Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - another bright sunny one! It did warm up to 15C in our back garden yesterday, but it is a sheltered spot.

12.9 this morning - went to bed on 6.2. Clearly I need to do more tweaking.

The yorkshire puds did not turn out well. Hubby insisted on putting them in the oven before the fat was smoking "or the resting beef will be cold". The beef was delicious though! @Eternal422 I saw the little frozen cook it yourself ones.... but I'll persist in making my own. Ashamed of myself otherwise as I was born and brought up in Yorkshire till I was 9. Mum was a Yorkshire woman through and through and she did teach me to make the darn things. Sheer lazyness on my part that I haven't made them for years!

@TinaD what a frightening time you had. Hope you are feeling better today but please don't overdo it!

Off to the vampire yet again this afternoon. Can't remember what for - retesting low sodium I think!

Have a good day all.
Was supposed to see the nurse for blood letting this morning but she’s ill so they cancelled that.

Back on the 4 step this morning with a 4.4.

Also, back to work and taking it very gingerly with breaks every half hour to stretch and do my physio exercises to prevent the shoulder from aching today. So far So good!

Lovely afternoon yesterday seeing friends, visiting a couple of nearby National Trust properties : Baddesley Clinton and Packwood House. Been to both before, but it must have been something like 20 years or so since visiting Packwood so that was nice to wander around once more.

No mention or more pressure to go into the office, so I’m keeping quiet about it and carrying on working from home which suits me just fine.

@goodybags - sounds like you are really busy with your renovation, I hope all goes well for you and you can move in soon!

Take care everyone and have a good day!
Morning all - another bright sunny one! It did warm up to 15C in our back garden yesterday, but it is a sheltered spot.

12.9 this morning - went to bed on 6.2. Clearly I need to do more tweaking.

The yorkshire puds did not turn out well. Hubby insisted on putting them in the oven before the fat was smoking "or the resting beef will be cold". The beef was delicious though! @Eternal422 I saw the little frozen cook it yourself ones.... but I'll persist in making my own. Ashamed of myself otherwise as I was born and brought up in Yorkshire till I was 9. Mum was a Yorkshire woman through and through and she did teach me to make the darn things. Sheer lazyness on my part that I haven't made them for years!

@TinaD what a frightening time you had. Hope you are feeling better today but please don't overdo it!

Off to the vampire yet again this afternoon. Can't remember what for - retesting low sodium I think!

Have a good day all.
Tell Hubby he is only a sous chef - you, Queen of the kitchen, make the decisions. Yorkies are serious business! Don't worry I am taking things carefully - new cleaner is Type 1, seems a nice lass, wants tips on veggie gardening and has moved a good deal of dust in 2 hours. Tomorrow the new gardener for interview...decided there are no pockets in a shroud so less doing everything myself and more spending. Trouble is I doubt I can do "upstairs downstairs in a bungalow"...
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Morning all - another bright sunny one! It did warm up to 15C in our back garden yesterday, but it is a sheltered spot.

12.9 this morning - went to bed on 6.2. Clearly I need to do more tweaking.

The yorkshire puds did not turn out well. Hubby insisted on putting them in the oven before the fat was smoking "or the resting beef will be cold". The beef was delicious though! @Eternal422 I saw the little frozen cook it yourself ones.... but I'll persist in making my own. Ashamed of myself otherwise as I was born and brought up in Yorkshire till I was 9. Mum was a Yorkshire woman through and through and she did teach me to make the darn things. Sheer lazyness on my part that I haven't made them for years!

@TinaD what a frightening time you had. Hope you are feeling better today but please don't overdo it!

Off to the vampire yet again this afternoon. Can't remember what for - retesting low sodium I think!

Have a good day all.
Rule of thumb, if the smoke detector doesn't go off when you take the tin with the fat out of the oven then it isn't ready for the batter.
Rule of thumb, if the smoke detector doesn't go off when you take the tin with the fat out of the oven then it isn't ready for the batter.
So true! The problem is that if the smoke detector does go off, you instinctively want to put the Yorkie tray of hot fat down to waft the alarm with your oven glove.... and then the fat gets cooler. Working through the smoke alarm to get the batter evenly distributed and the tray back in the over before you waft at the infuriating thing is a real challenge. I have to be honest, mine is currently sitting with the battery removed because it was doing my head in every time I opened the oven door. Naughty I know o_O
So true! The problem is that if the smoke detector does go off, you instinctively want to put the Yorkie tray of hot fat down to waft the alarm with your oven glove.... and then the fat gets cooler. Working through the smoke alarm to get the batter evenly distributed and the tray back in the over before you waft at the infuriating thing is a real challenge. I have to be honest, mine is currently sitting with the battery removed because it was doing my head in every time I opened the oven door. Naughty I know o_O
Having a 10 year old on stand by to press the mute button helps 😉

BTW you can get heat detection alarms instead of smoke ones to use in the kitchen. It stops all the burnt toast false alarms. See this for example.
Well I managed to sleep through (slash turn off in my sleep...) my alarms this morning and wake up in GMT so actually 8.18am and after we should have left.... Mad scramble and just about dropped kids at school on time and then came in to work but means I didn't get round to a morning BG, and not feeling very productive in work because (tbh) I am not in the mood to do anything. Though I have work to catch up on from the laptop deciding to no longer work on Friday evening... Called IT and apparently someone will need to come and look at it so not sure when that is likely to be.... The guy on the phone said hopefully this afternoon but that seems optimistic to me unless there was someone IT tech coming to my building this afternoon already
7.9 at 6.35am.
Eye injection this afternoon - number 10. I feel I need a cake !
4 days to the holidays for me.
Hope everyone has had a good day.
Good morning everyone.

In a bit of pain yestetday as I overdid the exercise. Enjoyed it tho (the exercise, not the pain)

And made my own pastry for the steak and kidney AND potato pie. Yup I forgot that I wasn't making a meat and potato pie! Still, it tasted really really good at tea time. I was going to post a picture of it but my cameras battery needs charging, so in the mean time here's a picture of my dogs enjoying cake...


BG 5.3
BP 124/76
Pulse 54

Today a tiny bit of adjustment to my App to remove something that annoys me but couldn't figure out what to do about it before. And some more, but less excessive, exercise.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning, early birds! 5'7 here.

The kettle finished boiling and I thought, let's make the tea before going to the toilet and when I'm back it will be ready. Came back a few minutes later looking forward to my hot drink...and there was my mug with a teabag and no water. That shows how awake I am o_O
6.2 this morning and ready for a cultural day today.

I’m off this morning to the National Gallery for their new exhibition After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art.
Then it’s a routine appointment with the surgeon to check my Achilles before Covent Garden and the ballet this evening.
It’s Cinderella so hopefully I’ll be able to follow the plot!
Good morning - 5.2
Morning all. 7.2.

let's make the tea before going to the toilet and when I'm back it will be ready. Came back a few minutes later looking forward to my hot drink...and there was my mug with a teabag and no water. That shows how awake I am
@Elenka_HM the other day i set the one cup up for my coffee and had the opposite, just a cup of hot water. I'd forgotten to put the coffee in the mug.

4 days left at work before Easter hols and i'm ready for the break.

Congrats on the HS @Lily123