey back to the UK. Wish me luck.
Morning all. 🙂 7.6 here.

Aw, ouch, poor you @Michael12421 - what a nasty accident. Glad to hear you had a lovely birthday and your sister was there to celebrate with you. Take care.

My OH is on his way back from Spain today. The dogs’ll be bouncing off the walls when they see him tomorrow - me too, of course. 😉
4.3 for me this morning after a substantial walk around the park yesterday afternoon for Pokémon Go community day (it was nice to see the bluebells coming out).

Church this morning, I think I might walk since I've woken early, though it looks like l will need to take my raincoat with me
5.5 for me this morning. 🙂
Forecast cloudy/mostly cloudy all day. :(

And it’s a 4.4 this fine sunny morning, here’s hoping the rest of the day continues in the same way - more gardening hopefully.
Morning all from the wet and windy Highlands. As the great, late Dina Carroll said “ what a difference a day makes.” Yesterday was glorious . A high, for me, 7.3. Yesterday spent sitting on my bum didn’t help.

Just going to the beach today when the rain stops. It’s less than a mile away, we visited this beach last year and it’s got the most gorgeous white sands and looks over to the Small Isles, Rhum, Eigg. The cottage is “ quaint” for want of a better word. The bedroom, up a spiral staircase is like a boudoir! Glass bedside tables, touch sensitive lights, a chaise longue, beautiful crisp white bedding, the wood burning flue runs through the middle of it and looks like something pole dancers would use! Downstairs looks like the lounge in a care home, all brown wood furniture and a china cabinet stuffed full of everything. Think they must have ran out of money when they were doing it up! Ah well, it’s made us laugh. Now where’s my thong and clear plastic high heels? :rofl:

@Robin congratulations on your Glencoe house special. Can you please send me a photo of a winning lottery ticket. 😉
@Michael12421 hope things are better for you today.

Have a super Sunday y’all.
Good morning - 6.9

I went into London by train yesterday to visit my sister and we went to the V&A museum. Absolutely amazing amount of history
Well, it was a whopping 13.5 for me and above range all night. I woke about 4am on 11.4 very restless but was so tired I fell asleep again before I rallied myself to inject a correction. That was despite a 1.5 basal increase last night and I thought that was generous and fully expected being somewhere near the red line not above range. 🙄 I am starting to wonder/suspect a possible gluten/wheat intolerance. I so rarely eat obvious wheat products like bread and stuff now but when I do my levels go up and I have to inject lots more insulin than I should to get them back down hours afterwards. I had 4 cream crackers last night and a couple 2 nights ago when I woke to an 11, so starting to see a possible pattern. I won't be eating any more. Felt bloated last night after eating them and still do this morning. It was just quick and convenient when I had been busy all day and hadn't had much to eat and too late to start cooking.

Many congrats to @Robin on your House Special. So impressed that you can do them to order!

@Michael12421 Really sorry to hear you had such a nasty tumble. Gentle (((HUGS))). You must be made of seriously tough stuff to not be in ICU somewhere after that. I am guessing floors there are mostly tiled rather than carpeted, so probably even worse than we might imagine. Hope you feel better soon, but imagine you must be incredibly sore. Could a friend not take your sister back to the airport. It really sounds like you are not fit to drive.
Morning all

8 again this morning, I need to get back to eating better. Not much planned today, more reading, knitting and making a leek and goats cheese tart for Bakeclub tomorrow, I have cheated and bought ready made pastry, I usually make my own, but I am still low on energy with this anxiety/depression so just making something and going is important.

@Robin congratulations on your HS,

@Michael12421 so sorry to hear of your fall, hope you heal quickly

@eggyg love your description of the cottage, hope the weather brightens up for you today.
In this world I am amazed that no one has developed an accurate blood test meter. It would cost more and I have no idea how many people would be interested in more accuracy. Clealy not the biggest buyer - the NHS

So I expect variance and a slightly inaccurate result.

Maybe I can reasonably claim that all my readings are in actual fact 5.2 🙂
Actually I'm impressed that the gear we have is as accurate as it is given that it uses very small samples in non laboratory conditions. I'm sure that some really accurate non invasive kit will come along before we're all cured in ten years.
Morning all. 7.1 @ 7.10am after a very bitty nights sleep due to acid from the stupid food I'm eating. Why do I treat myself like this when I could feel on top of the moon on low carb? I dunno. 🙄 Have a nice, peaceful Sunday all. It's the Marathon today, so the Rector at my old town isn't expecting anybody. He said so last week. :rofl: He can have a day off.
Morning all - after yesterday's glorious weather today is uniformly grey and misty.

7.3 this morning on a new Libre... will have to check it against bloods but usually I am lucky and the Libres are accurate.

Congrats on the HSs @Robin and @MrPixels

@Michael12421 I am so sorry to hear of your fall. I know well how very frightening it is, especially that moment when you know you are going and can do nothing about it! I hope you heal quickly.