Group 7-day waking average?

Nice graph @Gwymm. Would you be happy to do a calc for me and share the results?

Look up the date of any HbA1c's you have and calculate your average bg over the 90 days preceding it? I would dearly like to know if anybody else's data matched the correlation I have found from my own data:

Morning all. 🙂 It’s a 7.9 for me this morning. Why is it when I tweak my basal, everything’s hunky-dory for two or three days, then everything goes pear-shaped again? Fffleeuurrrgh...back to the drawing board!

Hope the sun shines all the way to your holiday cottage @eggyg. 🙂
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Morning all. Libre 9.7, finger prick 8.4. This sensor is taking time to settle. I had a low alarm in the night (ehich i didnt double check, too tired) so i had a JB, followed by not long later a high alarm. I wish it would make its mind up.

Nothing planned for today apart from hair cut and coloured this morning.

Safe journey @eggyg. Have a good holiday.
Morning. 5.0 this morning.

I really enjoyed my walk yesterday (especially the company), we saw a few seals too which was nice. Most options at the cafe we went to did still have bread as part of the meal, I went for the Scouse and only had some of the bread provided.

Walking somewhere probably this afternoon as it's Pokémon Go community day but not sure yet whether my youngest will want to go with me or whether it'll be a solo walk today, so that may influence where I go.
Not testing today but have planned a lower carb day than usual so not concerned.

Yesterday’s therapy was the first time we actually did some EMDR rather than just talking therapy. It brought some stuff up which needs to be moved through and will be in future sessions.
Sleep last night, with a sleeping tablet, didn’t give any nightmares but did give plenty of imagery about cutting memories out of my brain so that they could be examined in close detail.

Probably going to theatre this afternoon for a change. And for fellow Star Trek and Mrs Maisel fans out there how great were the episodes this week?! (No spoilers!)
Morning. 5.0 this morning.

I really enjoyed my walk yesterday (especially the company), we saw a few seals too which was nice. Most options at the cafe we went to did still have bread as part of the meal, I went for the Scouse and only had some of the bread provided.

Walking somewhere probably this afternoon as it's Pokémon Go community day but not sure yet whether my youngest will want to go with me or whether it'll be a solo walk today, so that may influence where I go.
Do you Pokémon Go with the youngest or do you compete against them?
Do you Pokémon Go with the youngest or do you compete against them?
I made both my kids join the same team as they had chosen for me without asking (back in the days when you could play while driving and they were playing with my phone while I was driving) :rofl: . My oldest rarely plays now, and youngest doesn't play that often. (I don't even quite play every day now).

It seems that I will be walking alone so I get to choose where to go entirely....
I made both my kids join the same team as they had chosen for me without asking (back in the days when you could play while driving and they were playing with my phone while I was driving) :rofl: . My oldest rarely plays now, and youngest doesn't play that often. (I don't even quite play every day now).

It seems that I will be walking alone so I get to choose where to go entirely....
I can’t recall the last time I played!
@Elenka_HM I owe you a house. Have this one.
It’s surrounded by hundreds of bird boxes.
It's a 4.7 for me this morning. 🙂

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7.1 for me this morning and a nice safe washing line graph in the middle of range so happy with that. I did a good couple of hours of exercise yesterday (running, yomping and hauling haylage and feed up the hill on my back), so knocked my evening Levemir down to zero again and that looks to have worked well. Leg and back muscles are complaining but they can get on with it.
Off to do some more work with my friend's pony, training it to trailer load calmly and quietly and be relaxed. Today might be the day we actually have a little ride up the road and then stop and get her out and see if she will go back in.... the big test! Will see how the session goes as to whether to take it that far. She is doing really well and walking in on a loose rope with no resistance and standing on a loose rope with the front open and the breast bar down whilst we close the back, but she is anxious about the back ramp going up. It is a world away from the dangerous situation we started with where the owners donned hard hats and body protectors before we even started 😱and the pony was rearing and kicking and not prepared to even try to go in the trailer.

Yes, many congrats to @Elenka_HM on your House Special yesterday. A bit of extra sleep obviously did your BG the world of good.

8.2 today, which will mainly consist of knitting and reading.

Have a good Saturday
@Docb calc done

HbA1c in August 2022 was 37

Blood tests May 12th to August 12th twice daily

The 90 days average of finger prick testing gave 5.12 equating to an HbAc of 29

During that time, at the point of testing, the lowest reding was 3.9 and the highest was 5.6

So, in terms of a home calculated HbA1c at least 8 out, accounted for by the times inbetween testing being higher (meal times) and not captured.

Looking at the present going back 90 days gives an average of 5.19 equating to an HbA1c of pretty much the same so I am expecting my next HbA1c test to come back with the same 37

During that time, at the point of testing, the lowest reading was again 3.9 and the highest 5.6

Is that what you wanted ?

I continued to look at occurences/frequency and the expected bell curve was produced,...

I am unhappy with my rushed table. Rechecking the calculations now. Will repost when I am satisfied that the calculations are correct. Too much rushing!

It will be interesting to see what the next HbA1c result is
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