Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK it didn't smell or taste like cheese. Maybe I'll try it in a sandwich or on cauliflower tonight. Might turn out a lot cheaper than the supermarket cheeses too!! 🙂
Morning all. 6.2 on this cold, but lovely morning. Just catching the last of the sunrise, it’s beautiful.

I’ve been up an hour already and awake since 3.45! I won’t sleep well tonight either. Nana nap this afternoon if I have time. Hoping to set off no later than 8.30am tomorrow. We found out on Monday that the short ferry we need to take over Loch Linnhe is off for the foreseeable. Main ferry been in dry dock for six months and the 47 year old stand in has broken! The Ardnamurchan residents are up in arms, as you can imagine. It’s all getting very heated and political on the socials. I’m expecting to see placard wielding kilted demonstrators when we get there. We now have an extra 50 miles to drive around the loch, and it’s not motorway/duel carriage way or even a normal two way road, a lot of it is single track road. It’s ok for us as tourists as of course the scenery is amazing, but for the locals going to work or school on the other side of the loch, it’s a nightmare. Not to mention getting supplies delivered etc. It’s only a five minute crossing but it might as well be a million miles wide if you can’t get across it.

I’ll try and check in in the morning, albeit briefly ( was that a great sigh of relief I heard?). If not have a good life!
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Morning all. 🙂 Oo, oo, a 5.2. What a nice surprise. 🙂

The weather forecast is spot-on at the mo - it’s Friday, so it’s raining again. Lots happening today - Welsh book club this morning, then garden rubbish needs to go to the tip, and finally my office needs a tidy-up before lesson planning for next week. I like being busy! 🙂
4.3 this morning. Woke early again despite not going to bed till after 2am as I suddenly realised at 10pm that I had forgotten to take my jeans off and put a wash load on with them (they really needed washing, and I wanted them clean for today, and my washing machine takes about 3 hours to do a load unless it's on quick wash which I don't like using when clothes are actually visibly dirty).

I did an experiment for lunch yesterday - had a commercial sandwich for lunch rather than soup and very few carbohydrates like normal. Since my pre lunch reading was 4.9 and post meal was 8.8, I think I might be best not to start having sandwiches for lunch again. I dread to think what it was on Monday after the even more carbs that were in the meal available from the café then but I plan to make that meal a one off and not have lunch at that café again unless they have something on the specials menu that looks less carby!

Plans for today are a walk with a friend to an island (tidal access so we have planned our timings accordingly) and he has suggested getting a meal afterwards - the cafe he has suggested looks to have some better options for low carb from their menu.
Congratulations on the HS @Bloden !
I've just realised we are over 100,000 posts in here now according to what I can see. @pawprint91 got the honour of the 100,000th post!
5.3 - yay! Hopefully things are getting back to normal for me. For a moment I was wondering if I had suddenly become totally insulin resistant! Bit scary really and it brought back the anxiety of what type I am, even though the hospital told me I am definitely T1. Maybe it was some infection causing the high BGs? I think having the Libre for me just shows me more of what is going on, I probably wouldn’t have been so aware of BG just doing the odd fingerprick test.

Congratulations @Bloden on your HS!

@eggyg - enjoy Scotland! Sorry to read about your extra 50 mile route. I remember those single track roads, never liked them! Off to the Lakes today for our photography course tomorrow, exciting stuff!

Have a great day everyone!
Well done @Bloden on the 5.2. 🙂
5.5 for me this cold but sunny morning.

@Bloden have a house!
It’s big enough for you to invite us all round I think.

10.1 this morning.

Have the day off today, as it is the last day of the school holiday and we were planning a family picnic, but it is piddling down, so we'll have to plan something else. Maybe a sofa day watching movies with the monkeys.

Have a lovely Friday everyone.
Good morning - 5.8
And I’ll join @Toddyken with a 5.1 this overcast morning, at least the wind has dropped to an acceptable level at the moment.

8 this morning, going the wrong way again. Nothing planned today.

@Bloden congratulations on your HS

@eggyg hope you and Mr eggy have a lovely time in Scotland