Group 7-day waking average?

And yet it’s another 5.6 for me today, that will be four I’ve had this week.
Just for a change it’s raining today and the wind has stopped I’m pleased to say.
A five on the nose for me today. 🙂

Only 2 devices to change today, microwave & BG meter.

Morning all. A 5.5 for me, ages since I’ve been in Fiveland. After yesterday’s torrential rain it’s nice to see the paths are dry and it’s sort of bright.

We took Zara to a soft play yesterday. Wow! It’s been a few years since I’ve been, well before the pandemic. Absolute bedlam. Zara wasn’t happy with the toddler slide/ soft play area. Oh no, we were dragged onto the big kids’ adventure area with big ( huge) slides and lots of climbing. She only turned two last month but obviously has inherited her parents’ adrenaline junkie genes! I only went on the big slide twice, Mr Eggy copped for it most of the time and they even went on the almost vertical slide! 😱 I.5 hours of “fun”. After lunch we all had a nap!:rofl: We delivered her home about 3.30 and had another nap when we got back! Quiet day at home today.

Have a super, hopefully, sunny Sunday all. 🙂
Here’s a couple of pics. I’m the one who looks terrified!


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Good morning - 6.0
Morning all - bright and sunny but a stiff cold breeze. When will it warm up? Several years we've been on the beach in March. Not his year!

10.1 this morning. Serves me right for not getting my finger out and adjusting basal, still I have done it now. Hope it works.

@eggyg I admire your bravery on those slides!

We have treated ourselves to a nice piece of beef, which I will roast later. I was shocked at the price of ready made Yorkshire puddings, will make my own, easy and cheap enough though free range eggs have gone up from £2 a dozen to £3 and I do doubt they are actually free range. Avian flu I presume as there were very few eggs on the shelves.

Have a good Sunday all
Good morning. 5.9.
Thought I had slept in - well I had but not quite as much as the wall clocks said. Fortunately the electronic stuff has up dated itself. The wall clocks are hung 8ft up - I think will get them taken down - no sense in wobbling about on steps unnecessarily.

I had a rather frightening afternoon yesterday. Looking about me I considered that the state of the place might put off the new cleaner - a week of lazing about trying to cosset my stupid BP had left an unattractive drift of dog hair, hay, shavings and Godknowswhat over everything bar the kitchen worksurface. So I set to and attacked the 3 rooms I use. I was just finishing up when I was "took all peculiar".

BP had dropped through the floor, heart rate wildly high, AF like a jazz drummer on drugs, pain in chest quite remarkable, oxygen levels a bit low. GTN in kitchen, bum in study, so I sat down and waited....50 years of taking notes is a habit not lightly discarded -"That" I thought as I scribbled "ought to help to coroner." Slowly the pain eased and after 1/2 hour the numbers reverted to something recognisable so I toddled off to the kitchen for a cuppa and a further sit down. Fortunately all the metering kit lives by the desk.

Think I had better get a new GTN spray...I'll ask the GP if it would have helped if within reach. No point in ringing neighbours, who would fuss uselessly, or ambulance as it would either find a stiff or an old lady toddling about given waiting times. Think I must set up some sort of daily confirmation I am still above the turf as Wolfie and the horses will need care if I am off duty. Anyway I am OK this morning, just a bit wibbly-wobbly with minor ringing in ears - dunno where that has come from.

What does John Buchan say? "Hot tea and good whisky keeps the Dr out of the close". Feel quite tempted to lay in a decent malt but, sadly, doubt it would be good for the BG and solo drinking is a stupid vice. Fingers crossed that the new cleaner is worth her money and the new gardener knows weeds from plants. I want to save my energy for really enjoyable things.

Hope everyone having a peaceful and happy Sunday.
6.9 for me this morning and managed to stay in range all night. Thanks to everyone for their care and support through my hiccup the other day, although it was totally self inflicted, so I feel a bit of a fraud. I think it is important to document the bad along with the good, so that people, particularly newbies, can see it isn't all plain sailing, but also the sort of things you need to think about to keep yourself safe when the wheel does come off.

Really sick of the dampness and mud now. :(
Libre and Caresens BG meter clocks updated.
@TinaD Really sorry to read that you had such a nasty turn, but love the fact that you made notes for the coroner. As a retired PC who has attended many sudden deaths on behalf of the coroner, I think that is really considerate! Hope you are back to your more normal self today, but yes. I too worry about what would happen to my animals if something happened to me and no body was aware for a couple of days.
Morning all - bright and sunny but a stiff cold breeze. When will it warm up? Several years we've been on the beach in March. Not his year!

10.1 this morning. Serves me right for not getting my finger out and adjusting basal, still I have done it now. Hope it works.

@eggyg I admire your bravery on those slides!

We have treated ourselves to a nice piece of beef, which I will roast later. I was shocked at the price of ready made Yorkshire puddings, will make my own, easy and cheap enough though free range eggs have gone up from £2 a dozen to £3 and I do doubt they are actually free range. Avian flu I presume as there were very few eggs on the shelves.

Have a good Sunday all
Since we started making yorkshire puddings at home the children flat out refuse to eat shop bought ready made ones.
I went to the gym!!!

