Group 7-day waking average?

@rebrascora sorry to hear you had a turbulent bg night :( hopefully things have levelled out for you today.

@Michael12421 I'm so sorry to hear about your fall, be kind to yourself as you recover!

I was 6.5 this morning - had bottomless brunch yesterday which I did say I wasn't going to be having much to drink at but I was with friends who love a cocktail or two so ended up having more than I initially anticipated/intended. The sugars went up to 15 o_O I think this is because I underbolused for the chips I had with my food by 1u in hindsight, and also I think consuming a few cocktails over a couple of hours as opposed to a day as you might on a day out normally sent them firing up. However, I just did a few tentative corrections (was nervous about giving one big dose due to the alcohol involved) and then we went and played crazy golf so lots of gentle walking about. 2 hours later they had then come down to 4.8 and stayed there pretty much until I went to bed (even after underbolusing for some white bread toast (usually have no added sugar brown!)). Did eat a cereal bar too before bed as I wasn't comfortable going to bed with a 4 in the number, went up to 6 and stayed there all night. I'm more annoyed about the fact I got terrible indigestion from the drinking/walking that took ages to shift than I am about seeing 15 as I suppose it was in a way very much 'self inflicted' by choosing to do a bottomless brunch, but I don't like on my TIR I now have 1% in the 13 and above category, that will haunt me for the next 90 days. :rofl:

Back to work for me tomorrow so I may be a little quiet, I definitely intend on coming back far more regularly than I did though! Hope everyone is enjoying their Sundays 🙂
@pawprint91 Giving you a gold star for managing your bottomless brunch so well. That looks like a huge success to me and Libre usually exaggerates those peaks so you were probably a bit lower than 15 in reality unless you double checked it with a finger prick but even if it was 15, in that situation I think it is still just a minor blip during a very tricky and extended "experiment" that you got a great final result from. The important thing is that you didn't hypo and you were back down and stable by bedtime and that is a great achievement.
@pawprint91 Giving you a gold star for managing your bottomless brunch so well. That looks like a huge success to me and Libre usually exaggerates those peaks so you were probably a bit lower than 15 in reality unless you double checked it with a finger prick but even if it was 15, in that situation I think it is still just a minor blip during a very tricky and extended "experiment" that you got a great final result from. The important thing is that you didn't hypo and you were back down and stable by bedtime and that is a great achievement.
Thank you as always for your lovely, kind words. Hope you’ve had more luck with your levels today after your rocky night **fingers crossed**
Good morning everyone

Tired this morning but lots of house painting to do today...sigh...slowly getting there.

BG 4.9
BP 126/73
Pulse 54

@Toddyken it have found it possible to keep my BG within good limits but it varies within that range quiite a lot. I am on no diabetic medications but do watch my diet having lost about a third of my body weight and do exercise quite a lot too.

From what I can see on this forum Type 1's seem to have a much tougher time witheir BGs, so I am happier (?) Being a Type 2 (if I am diabetic at all)

Here is a graph of my morning and evening blood glucose tests from diagnosis (chaos) to today (over 2 years of readings).

View attachment 25358

I also test specific foods in the afternoons (test, eat, 2hrs later test) and not one food has caused any BG problems

HbA1c is now 37 but it was 150 at dianosis

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Wow you have obviously done exactly what was asked of you to get the numbers where they need to be, are you now classed as Pre-D , I like the look of the coloured graph , what app is that on please .
Thank you as always for your lovely, kind words. Hope you’ve had more luck with your levels today after your rocky night **fingers crossed**
Thanks. Bit up and down today and needed some fire fighting with corrections and then a few carbs as dropped fast as soon as I was busy and not keeping a close enough eye on it but currently in the 5s, so I am winning at the moment. Been away with the horses to do a wedding for a girl who is a member of our driving club, so I wasn't able to keep my eye on the ball as much as it needed today but not a big problem and feel so very lucky to have Libre ... although sensor changeover happened right as I was having a low...... but at least there is a gap on the graph/data for that period rather than a red line and time below range.
@Toddyken sorry but it is my own App. An ongoing personal project in design and programming

It has the side effect of helping me to keep healthy ! 🙂
Good morning everyone. Slept really well but woke up late at 5am

BG 4.9 excellent
BP 120/73 excellent
Pulse 51 a bit low
Oxy 97 so no problems

Still aching after yesterdays painting and crawl/walk. Broken the back of the painting/cleaning now. However, the hall/landing area looms.

Today, yes, more painting, emptying a room and, more painting, a nice walk too. My wifes painting skill has really developed and I would say that now she is much better than me too.

Tonight Scampi and chips or some such like

I think the decorating is coming on nicely...



Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning - 6.3

First day of term

Have a good day everyone
Morning all. I'm joining @Lily123 with a 6.3 and also first day of term. I'd better get up! Have a good day everyone.
Morning. 1st day of term for me too

8.3. Have a good day.
It is also the first day of term for me, too! I know this will mean a rocky week whilst basal is adjusted, already dropped one unit in anticipation!

I was 4.9 on waking today 🙂

Hope everyone has a good week/Monday!
Morning. 4.6 for me. Kids are back to school but I have switched my days off this week (for work reasons) so am off today. I'm going to have a cultural trip to see cathedrals with a friend. And I'm sure we will get lunch somewhere but not sure where.
Morning all from the sunny, but breezy Highlands. 6.8 and a unicorn.

Had a lovely day yesterday, chilled in the morning whilst the rain lashed against the windows and when it started to fair, walked to the beach 10 minutes away. Absolutely stunning, white sands and hidden coves, rock pools and seals. We spent three hours there, all on our lonesome. If it hadn’t started to rain again we might still be there.

Mr Eggy made me laugh earlier, unintentionally I may add. I told him I’d had a good night, again, at home I don’t sleep well at all and wake up at ungodly hours and can’t get back to sleep. He said, if you carry on sleeping well this holiday we’ll ( at this stage I was getting really excited) strip the bed and see what make the mattress is! I thought he was going to say, we’ll buy a cottage in the Highlands! Ah well, it’s looking like I might be getting a new mattress when we get home! :rofl:

Have a Happy Monday all. 🙂

Here’s some photos if you’re interested.


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