First time since probably last June maybe.

Brace still on my ankle of course, and only cardio (bike, upper body bike thing, treadmill) for a total of 30 minutes but I’m chuffed!
Good morning. 5.9.
Thought I had slept in - well I had but not quite as much as the wall clocks said. Fortunately the electronic stuff has up dated itself. The wall clocks are hung 8ft up - I think will get them taken down - no sense in wobbling about on steps unnecessarily.

I had a rather frightening afternoon yesterday. Looking about me I considered that the state of the place might put off the new cleaner - a week of lazing about trying to cosset my stupid BP had left an unattractive drift of dog hair, hay, shavings and Godknowswhat over everything bar the kitchen worksurface. So I set to and attacked the 3 rooms I use. I was just finishing up when I was "took all peculiar".

BP had dropped through the floor, heart rate wildly high, AF like a jazz drummer on drugs, pain in chest quite remarkable, oxygen levels a bit low. GTN in kitchen, bum in study, so I sat down and waited....50 years of taking notes is a habit not lightly discarded -"That" I thought as I scribbled "ought to help to coroner." Slowly the pain eased and after 1/2 hour the numbers reverted to something recognisable so I toddled off to the kitchen for a cuppa and a further sit down. Fortunately all the metering kit lives by the desk.

Think I had better get a new GTN spray...I'll ask the GP if it would have helped if within reach. No point in ringing neighbours, who would fuss uselessly, or ambulance as it would either find a stiff or an old lady toddling about given waiting times. Think I must set up some sort of daily confirmation I am still above the turf as Wolfie and the horses will need care if I am off duty. Anyway I am OK this morning, just a bit wibbly-wobbly with minor ringing in ears - dunno where that has come from.

What does John Buchan say? "Hot tea and good whisky keeps the Dr out of the close". Feel quite tempted to lay in a decent malt but, sadly, doubt it would be good for the BG and solo drinking is a stupid vice. Fingers crossed that the new cleaner is worth her money and the new gardener knows weeds from plants. I want to save my energy for really enjoyable things.

Hope everyone having a peaceful and happy Sunday.
Oh heck @TinaD, what an awful experience for you but as usual you relate it in your usual self deprecating way. You’re made of strong stuff. I’ve never had a cleaner but I’d be exactly like you, I’d have to clean the house from top to bottom before they came, which sort of defeats the object.
I’ve often felt that I might die but unfortunately never had a pen and paper handy, but once after one of Mr Eggy’s many heart attacks, he was laying in A&E upside down, his BP was in his boots, he said he was dying and then proceeded to tell me where the life insurance policies were and the wills! I knew they were in his “office”/ spare bedroom and I would have found them eventually, but I got the colour of the file, which drawer it was in and what it said on the index card! He is not the most organised person on the planet, he leaves that to me, but he does sometimes surprise me. For example he’s still here, and I’m sure you will be here for many more years too. Take care and let the cleaner do the bloody cleaning!
Oh heck @TinaD, what an awful experience for you but as usual you relate it in your usual self deprecating way. You’re made of strong stuff. I’ve never had a cleaner but I’d be exactly like you, I’d have to clean the house from top to bottom before they came, which sort of defeats the object.
I’ve often felt that I might die but unfortunately never had a pen and paper handy, but once after one of Mr Eggy’s many heart attacks, he was laying in A&E upside down, his BP was in his boots, he said he was dying and then proceeded to tell me where the life insurance policies were and the wills! I knew they were in his “office”/ spare bedroom and I would have found them eventually, but I got the colour of the file, which drawer it was in and what it said on the index card! He is not the most organised person on the planet, he leaves that to me, but he does sometimes surprise me. For example he’s still here, and I’m sure you will be here for many more years too. Take care and let the cleaner do the bloody cleaning!
Mr Eggy is a man after my own heart but a bit more gung ho about the grim reaper! I thought I wouldn't wait until I heard him sharpening the scythe so I told my son-in-law last year : "Its all in the only red box file in the bookcase by the desk". As for the cleaner your advice is impeccable. I had best get on to Amazon - Henry needs a fresh box of bags.
5.3 for me this morning.

@Pattidevans while I agree with @Carlos that homemade Yorkshire puddings are far superior, most of the supermarkets do a pack of 15 frozen mini ones for about 50p in their value range. I often have a pack in my freezer as they're one of the things my fussiest teenager will eat (and at least contain a little more protein than mashed potatoes).

I didn't end up having the anticipated sausage roll yesterday at the stadium. Eldest had decided to come with me, first experience of a football game in the stadium not on TV, so got them a chicken burger outside before the match started and didn't fancy one myself, and we didn't quite make it through to half time before eldest got too overwhelmed and we had to leave (my kids, and almost certainly myself too, are autistic which is a significant part of why I haven't tried taking either of them to a match before as they are both very sensitive to noise and crowds). I did at least get to see the first goal before we had to leave! But it meant that yesterday ended up being a low carb day not the anticipated medium carb day. Today I have treated myself to a couple of packs of M&S extremely cheesy hot cross buns, had to buy two as they were on multi-buy offer :rofl: but will probably end up freezing some to space them out if kids don't decide to eat them. Limited myself to one with my soup for lunch.